Author Topic: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory  (Read 1903996 times)

Offline ksxks

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #630 on: Jan 23, 2008, 07:49 PM »
24 hours too long....

I have a really weird feeling I can't describe, I can't believe he's actually gone, I keep randomly breaking into tears, I've been a wreck at school today.

All the actors/singers with outward problems that have been splashed all over the papers for months, and yet it is Heath, so quiet, polite and mild-mannered, to die. It doesn't make sense.

I know what you mean, this feeling.  Like why him?  I think of all the people, the celebrities, who have been around forever, but we don't get to have Heath get older with us...

They were respectful of each other's opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected.

Offline jacks_key

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #631 on: Jan 23, 2008, 07:52 PM »
I was saying that just tonight:  "Why him?"  It's so unfair.
Heath Ledger: 1979-2008
Never enough time, never enough.

Offline frenchcda

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #632 on: Jan 23, 2008, 07:57 PM »

Lay me forever under a calmed sea
Where the night falls
Besides the changing winds that drowned my fears...
Its hidden ways are made into a hush
More cleverly placed, hence my pains its forgotten sorrows...
For this death flowered my grief
More blushing complaints
Gaudiness brazen in shames...
In the hopes to be bless
Where a time to come
Is slandered to dust
Be my wishful flight the same
As the wicked a fool’s decay
That once wore my flesh as its garment,
Now unveiled it headiest gloom
Only to lash away
The very words slithering upon my lips
To claim verses no longer content
To tame a raspiest repose itself
Gone astray in hollowness...
Where mourning a loss.
Lone a mountain it’s cloistered crosses
It safely poised a permanent frost
Above and below shadows upon my grave enthralled in lies...
As my weeping speech withered in nothingness...
What becomes the blood dull and dry?
Carved beneath my sleep
Are the tears of a scarred silence?
Its capricious contempt brooding a claim
Be it in between the past and future
A space at last out of this earth
I uttered a humbled cry
Is to let me see above this shoddy ground
What shady a life allowed a sealing of this place
It be for a lonesome love
To be filled with joy from the grace of breathe
In feeling my soul
So I may rest in truth eternally...

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Offline brober

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #633 on: Jan 23, 2008, 08:14 PM »
I had the privilege of meeting Heath twice, he crawled around on his hands and knees signing like mad for us,he and Michelle seemed to be really in love,he was biting his fingernails and she reached over and gently removed his hand from his mouth and  he promptly went mute.. she said" He can't talk unless I let go of his hand" I asked him about his gay uncle who had been a rolemodel for his crafting the character of Ennis. "He was tough , he could kick my ar**!" (laughter) . When it came time for him to leave he looked around frantically for Michelle in the crowd, without her he seemed lost. I rushed the stage stuck out my hand and he shook it ,I said "Congratulations on your nomination" He replied with those dancing black ball bearing eyes,and his shy half smile (just like Ennis).. "Thanks mate". I'm holding that autograph now, it is wet with my tears...G'day Heath, I'm glad to have met you. Thanks mate.

Offline jacks_key

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #634 on: Jan 23, 2008, 08:28 PM »
^^What a lovely story; thank you for sharing that!  You are fortunate to have met him.
Heath Ledger: 1979-2008
Never enough time, never enough.

Offline frenchcda

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #635 on: Jan 23, 2008, 08:45 PM »
Last night I could sleep a wink for all the world, I stayed up and watched Brokeback Mountain, a bit maso but it made even more special, however I had not seen the movie in a year, did not think for a moment that it would still affect me as it did it again, buckets and tears of sadness for such an awesome human being.

In the last year since the passing of my mother I started to suffer for insomnia, so at times I take sleeping pills also, however they are not very strong, I could not imagine how awful it must have been for Heath ledger to go trough sleep deprivation to such extreme, unknowingly unaware of the side effects of certain brand of sleeping pills and suddenly fall to sleep and tomorrows has come no more,
I have another brand of pills that are even stronger than the ones I take now and I know if I take more than two I am gone bye bye.

The media is having a field day with this sh***t about Heath saying that he had a drug problem, the guy was exhausted, like most up and coming to a higher standard of stardom in Hollywood they love to see greatness fall from grace and move on to the next victim and raping their memories.
there is even a church group that wants to boycott  his funeral in Perth, because of his involvement of his depiction of a gay cowboy in Brokeback Mountain, will hate ever cease to exist, that I know not, however I do know Love is greater than all this animosity prevailing ever so strongly from the far right fag haters of the world
For me I had a dream and hopes to see Heath Ledger in Vancouver for the filming of Imaginarium, his charisma and joie de vivre was contagious,
it truly breaks my heart to realize that he his no more part of this world,
yet in our hearts and in my soul I will carry the hopes he so humbly past onto us.
every time I look at my tattoos I will be reminded of his, how can I ever forget,
Dam Ennis I wish I knew how to quit you!
has much more meaning as " Ain't no reins on  this one "
thank you HEATH LEDGER for having lived in my time and in my era,
this has and will be a moment engraved eternally  :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(
       what is a belief if not a lack of knowing

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #636 on: Jan 23, 2008, 08:49 PM »
I had the privilege of meeting Heath twice, he crawled around on his hands and knees signing like mad for us,he and Michelle seemed to be really in love,he was biting his fingernails and she reached over and gently removed his hand from his mouth and  he promptly went mute.. she said" He can't talk unless I let go of his hand" I asked him about his gay uncle who had been a rolemodel for his crafting the character of Ennis. "He was tough , he could kick my ar**!" (laughter) . When it came time for him to leave he looked around frantically for Michelle in the crowd, without her he seemed lost. I rushed the stage stuck out my hand and he shook it ,I said "Congratulations on your nomination" He replied with those dancing black ball bearing eyes,and his shy half smile (just like Ennis).. "Thanks mate". I'm holding that autograph now, it is wet with my tears...G'day Heath, I'm glad to have met you. Thanks mate.
thank you for sharing this wonderful encounter ^f^
       what is a belief if not a lack of knowing

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #637 on: Jan 23, 2008, 08:50 PM »
   Kathy, that is so exactly right---the time opening up ahead of us from here, without Heath.  Have heard 2 new reports on the news that I
will not post in detail, as in each case, the report is from one network, and contradicts all other information.  But we should wait & see.  The
first suggests a delay in calling for medical help, of maybe 10-20 minutes, with Heath unconscious.  The second mentioned another drug, Zoloft,
which can have side effects of insomnia, restlessness, and disorientation. Either of these true, and it's time for some accountability.  I know we
are holding off, and should, but if any part of this was from the mistakes of others, we have a right to know,  We do.
  Well, the first wave, of shock, may be passing.  Next, there'll be fatigue.  And then a dull ache that won't go away.  And then, the years ahead,
without him.
   Am going to try for some rest, but I know I'll be back in the middle of the night, unable to sleep.  We sort of have to grieve together, as the
outside world will never really understand.  Heath was family.

Offline frenchcda

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #638 on: Jan 23, 2008, 08:58 PM »
BTW: I don't give a hoot about what the coroner is going to say, the media has been speculating about this and that and just to attract readership and ratings, Heath Ledger did not take his life, it makes no sense!
he was tired took some sleeping pills and with pneumonia he fell into a deep sleep peacefully. That is my take on it, and it will not change.
All i know with certainty is his life has giving me a profound appreciation of what love is beyond all the world hatred, for his portrayal  of Ennis Delmar, he resurrected  what we human beings had left in the abyss of your soul too long ignored, and he brought to the surface all heartily
beyond all boundaries   
hatred may LURE  and yet LOVE RULE
       what is a belief if not a lack of knowing

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Offline frenchcda

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #639 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:00 PM »
We sort of have to grieve together, as the
outside world will never really understand.  Heath was family

Tony you have spoken so truthfully :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(
       what is a belief if not a lack of knowing

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #640 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:01 PM »
Tammy, my heart is with you. I know how you feel. :ghug:

And don't believe the press, they're only speculating and spreading rumours. Heath loved playing the Joker, he said it's the most fun he's ever had with a character, and he was filming a movie with Terry Gilliam now and he adored Terry and loved working with him, he said himself that Terry was his favorite director. Don't read ugly things that people are saying about him, don't do that to yourself. They don't know him. He was a talented, loving, beautiful human being, that's all that matters.

Amen to that. Tonight is harder than last night. I think the shock is starting to wear off just a tiny bit. I've cried on and off all day and had some sobbing fits before. I'm so glad we are all here to offer each other comfort and to celebrate his life.  :ghug:
“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one ~ Imagine- J. Lennon

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #641 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:14 PM »
Today I am still in shock of what happened today but am also thankful and relieved. I talked to my friend Val today after our big english exam and we soon got on the tpoic of the death of Heath Ledger. What she told me is that her friend Victoria is a big fan, introducing her to his film "Lords of Dogtown". From then, she has seen the Brothers Grimm and wants to see all of BBM which she has not been able to yet. She suggested that sometime this weekend we would commerate Heath by getting together, only friends who know the actor and love his work. Me and Val talked later tonight and have figured around 5 ppl come, watching 3 movies tops, espically BBM and Lords of Dogstown at my house. I'm worried about how I will deal with watching him again but I know it will hopefully help me grieve with his loss. I have also decided to create notebook dedicated to him, showing pictures from his life to his death..I have already gathered 2 from the Newsday newspaper this morning...oh Heath, how I wish all of this was just a long, long nightmare..
"The day I stop having fun, I'll just walk away." -- Heath Ledger

"For a moment in our lives, forever in our hearts." -- Heath Ledger, 1/22/08

"In the dark, I really felt like I could escape to anywhere.
To a place where anything could happen at any time.
Where chaos could reign but the world would never end."
-- Noah Mayer

As the World Turns -- April 2, 1956 - September 17, 2010

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #642 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:16 PM »
You will be missed so very much by all the Brokies  May you rest in Peace.
And you will live inside all our Hearts as long as there is a Jack&Ennis.
          Lov ya Always
             little jimmy

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #643 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:27 PM »
For some reason I've always felt that Heath Ledger was an extremely fragile person even though he had a lot of strength and integrity. He seemed too vulnerable for the film industry. Maybe that was his genius: to be able to get to the point artistically and career-wise to be able to express that vulnerability so publicly. When I first saw BBM I really couldn't believe how he was exposing himself to the world. That in itself seems to be his greatest legacy.

I got that impression too.  I loved what Ang Lee said today, "a vulnerability that made everyone who knew him love him."  I remember Ang Lee saying something about how Heath falling in love with Michelle during BBM was good for him.  It sounded like people who talked about Heath felt a need to take care of him and watch out for him.  It only made him more endearing.  What happened.  I was distracted at work all day.  Why does Heath Ledger affect me so.  I've never felt this way about any actor.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #644 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:31 PM »
     Frenchcda,  thank you for saying love will win.  It already has.  Those who were ignorant and expressed hate over BBM, they will never be
mourned nor loved as Heath has been.  They did not know how to love and will pass away, never having been truly loved.  Thank you also for
your beautiful poem.  And Cynical21, as well.  In writing as you have, there is the proof of victory, that lovers have won, for who would grieve
those of cold hearts?
    Michelle, it's going to be a while, before the world seems sane again.  We all are keeping a vigil, each in our own way, and even at work,
you were doing the same.   Damn, how I wish I could go lay flowers by that building.  It's so hard to say good-bye from a distance.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #645 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:36 PM »
Dear Brokies,

This afternoon I had the privilege to go to the apartment and paid our tribute and respect to Mr. Heath Ledger. As soon as I got off the subway station a few blocks away, my heart was so aching and my tears could not stop. Every step was the hardest I had ever experienced in my life and my body was shaking. Until then when I laid the flowers, I was hit by the reality and realized what had happened.

Thank you for being with me and giving me the strength to do it on behalf of this most wonderful community. My eyes have been dried and then are wet again. I ask myself why we have to go through this? We mourn the death of Jack from the movie and now we mourn the death of Heath from the real life. For them, we are stronger and become better people in honoring Jack and Heath.

We are now even closer to Heath and forever grateful for what he has given us. :\'(  :ghug: :ghug: to everyone of you. My heart and thoughts are with you.

Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #646 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:39 PM »
Thank you so much, Ethan  :\'(
You've changed things. Forever. There's no going back.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #647 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:39 PM »
Thank you so much Barb!! You have a big heart. And Thomas, if there were drugs or not, it was never going to change my feelings!!
But Barb, Thomas, I can't help suffer and being worried 'cause what if I was messing 'round his pix saying stupid things like he was so hot and hell and while he had problems, he was so sad and broken? What about it, huh? I'll feel like the most superficial and disgusting person in the whole world, saying dumbass things about him and his beauty when he was suffering so bad.... :\'(  :\'( My poor baby....
Don't you see it? I need to know that he was not in pain, that he died in peace!!!

Tammy, sweetie  :ghug: I need to know that too. And it may sound stupid or smack of denial on my part but the "official" story I am telling myself is that he went to sleep and went in peace. I need to believe that. No matter what the real official cause is, it's not going to sway the fact of who he was to me;to us. Heath gave me a gift in BBM and that was finding a family here. There would never be a way to repay that-ever. The best thing I can do is honor his memory.
“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one ~ Imagine- J. Lennon

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #648 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:49 PM »
Heath...we will always remember you - our forever Ennis!

Hope you are happy in heaven...

Rest in peace...T_T

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #649 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:56 PM »
thanks Ethan ^f^
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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #650 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:56 PM »
It's the stories about Heath with Matilda that make me cry the most, she's lost a daddy who loved her so much.  I can't bear this, the pain doesn't seem to be going away.  :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(

 :ghug: I know. Its an ache inside that just doesn't quit. I cried at work. My co-workers were so nice to me and came to check on me a few times. My youngest gave me hugs a few times. My middle daughter asked me how I was feeling today. My brain can't comprehend this at all. I keep waiting to wake up and have it be Tuesday morning again. I keep going in waves of feeling numb and then the tears come hard. I played the BBM soundtrack on the way into work- bad move on my part.  :\'( I'm going to NY on Friday to leave a candle and little tribute for Heath.
“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one ~ Imagine- J. Lennon

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #651 on: Jan 23, 2008, 09:58 PM »
Thanks for the pictures Ethan  :\'(

I'm going to NY on Friday to leave a candle and little tribute for Heath.

Thanks for doing this, you're brave  :ghug:
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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #652 on: Jan 23, 2008, 10:05 PM »
ethan thankyou for the pictures  :ghug:

"People's minds are like parachutes. To function properly they must first be open." - W.G.P.

It use to feel like a mass of dots. But more and more these days, I feel like we're all connected. (Latter Days)

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #653 on: Jan 23, 2008, 10:06 PM »
I'm gonna try to rest something...I'm here since this early morning and now it's 11:15 pm. I know in a so few hours I'll be back again; I doubt I can sleep. This day has been a painful nightmare. I wish I knew how to quit thinking about you my sweet baby Heath.  :\'(

I decided I hate the world.

I hate the fact that Brokeback Mountain took 7 years to make.
I hate that Jack Twist died.
I hate the fact that Brokeback Mountain didn't win best picture.
I hate that Heath didn't win best actor.
I hate that Australian Paparazzi attacked Heath with water guns.
I hate that Heath was forced to sell his home.
I hate that even after the efforts of Brokeback Mountain the Gay and Lesbian community is still being victimized.
I hate that Heath Ledger died.
I hate what his family and friends is going though.
I hate that Matilda will never meet her Dad.
I hate the paramedics couldn't revive him.
I hate knowing Heath died alone in his bed.
I hate the last image I will always have of Heath being chucked in the back of a car in a black morbid body bag.
I hate the 22nd of January
I hate waking up to the first day without Heath.
I hate crying.

But most of all I hate knowing I'll never see Heath in another film.
I hate a world without Heath.

I hate.

OMG  :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :ghug:
“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one ~ Imagine- J. Lennon

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #654 on: Jan 23, 2008, 10:09 PM »
We talk a lot about Jack's and Ennis's fragilness, flaws, inperfections, and vulnerablities  now its real life coming into our world.   I know we will had and will have the same compassion, love and caring for Heath Ledger, the man, the human being, as we do for Ennis.    

I won't give a damn about what is found, or not found.  All I know is that he is gone and it's our loss.  And when it all said and done, a little of him will be in all of us here. 

Amen MG  :ghug:
“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one ~ Imagine- J. Lennon

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #655 on: Jan 23, 2008, 10:13 PM »
Ethan, thank you so much for doing that. It really is a wonderful thing.  :ghug:

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #656 on: Jan 23, 2008, 10:15 PM »
Oh that is so nice to read that Jake is on his way to be with Michelle. I feel so terrible for all his family and friends.

I was watching the news a lot tonight to get any new info but mostly to see lots of old clips and interviews. I found it so sad to see his body being taken away on that awful stretcher.  And is it me or did anyone else thing that they werent' so gentle? He bounced on the curb, when the stretcher hit the back of the ambulance and it did look like they were tossing him in. Made me cry.   But I suppose, they were trying to just do it quickly.  Funny how you notice odd little things when you are grieving.

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #657 on: Jan 23, 2008, 10:17 PM »
 :ghug:  :ghug:  :ghug:
For a moment in our lives. Forever in our hearts.

"They were respectful of each other’s opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected." ~ BBM Short Story

There are three ways to ultimate success:
The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind. (Mister Rogers)

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #658 on: Jan 23, 2008, 10:19 PM »
Today I am still in shock of what happened today but am also thankful and relieved. I talked to my friend Val today after our big english exam and we soon got on the tpoic of the death of Heath Ledger. What she told me is that her friend Victoria is a big fan, introducing her to his film "Lords of Dogtown". From then, she has seen the Brothers Grimm and wants to see all of BBM which she has not been able to yet. She suggested that sometime this weekend we would commerate Heath by getting together, only friends who know the actor and love his work. Me and Val talked later tonight and have figured around 5 ppl come, watching 3 movies tops, espically BBM and Lords of Dogstown at my house. I'm worried about how I will deal with watching him again but I know it will hopefully help me grieve with his loss. I have also decided to create notebook dedicated to him, showing pictures from his life to his death..I have already gathered 2 from the Newsday newspaper this morning...oh Heath, how I wish all of this was just a long, long nightmare..

 :ghug: Sweetie.
“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one ~ Imagine- J. Lennon

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Re: Heath Ledger - In Loving Memory
« Reply #659 on: Jan 23, 2008, 10:27 PM »
Ethan, Thank you so much for doing that. I imagine that it was so impossily hard to be there.  :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: %)
“What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger."

You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one ~ Imagine- J. Lennon