Titanic, 4768 (21.7%)
Chicago, 3200 (14.6%)
Shakespeare in Love, 2998 (13.6%)
The English Patient, 2641 (12.0%)
Crash 2471, (11.2%) Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 1287, (5.9%)
Gladiator 1196, (5.4%)
Million Dollar Baby, 1138 (5.2%)
A Beautiful Mind, 1055 (4.8%)
American Beauty, 920 (4.2%)
I can't stand any of 'em! 305 (1.4%)
I voted tough I found this a bit negative... and it won't change anything. You could vote only if you register but you could vote as many times as you whish... did I said that?