Author Topic: Newsletter Archive, July to September 2007  (Read 15358 times)

Offline chameau

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  • Jack + Ennis
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  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin' Newsletter
July 1 - 15 2007

Hi Brokies,

The Newsletter will be edited bi-weekly for the Summer, this is the schedule for the future editions.

July 16
July 30
August 13
August 27
September 10

Let's all enjoy Summer

Huh... I meant in the Northern Hemisphere... it's Winter Down Under.

See you next Summer in two weeks. 


Forum Back-Up

It is time again for the forum's monthly maintenance and backup. In order to do it properly, the forum will be "off line" for a short period of time.  Here is the maintenance schedule:

Pacific Time, 8:00pm July 4
Mountain Time: 9:00pm July 4
Central Time:  10:00pm Jul 4
Eastern Time:  11:00 pm July 4
United Kingdom:  4:00am July 5
Western Europe:  5:00am July 5
Central Europe:  6:00am July 5
Taiwan: 11:00 am July 5
Australia (Sydney): 1:00pm July 5

If you experience any problem or you want to provide feedback,  please report them here.


Posted by keren_b on June 26

This place is like my little piece of heaven. When I'm at work I think of how when I finish I'll go back here to this magical place, to my favorite fanfics, to be among friends, and I get a warm feeling inside. When I get back home, no matter how tired and irritated I am from work, this place brings me calm and peace of mind. When things are tough, there's nowhere else I'd rather be. Not long ago I went through my old pms and found all the ones that many of you sent me during the war here last year - asking how I was, showing your concern, telling me you're thinking of me. And I felt my heart swelling from knowing what friends I have, it moved me so much to read all that again. Whenever one of us is going through bad times, they can always rely on their friends here to give them support and be there for them. One of the main things why I love this place so much.

Link:  Why I love this place

We just can't stop talking about BBM

Posted by goblondie on June 26

I think the scene is there to show us the downgoing  spiral in Ennis and Almas marriage, now Alma says stop to Ennis,she dont want to be the nice wife anymore taking care of husband and family,her job is as important as Ennis. Earlier in movie we saw scene where Ennis came in to the store with the girls to let her take care of them,cause he had to go to work,and Alma took care of them and called her sister.Her own need came in the background. Now she is not that kind housewife anymore. Perhaps she felt that Ennis took advantage of her kindness.
Also both the scenes in the store and the scene with the supper is there to show us the state of their marriage and introducing us to Monroe, her new husband.

Link:  "suppers' on the stove"

Posted by keren_b on June 30

I loved reading all the posts here, they're so insightful.

There's no doubt in my mind that Ennis and Jack loved each other and deeply. they didn't have to say it, it spoke volumes through their actions and through different things they've said, that you all mentioned already. the SNIT was all about love - the tenderness, the kisses, the expressions on their faces, that was so much more than sex, that was making love. Ennis retching in the alley. Jack's face as he drove away. the whole reunion scene, the way Ennis waited anxiously by the window and then that incredible hug and passionate kisses. Lying in each other's arms in the motel. The fact that in the earlier days Ennis would quit his jobs so he'd be able to meet Jack - he practically admitted that. and all those things they said to each other that were mentioned in all the posts above. And yes, I think Ennis's jealousy and his threat to Jack was an obvious testament to how strong he felt about him. But although it's clear to me that Ennis loved Jack, I'm not sure how much he was conscious of that and whether he ever admitted that to himself while Jack was alive. I can see Jack consciously realizing what his feelings were - like somebody said here (I'm sorry, I can't remember who right now), you don't plan to live your life with someone unless you realize you love them. But I think that Ennis would probably try to repress those thoughts because they were too threatening, he would be too scared to name it. I'm sure he knew that what he felt for Jack was something very powerful, something he can't control, but I don't know if he ever admitted to himself, "I love him". Maybe the trauma that he went through as a child, and all the fears that were born as a consequence, caused such a deep psychological barrier that he couldn't admit even to himself that he loved another man. And if he couldn't say that even to himself, how could he say that to Jack?

I do believe that he admitted that to himself after Jack was killed. His face when he finds the shirts - God, you don't need words for that. And when he asked Junior if Kurt loved her, it was obvious to me that he was thinking about Jack. And I'm sure that he knew then that what he had with Jack was love, and he missed it. That's the huge tragedy. :\'( :\'( :\'(

Link:  Jack and Ennis: Their Love

Gay Pride around the World

There is now a calendar for Gay Pride around the World.  Please post the name of the city/state/country and the dates, post also the name of the event, and we will update the calendar.  You could post pictures too.  Click on the flag below to go to the thread.

Brokies Get Together

West Coast Summer get together-start the ball rollling!

Seattle - Tee Lake, WA

The dates are August 4 - 7, 2007, the place is Seattle - Tee Lake WADirtbiker will be the host.  Click here to go to the main thread.  There are four more threads concerning this reunion:

Post your name and let us know how many days you'll stay in Tee Lake.
Clic on West Coast Summer get-together list of attendees.

Let us know when and how you'll travel, this is where we'll organize car pooling among other things, click on Seattle-Tee Lake: Post Your Arrival/Departure/etc. Here.

Let's talk about some food situation, we won't eat a sheep nor kill an elk.  Click on *** Seattle-Tee Lake *** Catering for a Gathering in the Middle of Nowhere

We will be mostly camping so this the List of personal things to bring to the Seattle Gathering.

Meet On The Eastern Shore Of Maryland

Salisbury, MD

When?  Colombus Day week-end, October 5 - 8 2007.  Where?  Salisbury Maryland... BBBOY will be the host and he promised a blue crab fest.

Click here to go to the thread.

*** New Project ***


San Francisco, CA

Started by sfericsf on June 26


Saturday- The Best Buck In The Bay Rodeo, Sunday - Brokeback Mountain at the World Famous Castro Theatre.

Click on the picture above to go to the thread.

New Videos

40th Anniversary of Ennis and Jack's reunion

Ethan posted on June 26 a video clip he made for the 40th Anniversary of Ennis and Jack's reunion.  To see it click on Collection of videos .

Decent People United - Thoughts from EGT London + Video

Posted by jodie on June 30

Better very late than never...    ;)

For those of you who want to cast a nostalgic eye back to the EGT gathering in London, here's a video

Click here to watch it or download it.

In Your Words: an retrospective

Posted by jimnick on January 17 2006

Just thinking...

Anne Proulx wrote this story and contained it in about thirty pages of print. Can anyone guess the millions if not billions of pages that have been written about it since then? What a mushroom cloud! From the tiny acorn, the mighty oak. Amazing when you think about it. Huh?


Your Thought - Review - Reaction after Viewing BBM - May it Be the Nth Times

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retrospective Thread.

Meet the Authors

Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors others than Annie Proulx.  You could find more about this here. Warning!  Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.

Last week we had a visit from Jenna author of Somebody New, she commented many posts and answered questions.

Hi, everybody,
It's been so long since I've had time to indulge in something like a forum that I think I forgot they were even here!  But life has cleared up just a little bit for a while, so here I am.  I haven't read many posts, only have about twenty minutes this morning, but I thought I'd respond to one or two.

This discussion is too long to post on the Newsletter but you can read it all here.

Pix with Poems

Posted by FredPtiteFée on May 19


Comment leur faire comprendre
Ils ne comprendraient pas

Comment leur expliquer
Que de ta peau, que de ta bouche
Je suis comme fasciné

Comment ne pas céder
A ton murmure, à ton souffle
Quand nos corps s’emmêlent
Quand nos cœurs chavirent

Comment imaginer
Que tant de douceur puisse exister
Dans ce monde fait pour les hommes
Les battants, les fiers

Comment leur faire comprendre
Ils ne comprendraient pas

Tu as changé ma vie
A jamais je te suis
A jamais je t’espère

Je t’appartiens et saigne
Car notre amour, notre liberté
Au grand jour est vaine

Je rêve de nos frissons
De nos regards profonds
Je rêve de te serrer
Contre moi, te garder

Comment leur faire comprendre
Ils ne comprendraient pas

FredPtiteFée  19/04/07

Well, now for my English Brokies Friends  ^f^              Loves for all......


How to render comprehensible to them
They would’nt understand

How to explain to them
That of your skin, that of your mouth
I like am fascinated

How not to yield
With your murmur, with your breath
When our bodies are gotten mixed up
When our heart capsizes

How to imagine
That such an amount of softness can exist
In this world made for the men
The leaves, the proud ones

How to render comprehensible to them
They would’nt understand

You changed my life
As never I am to you
As never I hope for you

I belong to you and bleeds
Because our love, our freedom
At the great day is useless

I dream of our shivers
Of our major glances
I dream to tighten you
Against me, to keep you

How to render comprehensible to them
They would'nt understand

FredPtiteFée  19/04/07

How Did You Find/Know this Forum?

We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about  Click on the picture below to share your story.

Calendar for the next two weeks

July 2 - Birthdays: phathead (40)
July 4 - Birthdays: Insomniac487 (20)
July 6 - Birthdays: Desireé (18)
July 7 - Birthdays: DAMADENEGRO (26)
July 9 - Birthdays: MChantal76 (31), Androclo, paulp (52)
July 10 - Birthdays: Mélanos (56)
July 11 - Birthdays: fairy (28)
July 12 - Birthdays: dblippy (38)
July 13 - Birthdays: sspude4 (31)
July 14 - Birthdays: Jack del Sur (48) * Gay Pride * Bourne Free – Bournemouth, U.K * Oxford Pride – Oxford,U.K.
July 15 - Birthdays: daveya26 (35) 
July 15/22 - * Gay Pride * Pride Week, Halifax (Nova-Scotia) Canada      

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Yncroger, June 26
Canmore, June 28
JennaSTS, June 28
Sepia, July 1

2000 posts, Jack + Ennis

Bruxa23, June 30

Special achievements

Titabeille, 3000 posts on June 24, Crabtreeblue, 5000 posts on June 24, LuvJackNasty, 17 000 posts on June 24, Mars, 34 000 posts on June 26, Dodolea, 4000 posts on June 26, City Slickin' Cowboy, 19 000 posts on June 28, BBBOY, 12 000 posts on June 30.

Congratulations to all!

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click on:  Archives

See ya in two weeks

July 2 - 15 2007, editor Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
« Last Edit: Mar 07, 2008, 05:33 PM by chameau »
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

  • Moderator
  • Jack + Ennis
  • ***
  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #1 on: Jul 28, 2007, 04:18 PM » Newsletter
July 16 - 29 2007

Hello dearest Brokies,

The forum experienced a major down time on July 13. Our hosting company had server issues which needed to be fixed.  We apologize for any inconvenience and hope this will happen less often.  The forum has a blog for server update. Please bookmark the link below for any update in case you can't access the forum.

The next Newsletter will be edited on Sunday July 29, the week-end before our Seattle gathering.

Hasta la vista Brokies,


Quote live chat Sunday August 12

On Sunday August  12, we will have our second live chat.  Click here for the schedule and the link to the chat room.

Brokies Get Together

West Coast Summer get together-start the ball rollling!

Seattle - Tee Lake, WA

The dates are August 4 - 7, 2007, the place is Seattle - Tee Lake WADirtbiker will be the host.  Click here to go to the main thread.  There are four more threads concerning this reunion:

Post your name and let us know how many days you'll stay in Tee Lake.
Clic on West Coast Summer get-together list of attendees.

Let us know when and how you'll travel, this is where we'll organize car pooling among other things, click on Seattle-Tee Lake: Post Your Arrival/Departure/etc. Here.

Let's talk about some food situation, we won't eat a sheep nor kill an elk.  Click on *** Seattle-Tee Lake *** Catering for a Gathering in the Middle of Nowhere

We will be mostly camping so this the List of personal things to bring to the Seattle Gathering.

SF Castro Theatre - Sunday Sept 16, 2007

San Francisco, CA

Brokeback Mountain will be showing at the legendary Castro Theater in San-Francisco on Sunday September 16.  For all the details, click on the picture below to go to the thread

Meet On The Eastern Shore Of Maryland

Salisbury, MD

When?  Colombus Day week-end, October 5 - 8 2007.  Where?  Salisbury Maryland... BBBOY will be the host and he promised a blue crab fest.

Click here to go to the thread.

You know whut?


Yup, more gathering projects!


NEW!  Quick Dip In Montreal @ August 15-16 2007

Montreal, Canada

Posted by chameau on July 8, 2007

I'm expecting a visit from Stephan, one of our French member, next August 15-16.  I know it will be the middle of the week but it's vacations time and I could extend the invitation to the following week-end.  We're now talking about Wednesday August 15 untill Sunday August 19.  I have space enough to make some rooming arrangements too.

So, wanna join in?

To Montreal!

Yes I know two weeks after Seattle but If you come by... :P

click here to go to the thread.

NEW!  Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008

Eau Claire, WI

May 2 -5 2008, Jerasjr will be the host in Eau Claire, WI.   Click  here to go to the thread.

NEW!  Brussel's gathering - October 2008

Brussels, Belgium

Posted by Titabeille on July 6.


 :h) Dear Brokies,

My husband and me will organize a gathering in Brussel From october 1 to 7, next year 2008

I hope you are interrested.   So, we'll look for transports, hotel and visits.

It's time now to spare money after all the other gatherings  :)


Click here to go to the thread.

NEW!  Autumn EGT

Somewhere in Scandinavia... ???

Started by Twisted on July 11

How about a get together in October and in Finland, Sweden or Norway?

This one is a very new project, dates could change. Click here to go to the thread.


Posted by Froggy on July 7

YKYAA (You know you are addicted) when after a week without the start getting irritated at people...just because you have ennisjack withdrawal symptoms....they don't understand...too bad for them!

Link:  You know you are addicted when...

Posted by LuvJackNasty on July 7

I haven't watched BBM in full in way too many months. I've done the scenes here and there but anyway- I watched it Thursday night (I was at my aunts place down the shore). I had to laugh when I told the girls that Mommy was going to spend time with the boys and my middle daughter said "No bothering Mommy she's going to watch BBM" Anyway I was teary through most of it, as usual and was crying from the confrontation through the end. My youngest came into the room as I was sitting on the bed, credits rolling and tears flowing. She just curled up in my lap, gave me a hug and said "Are you crying because he died?" I said "something like that"  and then she said "I'm sorry he died, Mommy" and gave me a real tight squeeze and then got up and went into the other room and came back with a tissue for me.

Link:  PBS (post brokeback syndrome)

This collage was posted by Bruxa23 on July 10

Many other collages from her could be seen in the Misc Pics thread among other pictures.

Gay Pride around the World

There is now a calendar for Gay Pride around the World.  Please post the name of the city/state/country and the dates, post also the name of the event, and we will update the calendar.  You could post pictures too.  Click on the flag below to go to the thread.

We just can't stop talking about BBM

Posted by ksxks on July 2

SNIT = divine.  But aside from the entire scene, just one part of it by itself also blows my mind.  Just the fact of Ennis going into the tent.  In his right mind, fully aware, facing a huge unknown, something totally out of his ordinary experience (except for the night before...except for perhaps his young man's dreams the past years).  it just can make me cry, his bravery, doing this over all his fears.  At least in that moment, at least during those too-brief months on the mountain, he was living his honest self free of ghosts.


(Note:  SNIT means Second Night In Tent or the second love scene in the tent)

Link:  Your Favorite Scene of the Movie - (possible spoiler)

Posted by LuvJackNasty on July 8

I don't know if this has been mentioned (if so, sorry). I watched it a few nights ago and "We ought to go to Mexico" stood out at me. When Jack says "We ought to go to Mexico" he's just saying we ought to go where it's okay for us to be together. It happens down there and there aren't men with tire irons waiting to hunt you down and kill you. Or at least that's how I saw it this particular viewing.

A very interesting discussion followed, to read more got to the Double Meanings in BBM Lines thread.

Posted by manhattangirl on July 15

You  get that sense, that feeling at the very beginning when Mrs. Twist steps out the house to meet Ennis.   She knew who he was, and what he was to Jack, and met him, not waiting for him to come to the door, or waiting for the knock, but meets him as someone important that comes to visit you at your home.

Even when Old Man Twist makes mentioned of Randall, she knew better, and told Ennis he was welcome to go to Jack's room.  There were two emotions at work in this one scene, deep love and bitter disappointment, a battle for the memory of Jack between mother and father expressing distinctly how they felt about their son, to  someone both knew was his lover.     

Ennis got the sense of both people, this was Jack's world, something I don't think he ever really understood, or thought much about, not the way Jack understood him.   

Jack didn't come to manhood with a "Rich or Earl"  looming in the back of his mind, Jack grew up torn between the two people who raised him.   Caught between brutality and love, with Jack choosing love and seeking it, and wanting it and giving it all to Ennis.   When Ennis found the shirts he was just beginning to understand his long time lover,   for these shirts was from the first summer, not after the reunion, but from the very beginning, Jack loved him then, and loved him till his death.   And through it all Mrs. Twist knew and honored it. 

Ennis had to feel a sense of relief, that someone knew and took pity on him.

Link:  Sobering Moments

New Thread

Started by XoGreenEyed005Xo on July 9

All of you who have read a fan fiction thing Ennis and Jack when they were still cowboys have probably heard Ennis calling Jack Rodeo and Jack calling Ennis Cowboy. I have been wondering where exactly those names came from because I don't remember them form the movie or the short story, but everyone seems to still be using them. So if someone could give me an answer it would be well appreciated.

Please and Thankyou.

Link:  where did they come from?

About Annie

It's about time we catch up about Annie!  ::)

Annie Proulx Elected to The American Academy of Arts & Letters

Started by Jackster on May 19

Annie Proulx, along with six other writers, one composer, one architect, and one artist was elected to The American Academy of Arts and Letters on 27 March 2007.

news release at:

The honor of election is considered the highest formal recognition of artistic merit in this country. (the words of the Academy)

Go Annie.

Click here to go to the thread.

Other works by Proulx


In case you were not aware we have a discussion thread about the other works from Annnie Proulx.  You could find it here.

Nominate Annie Proulx

A reminder about a thread started by shakestheground last February 7

Some friends and meself have come together with the intent to see Annie Proulx nominated for a Nobel Prize in Literature for her body of work. If you are interested in this, please feel free to visit your yahoo group site:

I Quixotean task no doubt, but we may learn something yet.

Click here to go to the thread.

Pix with Poems

The very first post from GJ on May 21


You watch him from afar,
his strong back and legs
as the sun kisses his face
and sheds light on your torment

You watch him,
he gathers the remains of your haven
and with it
your own being

You watch him
as the rage and sorrow
make you weaker.
You can hardly breathe

You watch him,
the dread echoes in your soul
as you comprehend
it has come to an end

Link:  You watch him

Posted by jessi on May 21


When I grow up I am goin a be
some famous rodeo cowboy.
One of em fancy kinds.
Silly girls goin a wave,
think me more handsome’n a pin up movie star.
My buckle 'll shine brighter’n sun.
Goin a be some dream life.
And my daddy, he is goin a be so
Proud a me.

One day goin quit peekin down that teasin road
from my upstairs bedroom window,
pack up a flour sack, head out,
kick up some dust afore first light.
Got no need a worry,
friggin mean bulls goshdamn be ‘fraid cause
my mama, she believes in prayer,
and ain’t no stock stompin my face.
Yeah, goin  be somebody.
And my daddy, he is goin a be so
Proud a me.

When I grow up I am goin a wear fine leather
boots that make big prints.
And I will be a tall important cowboy,
with some quality Stetson top my head,
ride a fine horse like Gene Autry’s,
cause I’m goin a make big money.
Ain’t no bull a dashboard this Jack.
And my daddy, he is goin a be so
Proud a me.


Link:  When I Grow Up

How Did You Find/Know this Forum?

We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about  Click on the picture below to share your story.

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retrospective Thread.

Calendar for the next two weeks

July 15-22 - Gay Pride * Pride Week, Halifax (Nova-Scotia) Canada
July 16 - Birthdays: donnaread (58), Stephie (19), endlesslove57 (50)
July 17 - Birthdays: torontoguy20 (26), TeddybearEyes (24), Front-Ranger (56)
July 18 - Birthdays: Nerk (19), chinook (43)
July 20 - Birthdays: flikker2005 (54)
July 21 - Birthdays: Ghosted Angel (18), noregrets (54)  Gay Pride * Thanet Pride – Margate, U.K.
July 21-22 - Gay Pride * Lincolnshire Pride, U.K.
July 23 - Birthdays: just like this¯always (17), kitstar (25), tizi17 (48)
July 24 - Birthdays: Tiger24 (18)
July 26 - Birthdays: needabbm, daphne (37), Sergey (21)
July 27 - Birthdays: mikele (42), dodoLea (36)
July 28 - Birthdays: frenchcda Gay Pride * * Nottingham Pride, U.K. * Hull and East Riding Pride, U.K. * Oldham Pride, U.K.
July 28 – August 4 - Gay Pride * Belfast Pride – Belfast, Northern Ireland
July 28 – August 5 - Gay Pride * Brighton and Hove Pride – Festival, U.K.
July 29 - Birthdays: Mary Martha (51)

Member's levels updates

100 posts, Lureen


500 posts, Jack

MaxHim, July 1

1000 posts, Ennis

FredPtiteFée , July 14

Special achievements

eric_idle_rules, 4000 posts, July 3, Mars, 35 000 posts, July 4,  Tpe, 27 000 posts, July 5, KitKat, 4000 posts, July 7, Rosie, 5000 posts, July 13

Congratulations to all!

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click on:  Archives

July 16 - 29 2007, editor Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

  • Moderator
  • Jack + Ennis
  • ***
  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #2 on: Aug 10, 2007, 05:28 PM » Newsletter
July 30 - August 12 2007

Hello Brokies,

Next week-end many of us will meet in Seattle... actually Tee-Lake in the middle of nowhere, with no internet, no cellphone coverage, no cable TV but... a 52 inches plasma TV screen and a high resolution DVD player...  :*( some high tech camping, huh?   No internet means no live thread from Tee-Lake Brokies, sorry.  :-\\

By the time we will come back to the so called civilization we promise we will post loads of pictures, videos and comments.  ^-^

See you in two weeks,


Don't forget... live chat Sunday August 12

It will be time for LaShawning!

Don't forget on Sunday August  12, we will have our second live chat.  Click here for the schedule and the link to the chat room.

New Threads

Meeting In New York

Started by Hpv on July 25

I was in US from the beginning of July, returned home today , and was lucky enough to meet our fearless leader!!!

Hpv and Ethan met in New York City, to see their pictures and read their comments click on the picture below.

changing the sex of our boys

Started by myprivatejack on July 26

When we speak about homosexuality,we take for granted that we´re speaking about men;woman sexuality has been reduced almost always to porno movies to consum of men or motherhood.For this reason,my question is if BBM would have moved so much our hearts and became such a great success if Jack and Ennis were Jackie and Elise...

Click here to go to the thread.

Brokies Get Together

West Coast Summer get together-start the ball rollling!

Seattle - Tee Lake, WA

Last call!   Dirtbiker  will be our host next week-end in Tee-Lake. Click here to go to the main thread. 

For the ones traveling by car, please bring a cooler and some ice.

There are four more threads concerning this reunion:

Post your name and let us know how many days you'll stay in Tee Lake.
Clic on West Coast Summer get-together list of attendees.

Let us know when and how you'll travel, this is where we'll organize car pooling among other things, click on Seattle-Tee Lake: Post Your Arrival/Departure/etc. Here.

Let's talk about some food situation, we won't eat a sheep nor kill an elk.  Click on *** Seattle-Tee Lake *** Catering for a Gathering in the Middle of Nowhere

We will be mostly camping so this the List of personal things to bring to the Seattle Gathering.

SF Castro Theatre - Sunday Sept 16, 2007

San Francisco, CA

Brokeback Mountain will be showing at the legendary Castro Theater in San-Francisco on Sunday September 16.  For all the details, click on the picture below to go to the thread

Meet On The Eastern Shore Of Maryland

Salisbury, MD

When?  Colombus Day week-end, October 5 - 8 2007.  Where?  Salisbury Maryland... BBBOY will be the host and he promised a blue crab fest.

Click here to go to the thread.

Quick Dip In Montreal @ August 15-16 2007

Montreal, Canada

Montreal August 15-19, chameau is expecting a Brokie from France.  If you want to join in, click here to go to the thread.

Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008

Eau Claire, WI

May 2 -5 2008, Jerasjr will be the host in Eau Claire, WI.   Click  here to go to the thread.

Brussel's gathering - October 2008

Brussels, Belgium

Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the thread.

Autumn EGT

Somewhere in Scandinavia...  :s)

How about a get together in October and in Finland, Sweden or Norway?  This is a new project, dates could change. Click here to go to the thread.


Posted by ninisin on July 19

I really don't know what I'm doing on here but I'd like to give thanks.

It's been over a year since I've let myself read Brokeback Mountain or watch the movie. It seems whenever I do watch it, a grey cloud rolls over my head and stays there for months. A lump forms in my throat due to trying to choke back the tears everyday. It seems a little crazy, but I can't help it. Just two nights ago, I allowed myself to watch it again. Now, two days later, I am stuck with that grey cloud and that everlasting lump in my throat. The theme of the story that hurts my heart is the fact that if it weren't for society's "rules," Jack and Ennis would have been able to spend a happy healthy life together. Instead, we are held back by the fear of getting harassed and even physically hurt. It seems I can't even finish writing this simple letter without keeping the tears from flowing. I would like to thank everyone involved with the production of Brokeback Mountain. From the first written words from Annie Proulx, to the last numerous award ceremonies the film has seen. It has truly change my life as well as those around me. There wasn't a chance given to me to go see the movie that I didn't turn down. In the end, I viewed the film in the theater ten times, never once seeing it alone. Even when it came out on DVD, the theater was still playing it and I was there. Taking my mother to the movie was especially special for me. She already knew my orientation as a gay man, but the movie finalized how serious I am about it. We shared tears together. It felt really good to hear my mother say for the first time, "You know Henry, I really do understand." Thanks again to everyone for giving me the chance to openly express my emotions and share them with those around me. I am very excited to talk with someone who hears me, or feels the way I do. I don't like feeling like the only crazy person on Earth. So, if you hear me, please don't be a stranger.

Link:  Your Thought - Review - Reaction after Viewing BBM - May it Be the Nth Times

Posted by Jerasjr on July 28

One of the things I came across in my reading was the thought:  The best thing that you can do for your children is to give them roots, and to give them wings. 
That has been the experience on this forum, and among my community, the Silver Wolves.  We have found a common base - our roots, and have the chance to explore our thoughts and feelings with others from many backgrounds - our wings.  We have gained a depth and breadth that many of us would not have imagined not so long ago, and also have found an appreciation of others whom we would never have met.  Often the simplest event brings about change, and the commonplace thing of attending a movie has brought about that change in us, and we are sharing that with others.  That is a legacy that not many films can boast of, and that is the legacy that we carry with us, and to others.  What better thing is there - that is why I love this place and the people who populate it.

Link:  Why I love this place

Gay Pride around the World

There is now a calendar for Gay Pride around the World.  Please post the name of the city/state/country and the dates, post also the name of the event, and we will update the calendar.  You could post pictures too.  Click on the flag below to go to the thread.

Meet the Authors

Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors others than Annie Proulx.  You could find more about this here. Warning!  Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.

This week and interview from LuvJackNasty with Maidenofthesea author of: Entry Fee; Dead Petals; Nobody’s Angel; For a Little While/Some Silver Lining/Over The Bridge; Never Seen Blue  written under the name Solongmary.

Are you a professional writer? No I am not, but working on it!

If yes, have you published anything and if so what?

I did have a poem published in the Atlanta review in 2004, so maybe that makes me a professional?

If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?

I am a stay at home writer at the moment, maintaining the Joker/Heath website

What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?
 I wanted to see how far I could take them in my own setting and still have them remain as the original characters Annie created. I also wanted to give the boys a happy ending, most like everyone else!

Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?
Yes I am, I am currently writing in the Spiderman fandom, Harry/Peter slash.

Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?
No readers have never really been an issue for me. But I have noticed there is a lot of 'taking sides' in this fandom. Jack V. Ennis or AU or AU/AU. To me that stuff is a bit silly and trite but has never thankfully affected the way I see the characters when I write them.

If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... we all would change that if we could!)

I would have had Jack's truck break down. For good.

News Coverage: July 2007

A very interesting article was posted by Tpe on July 17 in the News Coverage: July 2007 thread.

What Ever Happened to Queer Cinema?

by Alonso Duralde
July 15, 2007

Oscar Night 2006 feels like a million years ago. You remember – it's the night that Brokeback Mountain, although being shamelessly robbed of its deserved Best Picture statuette, still managed to take home three awards. It's the night that Philip Seymour Hoffman's gay novelist squeaked past Heath Ledger's gay cowboy in the Best Actor race. Felicity Huffman was up for Best Actress for playing an MTF in Transamerica. And at the previous day's Independent Spirit Awards, pioneering queer filmmaker Gregg Araki was basking in multiple nominations for Mysterious Skin, a film considered to be a high watermark in an already remarkable career.

Click here to read the full article.

Jake Videos 

Posted by csung0928 on July 16

That's what we expect for, what a ham ! :) And I love the kiss.
Between My Legs - by Rufus Wainwright with special guest Jake Gyllenhaal at Gramercy Theater in NYC.

Link:  Rufus & Jake video

Posted by Tpe on July 20, a biography of Jake Gyllenhaal on video.

Old but still lovely to see again:

Link:  Old but still lovely

Movies we Are waiting For

Ang Lee's Next Film - Lust, Caution

Ethan started this thread on may 25 2006 about the next Ang Lee movie.  Lust, Caution will have it's World Premiere at the Venice Mostra on August 29.  This is where Brokeback Mountain won it's first of many awards, the Golden Lion in 2005.  Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

The Dark Knight

The thread Heath THE Joker was started by Jennis on July 20 2006.  The first teaser trailer of The Dark Knight was posted on the internet last week and others followed, they generated a huge response from some Brokies here. :P

Link:  Heath THE Joker

Also, some Heath fans and devoted Brokies started a webpage,, it's very well documented about Heath's carreer and of course they are looking forward too to see the next (and best) Joker on movies.  Well done Heathaholics!  ^-^

Pix with Poems

Posted by Jessi on May 24

As certain as, night,
life and death, hunger and sleep
my body’s need for you.

More sure than, morning,
spring, summer, winter and fall,
my heart’s ache for you.

Real as, forever,
‘cross time and space, truth and lies
my soul’s half of yours.


Link:  As certain as

How Did You Find/Know this Forum?

We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about  Click on the picture below to share your story.

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retrospective Thread.

Calendar for the next two weeks

July 28 – August 4 - Gay Pride * Belfast Pride – Belfast, Northern Ireland

July 28 – August 5 - Gay Pride * Brighton and Hove Pride – Festival, U.K.

July 30 - Birthdays: Nightwolf (39), tpkomodo (31), enkidu (23)

August 1 -Birthdays: manoftheprairie (49), *Helen* (38)

August 1-5 Gay Pride * Divers/Cité, Montreal (Quebec) Canada

August 2 - Birthdays: BBMFAN4EVER (45)

August 3 - Birthdays: shakestheground (44), Events: * West Coast Gathering

August 4 - Birthdays: zathycat (45), slash_lover (16), Events: * West Coast Gathering

August 5 - Birthdays: KitKat (36), Events: * West Coast Gathering, Gay Pride * Pride in our City – Leeds, U.K.

August 6 - Birthdays: nohairforoil , Events: * West Coast Gathering

August 7 - Birthdays: chloe_amethyst (44), lee773 (55)

August 8 - Birthdays: yncroger (64), Cykobear (49)

August 9 - Birthdays: Mario83 (24)

August 9 – 12  Gay Pride * Reykjavik Gay Pride - Iceland

August 10 - Birthdays: bachalive (30), vielleicht (40)

August 11 - Birthdays: Michael (25), Lost_Girl (19), Eugen (40), Gay Pride * Gloucestershire Rainbow Day, U.K.

August 11 – 17  Gay Pride * Bristol Pride, Bristol, U.K.

August 12 Events: * Live Chat

August 12-19 Gay Pride * Pride 2007, St-John (New-Brunswick) Canada

Forum's Achievement

3,000 pages & 90,000 posts in the Silver Wolves thread on July 16.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Chico, July 19
Justinfan, July 25
Babycakes, July 26

100 posts, Lureen

Madlori, July 26

200 posts, Alma


500 posts, Jack

Manhattangirl, July 27

Special achievements

July 17 - Carbyville, 8000 posts, Mars, 36 000 posts 

July 19 - Tpe, 28 000 posts

July 20 - Bruxa23, 3000 posts

July 23- Audrey Twist, 9000 posts 

July 26 - Flwrchild, 12 000 posts   

July 27 - Mars, 37 000 posts 

July 28 -  City Slickin' Cowboy, 20 000 posts , Mikele, 4000 posts 

July 29 - Titabeille, 4000 posts

Congratulations to all!

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click on:  Archives

July 30- August 12 2007, editor Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Jack + Ennis
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  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #3 on: Aug 26, 2007, 11:54 AM » Newsletter
August 13 - 26 2007

Hello Brokies,

Back to real life and the so called civilization.  The Seattle gathering was pure magic, click on the picture below to see the pictures and videos.

The attendees to the gathering started to post their toughts about their experience, you could read their comments here.  Next rendez-vous will be in a little less than two months in Salisbury MD, I hope to meet there many of you.

See you in two weeks in the next edition of the Newsletter,


A Message from the Mod Team

Just a little reminder about the forum's guidelines Brokies...  ;)

We understand many members are big fans of Heath, Jake and others. As supportive fans, let's respect them as who they are and not manipulate their pics to fulfill our fantasy. For this very same reason, this forum also discourages members from posting paparazzi shots. Please do not post any nude images - either front or back. We thank you for your understanding and support. If you are not sure about the pix, please check with the mod team first.

Forum Maintenance

It is time again for the forum's monthly maintenance and backup. In order to do it properly, the forum will be "off line" for a short period of time.

Here is the maintenance schedule:

Pacific Time, 8:00pm August 22
Mountain Time: 9:00pm August 22
Central Time:  10:00pm August 22
Eastern Time:  11:00 pm August 22
United Kingdom:  4:00am August 23
Western Europe:  5:00am August 23
Central Europe:  6:00am August 23
Taiwan: 11:00 am August 23
Australia (Sydney): 1:00pm August 23

If you experience any problem or you want to provide feedback,  please report them here.

Movies we Are Waiting For

All of the following articles were posted by Tpe over the last two weeks.

Anne Hathaway Becomes Jane…and a Major Hollywood Player

Anne Hathaway, 24-year-old actress, has come a long way since she gained notice in Disney’s two Princess Diaries flicks. Since then, Hathaway appeared in the critically-acclaimed Brokeback Mountain, and acted opposite Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada. Now, Hathaway is starring in Becoming Jane, the semi-fictional Jane Austen flick scheduled for release today…but is Anne Hathaway ready to become an A-list star? ...

...Anne Hathaway, however, is very private. By her own admission, she’s not “a very good celebrity,” spending far less time in the tabloids than other actresses her age. As she is Becoming Jane, will Hathaway become a major Hollywood player, too?

Click on the poster below to read the full article.

Heath in Toronto?

Tpe wrote
Hehehehe.  So it seems likely that Heath and Jake will BOTH be in Toronto this year...  :)

Excerpts from the article
The festival, which runs from Sept. 6 to Sept. 15, also has booked North American premieres for the latest films from Andrew Dominik, Todd Haynes, Joe Wright and Paul Haggis, each of which are scheduled to bow first at the Venice International Film Festival (Aug. 29-Sept. 8 )…

… Also due here is Haynes' "I'm Not There," a Bob Dylan-inspired movie starring Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Richard Gere and Heath Ledger, set for a November release by the Weinstein Co.; and Paul Haggis' "In The Valley of Elah," a Warner Bros. September release about parents, played by Tommy Lee Jones and Susan Sarandon, who attempt to find their son after he returns from the war in Iraq.

Click on the picture below to read the full article.

(Heath as Bob Dylan)

Biopic Needs Six Actors To Play Dylan

Rolling Stone have reported of a special screening of the new Todd Haynes film. They divulge that the folk renegade will be played by six actors through various stages in his career. They include relative unknown Marcus Carl Franklin, English actor Ben Whishaw, as well as Hollywood royalty Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Richard Gere and, inexplicably, Cate Blanchett…

'I'm Not There' is set to premiere at the Venice Film Festival in early September, and will appear at the Toronto Film Festival soon after. It will be released in the US in late November.

Click on the poster below to read the full article. 

We just can't stop talking about BBM

Posted by lamusica on August 1

Jack just had that charisma that some people have that brings people to them.  And, he has the habit of being standoffish when somemone new approaches him until he is ready to open up to them.  For example, he doesn't approach Lureen -- he waits for her to come to him.  I'm sure she was the one who wanted to dance, and I'm sure she's the one who started things in the car.  When Randall began to make passes at Jack, he sat on the bench stoically listening to Randall, but never responding -- until he was ready.  He didn't give Randall any positive indicators that he was interested in him and listening to his ideas about their going fishing together, etc.  IN my opinion, Jack had to feel comfortable before he let down his guard, but once he did, he gave it his all.  He took Lureen up on her matin' call- maybe because he was lonelyl; maybe beause she was the daughter of a rich man and he was ready for some of the good life for a change --, and he pursued Ennis with strength and purpose until he got what he wanted from him.  Yes, I think Jack was a  bit of a user, but not in a bad way.  He just saw what he wanted after a long, slow look, and then went after it.  Because of his personal charisma, he usually got what he wanted.

Link:  What was it about Jack?

New Thread

Started by City Slickin' Cowboy on July 29

While surfing around for BB pics on the net I stumbled across this essay on Brokeback Mountain.
I'm not sure how old it is.  It was an interesting essay.  The author posted some very thought provoking insights on the film.  Just thought I'd share.
Excerpt from the essay
But ultimately I don’t think this film was made for the gay community. As a primer on the devastating effects of external and internalized homophobia, Brokeback Mountain is probably more revelatory and sobering for the straight audience, who are, at this point, more familiar with gay fashion-sense than with all-out gay despair.

Click on Brokeback Essay for the link to download the essay.

Meet the Authors

We usually interview here authors of fan fiction, this week we will make an exception to interview a poet.  A whole thread on is dedicated to Pix with Poems, pictures from the movie and poems.  Many are poems from classical poets and writers, many significant lyrics are posted there too.  Some Brokies are writing poems and we interviewed jessi who has been posting for several months here her poems about Ennis and Jack.

Are you a professional writer?

Long ago, many lifetimes ago, I did get paid a little for a couple of story and ideas; was I ever that young?

If yes, have you published anything and if so what?

No, not anything that would be remembered or very important. 

If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?

I used to teach school and now home school my grandson.  I have little part time jobs.

What brought you to write poetry about the characters of Ennis & Jack?

How could I not?  I have never written poetry and have no idea what I'm doing, but the love and pain was so powerful my soul screamed till my poor mind couldn't take it and all of a sudden these feelings started forming words on my monitor.  I'm writing stories too, of Jack and Ennis, but the experience is so different.

Are you writing poetry about other subjects others than Brokeback Mountain?

I'm beginning to write a little other than Brokeback.  I've never written any before so it's still a new experience.  Poetry takes so much inspiration and feeling for me to write.

Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?

It's poetry, probably not widely read, lol.  I've had a couple negative comments I didn't understand.  A few people were upset with the more painful poems, but their story is painful.  I tend to write what is in their heart, what I feel with them so even the sweet often has a sad feel to it, which is why I want to write a story.

If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be?  (excluding keeping Jack alive... I think we all would change that if we could!)

Only one, that's like asking what my favorite food is, lol.  Less time with women, seemed like a lot of wasted time there, and more of their time together, MUCH more, and I want that pawing of the moon scene and that last love scene from the OS.

Pix with Poems

Posted by jessi on June 15


You are the morning,
sunshine and summer... the drink
that quenches my thirst.


Link:  morning


Posted by Hpv on July 29

Well, I'm tearfull reading all those amazing posts, as I mentioned in another thread ,I'm relatively older then the average member here, so I've experienced life a bit longer... and all I can say, that it still amaze me , how a "movie" did change lives of so many people, but it's not just a movie, it's a masterpiece, and we love the movie,the story behind it and all about it and around it as well, it makes you understand more deeply, your feelings towards your love ones, made you care more and in the bigger point of view ,to understand your friends and all around us better, but more then that and most importantly, we found each other here,drown to this place like moths to light and will never let go,and why should we, having all the love and support ,meeting here on a daily basis such wonderful people with a kindred spirits that think alike ,what more  a human being can ask for  !
As I arrived to US, for the 4th time,I thought to myself, that's the first time I know that if I needed some help, almost everywhere in that big country there will be someone to ask for it, and I felt so grateful to ENNISJACK, for existing!!!
And that's why I love this place  <^(

Link:  Why I love this place

Posted by proulxfan on August 5

Oh, the agony!! Oh, the ecstasy!! That section, where Jack says:'Tell you what...pause...the truth is...long pause...sometimes I miss you so much, I can hardly stand it." That sums up soo much in the film, and Jake's delivery is so perfect it's a revelation: the look in his eyes, the pauses that say more than words can, yet they show how he is making himself vulnerable/available to Ennis one last time  :\'(...Ok enough 

Anyway, my point was that I almost always sob during this part. And for the record, I didn't cry-maybe sniffled a bit at the end-when I first saw the film, nor during the long ride home after that first viewing, but Ennis in particular invaded my dreams that night and I woke up sobbing for his childhood hurt and the lonely sight of him in his trailer at the films end.

And like many of you commented above, when I see the film now, there are scenes like this where I know I will be teary, and others that still manage to surprise me and catch me unaware.

But I still cry, yes indeedy!

Link:  When Did Your Tears Start during BBM?

Gay Pride around the World

There is now a calendar for Gay Pride around the World.  Please post the name of the city/state/country and the dates, post also the name of the event, and we will update the calendar.  You could post pictures too.  Click on the flag below to go to the thread.

Brokies Get Together

Quick Dip In Montreal @ August 15-16 2007

Montreal, Canada

Montreal August 15-19, chameau is expecting a Brokie from France.  If you want to join in, click here to go to the thread.

SF Castro Theatre - Sunday Sept 16, 2007

San Francisco, CA

Brokeback Mountain will be showing at the legendary Castro Theater in San-Francisco on Sunday September 16.  For all the details, click on the picture below to go to the thread

Meet On The Eastern Shore Of Maryland

Salisbury, MD

When?  Colombus Day week-end, October 5 - 8 2007.  Where?  Salisbury Maryland... BBBOY will be the host and he promised a blue crab fest.

Click here to go to the thread.

Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008

Eau Claire, WI

May 2 -5 2008, Jerasjr will be the host in Eau Claire, WI.   Click  here to go to the thread.

Brussel's gathering - October 2008

Brussels, Belgium

Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the thread.

How Did You Find/Know this Forum?

We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about  Click on the picture below to share your story.

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retrospective Thread.

Calendar for the next two weeks

August 11 – 17  Gay Pride * Bristol Pride, Bristol, U.K.

August 12-19 Gay Pride * Pride 2007, St-John (New-Brunswick) Canada

August 13 Birthdays: brokenheart5813 (47)

August 14 Birthdays: rlmoonyk (17), Leann (17), pichayaaznbabe (22)

August 15 Birthdays: AnaisStefanie (23), hpv (61), Ennis Del Mar (59), joer (60)

August 17 Birthdays: JackTwist-Hungary (29) 

August 17-26 Gay Pride * Pride is forever:  Capital Pride 007, Ottawa (Ontario) & Gatineau (Quebec), Canada

August 17 – 27 Gay Pride * Manchester Pride – Festival, Manchester, U.K.

August 18 Birthdays: foxythang2000 (20), lachlan (59)  Gay Pride * Pink Festival – Cambridge, U.K.

August 19 Birthdays: LuvJackNasty (36), Eric (35)

August 20 Birthdays: SouthernLady (24)

August 22 Birthdays: bharata (30)

August 23 Birthdays: vaeltaa (17)

August 26 Birthdays: Leo (52), Tonda (33)

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

myprivatejack , July 31
t_wistfulheart, August 1
Armandoproductions, August 2
Trekfan, August 12

100 posts, Lureen

alec scudder, July 29

200 posts, Alma

Kazza, August 9

500 posts, Jack

Copycat33, July 30

1000 posts, Ennis

lamusica, August 7
aintfoolin, August 9

Special achievements

July 31 - Bruxa23, 4000 postsAudrey Twist, 10 000 posts

August 1 - Mars, 38 000 posts

August 2 - Tpe, 29 000 posts

August 3 - Asali, 2000 posts

August 4 - Esmelily, 6000 posts

August 6 - LuvJackNasty, 18 000 posts

August 7 - Bruxa23, 5000 posts

August 9 - Asali, 9000 posts

Congratulations to all!

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click on:  Archives

August 13 - 26 2007, editor Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

  • Moderator
  • Jack + Ennis
  • ***
  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #4 on: Sep 08, 2007, 02:37 PM » Newsletter
August 27 - September 9 2007

Hello Brokies,

We had a live chat last August 12, the forum would like to thanks everyone for joining the chat room. It was a pleasure to catch up with everyone in real time. If you have any feedback from the live chat, please feel free to post them here . Thanks and we look forward to see you again.

The forum invites talented members to make some banners. Please feel free to post them if you have some ideas.  Click on the banner above to post your suggestions, thanks!! 

See you in two weeks,


Michelle's Birthday

September 9 is Michelle's birthday, if you ever want to send wishes this is the address:

Michelle Williams
The Gersh Agency
232 N. Canon Dr. ste 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

We just can't stop talking about BBM

Posted by liketheyallknow on August 13

I'm fascinated by the subtle extra dimensions in the film provided by double meanings and symbolism . Not sure whether it is a double meaning or symbolism (I believe there is a thread for this - where is it?) therefore OT, but it struck me when reading the posts about Ennis's tendency to want everything 'straight',  what about the fate of his parents, who missed one curve in the road in 43 miles  - they kept going straight when there was a change in direction needed and look what happened to them.  There is surely a symbolic message here? Pity Ennis couldn't see it.

Link:  Double Meanings in BBM Lines

New Threads

Started by manhattangirl on August 16

What really caused Jack's death?  Was it intolerance, was it just an accident, or was it Ennis.  Jack seemed to spend his life on the road.  Mexico, Texas, LF and Brokeback Mountain.  Looking for something and really never finding it, no matter how he much he wanted it.

18 hours from Childless to Riverton to LF, and Mexico in between.  He died alone on a road he have spent half his life on.  Looking for love he spent half his life seeking. 

And Ennis blamed Lureen, blamed a faceless mob, but shouldn't he take some responsibility himself?

Link:  Should Ennis take Some of the Blame for Jack's Death?

Started by lightnin flat on August 19

       does anyone wish they had never seen bbm because once you have seen it you cant get it out of your head?

Link:  bbm stuck in your head

Started by jackster on August 22

I’ve just started reading the recently released “Reading Brokeback Mountain: Essays on the Story and the Film” and find it to be very enjoyable and enlightening. It’s a collection of 15 critical essays about BBM, both the SS and the movie, and in some cases comparing the two. I’ve only gotten through three of the essays, but they have provided some very interesting insights into the story, characters, and its historical precedents (going clear back to the Greek stories about shepherds and their “friendships”). Good reading with lots of careful analysis and thoughts about the story.
 O0 Recommended.

Link:  Reading Brokeback Mountain: Essays on the Story and Film

Started by PST on August 23

Ramsay Exchange (previously known as Ramsay Crossing), expected to cost more than $1.1 billion at build-out, is projected to contain more than 2,000 residential units (townhouses, lofts, and mid- and high-rise apartments), 600,000 square feet of office and commercial space, and 225,000 square feet of retail and restaurants.  It will preserve and adaptively reuse the historic Dominion Bridge buildings, with walls that frame Jack's Alley.  The Riverside Iron Works built a large steel foundry here in the 1920’s and in 1929 sold it to the Dominion Bridge Company.

Click on this link to read the full story:  Jack's Alley Plaque possible in billion-dollar Calgary redevelopment project!

Heath as Bob Dylan

The trailer of next Heath's movie, I'm Not There, was posted by Carbyville on August 21, click on the picture below to see it.

Click here to go to the thread.

Still on August 21, Tpe posted a very interesting article about the movie.

Dylan Movie to Open Like a Rolling Premiere

Imagine you’re a film distributor, handling an experimental movie by one of the country’s most iconoclastic directors. The subject is an enigmatic occasional recluse who is being portrayed by four actors, an actress and a 13-year-old boy. Where do you open that film?

Click here to read the full article.

Meet the Authors

Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors others than Annie Proulx.  You could find more about this here. Warning!  Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.

This week and interview from LuvJackNasty with TrekFan Author of: ForeshadowingMilestonesStrick Stock Boss/Naughty Stable Boy piece, Second Thoughts, Road Less TravelledDeath Shall Have No DominionWet Rendevous, Old Acquaintance, Natural Wonders, My ValentineStrange BedfellowsThe Truth of the Matter, Long Road HomeThree Makes a Sandwich,  and a Private lesson.   (so far, there is more coming )

Are you a professional writer?

No I am not a professional writer, but I have been writing for fandoms for about 10 years.  My first story I wrote was for Star Trek.  I did get a story published in a zine but it was about 20 years ago I don't recall the zine.  It was not one of the more well known publications.

If yes, have you published anything and if so what?

If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?

My job in the real world has varied,  I have done office work, clerical, data entry.  I've worked at a library as well, I love reading books.  Right now I am inbetween jobs. I have often thought of trying my hand at writing a novel and I might seriously pursue that.

What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?

Like alot of fans of BBM I watched the movie and was so moved by the ending and how Jack dies I couldn't stand it so I tried to fix it.   I felt a connection to these men, and their hardships and couldn't let it end like it did.  I have gotten alot of enjoyment out of giving them the sweet life that the O/S and movie didn't depict.

Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?

Yes I have brought in some o/c into my stories,  I have written in some antagonists (you can't have a story without some villains)  while I want the characters of Jack and Ennis to have a sweet life there is no such thing as a perfect one.  I have a situation coming up in my next chapter of "Milestones" that will have o/c it has to do with Ennis' family history.

 So I do have bumps in the road for them to deal with.  At the core of their relationship is their friendship and undying love for one another.  And with that they can get through anything.

Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?

So far the comments have been positive and I really enjoy hearing the feedback from readers.  I write not only to please myself but hopefully to please the readers as well.  I certainly don't mind constructive criticism and I have had things pointed out to me in the past.

If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... I think we all would change that if we could!)

There are many things I would change but I think the one thing that always bothered me were Ennis' fears.   Ennis' father showing him Earl's body in that irrigation ditch was the impetus for him to be afraid to live life.  He couldn't see a way for him and Jack to have a cow and calf operation and at the same time keep them safe.  I wish that Ennis had never seen that body in the irrigation ditch, I certainly would wish that Earl had not been killed.   And most of all I wish that Ennis could have had a happy life living the dream Jack had for them. 

Pix with Poems

Posted by jakesgirl on May 27



We met by chance.
Our lives forever changed.
The feelings where so powerful.
They could not be ignored.
Our lives torn apart.
All because of one night.
That one summer was good.
We didn’t want it to end.
Knew that things wouldn’t be the same.
Lives miserable, yearning, screaming to be together.
Time spent drinking, time spent thinking on you.
Hope never fading, always strong.
It will never die, not even when we do.
What we have will always be.
It is eternal.

Link: Eternal


Posted by LuvJackNasty on August 16

This may seem a little silly but my favorite movie as a child and still into my adulthood is “The Wizard of Oz” (BBM is in a special place of its own for it is not a movie but a living, breathing entity).  I always wanted to be Dorothy- wanting to make it over the rainbow, to wear those cool ruby slippers, skip down that yellow brick road and meet new friends along the way. And during some discussion tonight in another thread (which prompted me to put in “The Wizard of Oz” which I am watching as I write this) I realized that I have made it over the rainbow. One day you’re just wandering around and it’s that same old life, drenched in sepia tones. The next day this force of nature unexpectedly comes charging into your life. This Brokeback cyclone came up out of nowhere and sucked me up into the funnel and all I could do was wait to see where it dropped me. And so I landed here on this forum where things are in vibrant technicolor. As I’ve wandered along that yellow brick road, I’ve gotten to meet all sorts of people all with brains, courage and most of all hearts. Jack and Ennis are collectively my Glinda- setting me on the path and are with me every step of the way as I navigate it.
Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Yes, that’s where you’ll find me-right here. But I’m not clicking my heels because I am already home.  <^(

Link:  Why I love this place

Posted by brokeplex on August 18

I was so stunned at the end of the movie, I was numb. Then the tears started and didn't stop for a very long while.

Link:  Who here didn't cry at all during BBM?

Gay Pride around the World

There is now a calendar for Gay Pride around the World.  Please post the name of the city/state/country and the dates, post also the name of the event, and we will update the calendar.  You could post pictures too.  Click on the flag below to go to the thread.

Mini Gatherings

Stephan and Chameau met in Montreal on August 15 & 16, click on the picture below for the story, many pictures and videos.

LuvJackNasty & BBBOY met in Maryland from August 17 to 19, click on the picture below for the story, pictures and videos.

Brokies Get Together

SF Castro Theatre - Sunday Sept 16, 2007

San Francisco, CA

Brokeback Mountain will be showing at the legendary Castro Theater in San-Francisco on Sunday September 16.  For all the details, click on the picture below to go to the thread

Meet On The Eastern Shore Of Maryland

Salisbury, MD

When?  Colombus Day week-end, October 5 - 8 2007.  Where?  Salisbury Maryland... BBBOY will be the host and he promised a blue crab fest.  Click here to go to the thread.

For the ones who will be attending the Maryland gathering in Salisbury, please post here
your time/date of arrival and if you could share a hotel room.

Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008

Eau Claire, WI

May 2 -5 2008, Jerasjr will be the host in Eau Claire, WI.   Click  here to go to the thread.

Brussel's gathering - October 2008

Brussels, Belgium

Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the thread.

How Did You Find/Know this Forum?

We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about  Click on the picture below to share your story.

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retrospective Thread.

Calendar for the next two weeks

August 17– 27  Gay Pride * Manchester Pride – Festival, Manchester, U.K.

August 27  Birthdays: kingfisher (36), Lani (17)

August 30  Birthdays: BBMaddict (42)

August 31  Birthdays: qing (16), pixie (22), chimpery (22)

August 31– September 2  Gay Pride * Fête Arc-en-Ciel 2007, Quebec City (Quebec) Canada

September 1  Gay Pride * Cardiff-Wales L&G Mardi Gras, Cardiff, Whales ,  Birthdays: forbiddenlovers (34)

September  2  Gay Pride * Gay Day – Chelmsford, U.K. , Birthdays: dalemidex (41), Graebeard (60)

September  3  Birthdays: Three of Nineteen (28), yogay (60)

September  5  Birthdays: Lars-Gunnar (35), Filos (47)

September  8  Gay Pride * Reading Pride, U.K.. , Birthdays: romeshvr (37), kari100 (21), palladin (43), ennis8 (31)

September  9  Birthdays: titabeille (63)

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Carlab31, August 12
LJ, August 13
lil_dwarf_611, August 21
babytammy7, August 22

100 posts, Lureen

Carlab31, August 18

500 posts, Jack

Cliffy, August 25

1000 posts, Ennis

BBM Fan, August 20
jeffjoe, August 26

2000 posts, Jack + Ennis

FredPtiteFée, August 18

Special achievements

August 15, Mars, 39 000 posts

August 16, Jerasjr, 12 000 posts

August 17, City Slickin' Cowboy, 21 000 posts

August 20, eric_idle_rules, 5000 posts, Tpe, 30 000 posts

August 23, Magdalena, 3000 posts, Chameau, 21 000 posts

August 24, Mars, 40 000 posts

August 26, Bruxa23, 6000 posts, Audrey Twist, 11 000 posts

Congratulations to all!   8)

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click on:  Archives

August 27 - September 9 2007, editor Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

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Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #5 on: Sep 23, 2007, 03:13 PM » Newsletter
September 10 - 24, 2007

Bonjour Brokies,

We need your feedback about the Forum's Newsletter, shall we keep it bi-weekly, go back to weekly, or make it monthly?  What do you like about it?  Do you have suggestions?  You could post your answers here.

On another point friends, we have mentioned this subject in prior Newsletters but since the last time many new members registered... We still have a number of members who do not know how to resize pictures. It is time for a recap.  Large pictures take more time to download.  An original post is fine, however, when you are quoting a post with a picture, we ask that you please to downsize it.  Downsizing helps pages load faster.  Keep in mind that when several members are quoting the same post with the same picture, it can make some threads repetitive.  We have a tutorial to help you about this, just click on any of the pictures below.

(picture from Bruxa23)

Finally, it was a great week for cinema lovers, you will find below the adventures of some Brokies at the Toronto International Film Festival and some good news from the Venice Film Festival. :)

Enjoy yourselves,


Brokies Met at the Toronto Film Festival

Three of our friends met in Toronto for the World Premiere of Rendition, the latest movie staring Jake Gyllenhaal.  MississaugaRed, Smilesalot and Tpe not only watched the movie, they also met Jake^-^

(picture from ksxks, in colour:  Jake, Missy & Thomas)

Smilesalot wrote:

You all know how special this night was for Thomas. I'm so honoured that I was with him when his dream came true. He kept on saying, "Thank you" to the both of us, but really it was a gift to share this night with one so dear to all of us. Thomas totally embodies the spirit of Brokeback Mountain and it's so appropriate that almost exactly two years since the last time Jake was at the TIFF for BBM, Jake would sign the shirt owned by Thomas. A full circle moment I will never ever forget.

More details to follow but I'm just too emotional right now to put it all into words. There was a moment when Thomas and I sat in the theatre before the movie began, just stunned by what had just happened. And I turned to him and said, "You realize we will share this moment with all of our friends from around the world. And everytime we share it with them, we live it over and over again." And we both sat there just smiling, feeling all your thoughts and love. I was moved to tears and had to put my arm around Thomas. Good things do happen to good people. Not just good people, but the very BEST people.

We love you, EnnisJack.Com. Thank you for bringing us to this moment.

To read more, see more pictures and videos, click here.

The first reviews of the movie are posted in our Rendition thread, click on the picture below to read them.

And the Winner is... Ang Lee!

Ang Lee won his second Golden Lion for Lust, Caution at the latest Venice Mostra two years after the first one for Brokeback Mountain.

"I dedicate this award to Ingmar Bergman, I had the chance to meet him during the post production of Lust, Caution.  He kissed me and I forward you this kiss as it was not destinated to me but you, the Gardians of Cinema" said Ang when he received the award.

Click here to visit our thread dedicated to Lust, Caution.

This last picture is from September 9, 2005 when Ang Lee won his first Golden Lion.  BBM was then presented at the Venice Mostra in World Premiere, it's already two years! Happy Birthday Brokeback Mountain!   :cr)

Please Introduce Yourself

You are welcome to introduce yourself on this forum, as a registered member, see this post below from Milomorris on August 28.

Hello folks,

I've known about this site for quite a while, but never came to visit until recently. It was trekfan's interview that reminded me about this site and prompted me to have a look around. Some of you know me from the Dave Cullen Forum, Bettermost, and the BBM Yahoo groups.

I'm 42 and an opera singer (bass). I grew up in Boston, and now I live in Philadelphia with David, my partner of 19 years. I had a career at Verizon for many years and after being laid-off 3 times, I decided to sing and fill in the gaps with consulting work managing web projects for my clients. Nowadays I work part time for Opera Company of Philadelphia, and part time for AIMCO--a property management company.

The following is pieced together from three introductory posts originally shared on January 13, 14, and 31, 2006 in the BBM Yahoo Group and in the Masculine & Gay thread at DCF. This gonna be long.

My partner and I went to see BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN the day before New Year's Eve. Perfect timing…I'll explain later. It was amazing.

Link:  “It’s your board-Introducing yourself please”


Posted by ksxks on September 4

Who knows exactly how or why this has happened, that we have created -- started by Ethan -- a wonderful group of real friends here.  The magic of Brokeback Mountain.  It is very special...and we have come together for a reason, to be an island of love and support (and hot pix of my two favorite actors, and beautiful and hot fic don't hurt).  Not an island, I guess an archipelago, a web strung around the world that makes the world a better place.  Why I love this place.


Link:  Why I love this place

Posted by Silk on September 8

I for one have never figured out why this film impacted me so deeply.  The first time I went to the theater to see it I instantly fell in love with both characters and it progressed to the point they were not merely actors playing fictional parts in a film but they became real to me.

I truly miss them.  I truly wish I could invite them over for an evening.  It is a mourning of sorts on my part.  I thought I wanted a second film to be done but I think it should be left pure and that an additional film would spoil it or I may even hate the film if the story did not turn out as I feel it should.

I have not watched it since I tried to but could not finish it.  It is far to painful for me to watch as all the emotions come crashing down on me like a deep loss or a death of a loved one.  I acutally thought about seeing a professional about this but you know I don't want it to leave me and perhaps if I were analyzed by a professional they would diminish my experience into something trivial and I don't want it gone.  I want to understand it.

Be well  Hugs

Link:  It hurts too much for me to watch the film.

Collection of videos

Over the past years, members around the world have gathered and shared their bonding experiences from a number of gatherings.

In this thread, you will find a collection of videos dedicated to BBM and the members. These videos are the true testament of our forum motto - Born from their love...forever bound by ours. Enjoy.

You can either view the videos online online or download them, click here to see the collection.

A Collective Thank You

One year ago LuvJackNasty took the initiative of collecting some of the best posts from the members of and sent this gift from our hearts to the cast and crew of Brokeback Mountain with a thank you letter.  You could read below an excerpt from her letter.

Will there ever be enough words to say thank you? Is there even a word that exists to express the love and gratitude that is felt every day because of this wonderful story? Brokie love, brokie magic, phenomenon, amazing, miracle- these are a small sampling of words and phrases used daily by the brokies at You may think you wrote a story or a screenplay, produced or directed a movie or even gave the most heartfelt portrayals of two now beloved and iconic characters and while that is true, you need to know that what you did was so much more.

If you are ever interested in receiving a soft copy of this package you could PM chameau with your Email address, I will forward you one.

New Threads

Started by proulxfan on August 18

Suppose that Alma Jr. and/or Bobby asks their respective father(s) for advice on whether or not to go ahead with a potential  romantic relationship that seems to present serious, perhaps dangerous obstacles. (E.g. Alma Jr. asks Ennis, Bobby asks Jack.) I'll assume dangerous to mean from an emotional/psychological perspective, rather than other words full of  emotional risks! 

How do you think they would answer this question? "Follow your heart?" "Be careful, evaluate the risks?"

No cop outs allowed!! No saying " Sorry honey, you'll just have to figure this out for yourself." Alma Jr. and/or Bobby ask their dads: "What would you do if you were in my place?"

Link:  What do you think they'd tell their children? 

Started by lightnin flat on August 30

i do feel sorry for alma left standing there holding her daughter crying,watching ennis drive in to the mountains with jack especially after she saw them kissing the evening before.

          she must of felt like she had her heart ripped out or worse.

   but i do feel extremely happy to see jack and ennis drive up in to the mountains to be together like they should of allways been.     

 i feel so much more happiness for jack and ennis.    than i do sadness for alma.

                               what are your thoughts on this. 

Link:  see you sunday,latest

Started by babytammy7 on September 5

I'm not you:Ennis, I need more sex, you know, more than just 2 f.....I'm more passionate than you and still young, so I want you so bad!!!

I'm not you: En, I need a life together and, above all,  I need your love the whole time, every week, every day, every hour.I can't stand the loneliness no more. I'm not you, I need company, a family; not a family with a wife and children, but a family with you, you and me.

I'm not you: En, you don't know anything about your real sexuality, well, I mean, you don't accept it and you don't want to accept it. But I'm different; I know who I am, I know well what I want, I like boys, yeah, really, and I'm not ashamed of it. I said to you: I'm not a queer, but I was so young and I didn't want to lose you, so what about if I tell you I'm gay? What? I'm not afraid of people, I'm not afraid of killers, I'm not afraid of Earl and Rich's ghost; are you going to punch me? Come on, I'm not afraid of you!!!

I'm not you: En, you are so stoic, so conformist, so realistic.......but, at the same time, you are so sad, so bitter. I was a dreamer, I was a boy full of hope, I was happy, I used to smile all the whole time, and I really would like to be that Jack again; I need it En; I'm not you, I need dreams, crazy things, promises to carry on; I need words, I need to know that you love me.

I'm not you: En, you look so strong; nothing seems to be important for you, nothing seems to be hurting you (Ok, Jack didn't know how Ennis actually felt), but I'm not so strong; I'm more sensitive than you, I have deep feelings, I can't go on.... I'm devastated...

What do you think about friends? What was he trying to say?

Link:  I'm not you Ennis

Pix with Poems

Posted by Mikele on June 5


Je respire profondément l'odeur de ta peau, mes yeux caressent ta bouche et déjà, au loin, j'entends le galop des chevaux... Chaque instant qui passe m'appartient un peu plus, chaque instant passé et tu m'appartiens plus. Tu dors encore et je vole ces instants de pleine extase où ton visage pâle et beau n'est plus qu'à moi. J'attends,
j'attends que tu ouvres enfin tes yeux azur comme une pluie d'étoiles dans la peine ombre du jour naissant; à ce moment là ton sourire me parlera et me dira à nouveau combien tu m'aimes encore, et je respirerai  profondément.....

Sorry for my approximate translation

I smelt deeply the smell of your skin, I look at your mouth lovingly and now, far away, I can hear the galloping horses...Each passing time is mine a little more, each passed time you are mine more again. You still sleeping and I stole moments of full ecstasy while your pale and handsome face don’t belong to me any more. I’m waiting, I’m waiting, you open your blue eyes at last, like a rainy stars in the shadow of the new day; and then your smile will talk to me and whispering how much you still loving me, and I ‘ll smelt deeply....

Pix with Poems

Meet the Authors

Fan Fictions are stories of the characters of Ennis and Jack from many authors others than Annie Proulx.  You could find more about this here. Warning!  Many of the stories have explicit sexual content.

This week and interview from LuvJackNasty with Jacksharmonica- Author of "A Policy of Truth" and many oneshots, drabbles and poems.

Are you a professional writer?

No, I do a lot of technical writing for my work; write reports on a daily basis, but nothing professional.  Writing fan fiction is a new experience for me, and I am very much enjoying it.

If yes, have you published anything and if so what?

None.  Hopefully some day.

If no, What's your job in the ''real'' world?

Boring human resources office work.

What brought you to write about the characters of Ennis & Jack?

I read the novella first after reading a good review in Newsweek Magazine, right about the time the movie came out, and I fell in love with the story.  I saw the movie shortly afterward.  I dearly love all the characters of Brokeback Mountain, they are so real and human I recognize Jack, Ennis, Lureen, Alma, Mr. and Ms Twist, Randall and Lashawn in the people I have known, friends and family.

Are you writing Fan Fictions about other characters others than the ones from BBM?

Some, I wrote a very short story piece for a Cold Case episode Forever Blue, it was similar to Brokeback Mountain.  I am considering writing something in Spiderman; I am interested in Peter and Harry’s relationship.  And a friend is trying to get me to write something in Harry Potter, but I don’t know about that.

Is it sometimes difficult to deal with the critics and comments of your readers?

Not at all.  I try to check my ego at the door when it comes to my writing, and try to keep an open mind.  I consider writing an ongoing learning experience, and welcome differing points of view.

If you could change one thing about the story/movie what would that be? (excluding keeping Jack alive... I think we all would change that if we could!)

When they had to come down from Brokeback Mountain, I so wish Jack and Ennis could have found a way to be together, found some small ranch and live the rest of their lives together.  Some of my favorite stories explore what might have been, Jenny’s When The Snow Didn’t Come, and Montana Crows’s Beans and Crazies.

Brokies Get Together

SF Castro Theatre - Sunday Sept 16, 2007

San Francisco, CA

Brokeback Mountain will be showing at the legendary Castro Theater in San-Francisco on Sunday September 16.  For all the details, click on the picture below to go to the thread

Meet On The Eastern Shore Of Maryland

Salisbury, MD

(logo of the Maryland Gathering t-shirt)

In a little less than a month during the  Colombus Day week-end, October 5 - 8 2007.  In  Salisbury Maryland BBBOY will be the host,  some hotel rooms are secured and there is place available.  Click here to go to the thread.

For the ones who will be attending the Maryland gathering in Salisbury, please post here
your time/date of arrival and if you could share a hotel room.

Supper's on the Stove - No More Beans in Maryland, let's talk about some food situation and no, there's no plan to kill an elk but we'll have a blue crab fest.  Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Rendezvous in Wisconsin, May 2- 5, 2008

Eau Claire, Wisconsin

May 2 -5 2008, Jerasjr will be the host in Eau Claire, WI.   Click  here to go to the thread.

Brussel's gathering - October 2008

Brussels, Belgium

Titabeille and her husband will be the hosts from October 1 to October 7 2008 in Brussels, click here to go to the thread.

How Did You Find/Know this Forum?

We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about  Click on the picture below to share your story.

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you are looking for gems, the best posts ever, we have a special thread where we have been collecting them.   Click here to visit it and see how it works. If you sometimes visit some old posts and one in particular appeals to you, please bring it to the Retrospective Thread.

Calendar for the next two weeks

September 10  - Birthdays: myrine (24), Fairy Sister (42)

September 12 - Birthdays: Patriot1 (61)

September 13 - Birthdays: upton (46)

September 15 - Birthdays: greenfrog (21), RogerWV (47)

September 16 - Birthdays: Italian_Dude (19)

September 17 - Birthdays: alicat (31), kaatse (19)

September 18 - Birthdays: Bibian (19)

September 19 - Birthdays: mutant (31)

September 21 - Birthdays: garymcd (43), lailai921 (20), Sgath Giomanach (18)

September 22 - Birthdays: Pierre (51), Ginny (24)

September 23 - Autumnal Equinox, Birthdays: Lilie (26)          

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

vivici, August 27
lightnin flat, August 28
queequeg, August 28
Tatia85, August 29
ImEnnisShesJack, August 31
HLJG , September 9
JAKELANDIA, September 9

100 posts, Lureen

lil_dwarf_611 , August 27
Snuit, August 28
myprivatejack, September 3
Insomniac487, September 4
Ole, September 6

200 posts, Alma

carlab31, August 21

500 posts, Jack

Monicita, September 6

Special achievements

August 28, ksxks, 7000 posts, pierralex, 3000 posts

September 2, Mars, 41 000 posts

September 5, Tpe, 31 000 posts

September 8, 95 000 posts in the Silver Wolves thread.

Congratulations to all!  

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please PM the editors or post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.

Archives of the previous Newsletter

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  Click on:  Archives

September 10 - 24 2007, editor Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
"People's minds are like parachutes. To function properly they must first be open." - W.G.P.

It use to feel like a mass of dots. But more and more these days, I feel like we're all connected. (Latter Days)