great to hear!
can someone please show me how to vote? I can't read both sites cause its in a different language, so I don't know how to vote. I gotta show my support!
Hey insomiac,
on, you must type "Brokeback" into the white field "Filmsuche" below the ad on the left side. Then, click the button "Suchen" ("search"). Then, you see the button "Vote" : click it

Now, you can vote by clicking into the green field where it says "Hier bewerten" ("Vote here"). Then, you must only still press the "Speichern"-button to save your vote

On, it's easier. Just click the link,Brokeback%20Mountain.htmlBelow the ratings on the right hand side, you must click "Leserwertung" (Readers' vote) and then "10"

P.S: Due to technical problems, it's currently not possible to vote at