I went to the Westminster BestBuy today (southern california location) only to find out that they
completely out of stock although their computers said they had 12 left, guess they don't update fast enough huh? I went even as far as to check every single DVD section.. drama, western, comedy, etc just to see if it was misplaced. and the only one i saw was the one that came with another movie (2pack). Oh well, it was worth it!
Called 3 other stores in the area too.... they're all out

In a way im bummed, but at the same time
excited.. knowing that its a hot seller, and that more & more people are going to get touched by this
unbelievable, Amazing powerful love story. It's going to give people feelings they've never felt, and movies like this come once in a blue moon. It's going to touch lots of lives. and to those who have already seen it, they're going to re-experience
"an emotional rollercoaster" - Jake. so glad to hear that they're out!

If you guys didnt get a chance to get one, you can still get one for $6.88 at walmart (quanitiy varies, check local listings)