ברכות לכל חבריי מכל העולם, ביום השנה החמישי לאניסג'ק.קום. כשהצטרפתי לפורום הזה במרץ 2006, מספר חודשים אחרי הקמתו, לא היה לי מושג לאן המסע הזה יקח אותי. בסך הכל רציתי למצוא נשמות אחיות שאיתן אוכל לדבר על הרגשות החזקים שהסרט הזה עורר בי. מה שמצאתי היה הרבה יותר מזה. האנשים כאן הפכו לחלק ממני. ביחד צחקנו ובכינו, חווינו אובדן ושמחה, חלקנו את הטוב ואת הרע ובילינו הרבה שעות נפלאות יחד, בין אם אונליין או פנים אל פנים. אני מחשיבה את כולכם למשפחתי.
Greetings to all my friends around the world, on the 5th anniversary of ennisjack.com. When I joined this forum on March 2006, a few months after it's creation, I had no idea where this journey would take me. I just wanted to find kindred spirits, with whom I could talk about the overwhelming feelings that this movie has evoked in me. What I found was much more than that. The people here became a part of me. Together we laughed and cried, experienced loss and joy, shared the good and the bad and spent many wonderful hours together, whether it was online or in person. I consider you all my family.
with love,
Member ConnectionOver the past five years members met for real here and there kind of all around the World, click on the picture below to visit many threads of many gatherings with loads of pictures.

Discussion of 2011 Trip to AlbertaWell... We no longer discuss but many members already reserved plane tickets and hotels, this will happen for real next August 2011, some pilgrimage to the locations where Brokeback Mountain was shot. Click on the picture below to go to the thread.
*** Important information for Alberta - August 2010 *** There is a summary of members arrivals and departures plus the existing accommodations already booked, click on the picture below for the details.

Discussion of 2011 Road Trip in BCPrior to the Alberta gathering, some members will meet in Vancouver to visit and then do a road trip across the Rockies to meet more Brokies in Alberta. Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Meeting in Montreal August 19 -21 2011After the British Columbia & Alberta gatherings, some members will end their trip to Canada by visiting Montreal, you are welcome to join in. Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

How Did You Find/Know this Forum? We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about
ennisjack.com. Click on the picture below to share your story.
The forum has a blog for server updates. Any outage will be posted to inform the members. Please bookmark the site and check the blog if you are experiencing server errors.http://ennisjack.blogspot.com
Technical TipsTesting and posting from an iPhone app. Ennisjack is now accessible thru mobile app on iPhone, blackberry and android smartphones. Click on the picture below for more information.
Post Pictures If you are not familiar with posting pictures click
here for a tutorial.
How to Downsize a Picture Some pictures are just too big to fit a screen or when you quote a post that includes a picture, we would like you to downsize the quoted picture. Click
here for a tutorial.
About Posting PicturesIf you don't mind this is a reminder of our guidelines about posting pictures on the forum.
We understand many members are big fans of Heath, Jake and others. As supportive fans, let's respect them as who they are and not manipulate their pics to fulfill our fantasy. Collages are allowed of the Brokeback Mountain characters, and of each actor individually, but not of both actors mixed together or the actors mixed with others, like ourselves. To maintain this level of respect, the forum also asks the members not to post paparazzi photos or photos that constitute a clear invasion of their privacy. In the interests of protecting this forum and making it accessible to all ages, please do not post images of nudity, either front or back, in any form except famous classical artwork. We thank you for your understanding and support. If you are not sure about the pix, please check with the mod team first.You will find all the Forum's Guidelines & Rules
Questions, Suggestions & Technical IssuesWhat's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues
here too.
Newsletter FeedbackYou could click
here if you wish to provide feedback about the Newsletter.
Archives of the previous Newsletters Are you looking for the previous Newsletters? We reorganized the archives by quarter in order to make them easy to visit, they are all
here in the Forum Newsletter Board.
Born from their love... forever bound by ours! 
Season's Greetings!
Fifth Anniversary Special Edition, editors: The Mod Squad.