Anne looks gorgeous tonight...less make up than usual!!!
Heath is wearing is sunglasses again, and Michelle is in white!...and can't Phillip shave?
Quote from: francis.shim on Jan 29, 2006, 07:17 PMWell, dang... I guess I will have to git up like Jack!Peace,FrankFrank, let's go like a pair of deuce
Well, dang... I guess I will have to git up like Jack!Peace,Frank
omfg!! Jake looks SO HOT!!!!!!!
E! the TV channel...It's till 1am! So I don't mind staying a little bit longer!
George is saying "damn you are kicking my ass Ang"
George did have a great year, I mean Good Night Good Luck is a great movie and he did wonderful work in Syriana....butsometimes something just shows up...and changes everything...BBM baby!!!