OK, I'd like to revisit the presentation of BBM at the SAGS in the clear light of day.
I think that when BBM was created, everybody concerned thought that what they were making was a modest indy film based upon a wonderful piece of writing. NOBODY expected that it would evolve into the entertainment and sociological phenomenon that it has become. We now have a situation where some very young (albeit wonderfully talented) actors find themselves in the position of having to be spokespersons for something that is no longer a movie, but a force - and they have to do it again, and again, and again in all kinds of situations where the harsh light of public scrutiny is shined right on them. That is a LOT to pile on the shoulders of people who lack the life experience to be asked to consistently uphold high standards for this enormous responsibility.
I'm going to dismiss the presentation of BBM at the SAGS as an anomaly. and I hope that you will, too. Heath Ledger clearly is very uncomfortable under the spotlight, and that can be an agonizing thing to have to endure. He deserves our sympathy and support - he's an actor and a human being, not some paragon of perfection. There are people who function on a very high level in work or social situations that are highly structured, but they painfully crumble and retreat inwardly when the public expectation is more of a "free-fall" type of thing. Heath may very well be one of them. IF that is true, I would hope that those involved with BBM will get him a PR consultant and/or mental health specialist to HELP this man.
Let's keep our eyes on the ball. Despite any human failings or quirks (and who doesn't have them?), Heath gave us the wonderful gift of one of the great performances in movie history. That will remain true regardless of the outcome of ANY awards ceremony.
Damn, I'd REALLY like to see him shine luminously at the Academy Awards! I think that for Heath the man, that would be the biggest victory of all.
P.S. I know that many forum members are very young people. I apologize if any of this sounded patronizing to you. Yeah, some of us get older and acquire a degree of wisdom, but some of us just get OLDER - LOL!
P.P.S. If you read this before, sorry, but I put it in the wrong place!