I got mine in the mail yesterday. Sometimes I'm a doofus when I order by mail when I could go and get it someplace and not pay S/H, but I didn't know I was going near anyplace or if it would be on the sale price of $16.99. So there I was at Best Buy myself last night and as rpmnh said, it was $16.99 there.
Another odd BBM thing at Best Buy: There were these paired DVD's for a lower price than two separately. I wish I'd paid better attention (not a good reporter here) but the movie that BBM (the regular DVD) was with was something that looked like a light comedy girly-ish movie I'd not heard of, with no one in it that especially caught my eye. I did think it was an odd pairing, whoever thought of that marketing idea. They don't have to get "chick-flick" afficionados to watch BBM -- they could have put it with some other movie to get some other target audience to watch it.