[Moderators, feel free to find a better home for this..

Yup, once again...some observations of mine...

Actually I was motivated by some other discussion going on on the forum.
BBM has been rated rather differently around the world..even in the 'western' world..here's IMDB's
Here are some observations from my 20 minutes 'on-lining'; the name of a country is a link to the site of the national board/committee/office; some have also some verbal 'arguments'.
Finland 11
"An adult drama with forbidden, homoerotic love. Some love making scenes, which are mostly rather referential. Also some violent scenes. General atmosphere is brooding."
Sweden 7
"Elements of fight, threat and quarrel."
Denmark 11
Norway 11
"Two young men and their erotic relationship that they try to keep hidden from their wives and families for many years, contains some fighting."
Germany 12
The Netherlands 12
France tout public/all audiences
UK 15
"Contains strong language, moderate sex and violence."
Ireland 16
"Moderate/strong violence, language and sexual content."
US R (17?, please, revise me)
The emphasis in different countries is quite obvious: violence vs. nudity/sex.
The Canadian site isn't working at the moment and I couldn't find links to Italy or Spain, por favor/per favore, señora MPJ, señor WcI & il signor Marte

If you know any other rating boards/committees/offices, please let me/us know.