Author Topic: ~~ Get Your "Thank You" Postcards & Mail them to BBM ~~  (Read 31559 times)

Offline MississaugaRed

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Got it. They will go out today. Thank you for your support to BBM.  :D

Thank YOU for making it such a pleasure to be part of the BBM support.

And to further our cause ... I'm off to buy a couple extra copies of the DVD, so I can loan them to friends and co-workers who have not yet had the pleasure and may need some slight encouragement to take for first step!
"Tha mo bhàta-foluaimein loma-làn easgannan".
My hovercraft is full of eels.

“I miss you,” Jack whispered. “I miss you.” He felt loved. He felt heard. Shades of Grey by MidwestGirl

Offline Valandil Eluch

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i want to buy them but not sure i can you my credit card since it is from panama anyone knows?
There was some open space between what he knew and what he tried to believe, but nothing could be done about it, and if you can't fix it you've got to stand it.

Offline ethan

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i want to buy them but not sure i can you my credit card since it is from panama anyone knows?

Hmm..not sure. Let me check and I will PM me.
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed


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Thanks Ethan, i'll order some when I get back from work! :) Do you know how long it will take for them to get here? (UK) Lauren x


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Lauren,, Ethan posted mine last thursday and they arrived this Monday which was really quick ;D


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Cool, that is quick! I've just ordered mine yay!  :D Lauren x

Offline shakestheground

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Address for Larry McMurtry
« Reply #36 on: Apr 05, 2006, 09:11 AM »
I listened to an interview with Annie Proulx on KCRW, she mentioned Larry McMurtry had a book store in Archer City, TX. I googled it and it returned a listing for some one with the name:

Larry J Mcmurtry - 1005 S Ash St, Archer City, TX 76351

Could it really be this easy?
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--Flanney O'Conner, Wise Blood

Offline ethan

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Cool, that is quick! I've just ordered mine yay!  :D Lauren x

Thank you, Lauren. They are on their way.

I listened to an interview with Annie Proulx on KCRW, she mentioned Larry McMurtry had a book store in Archer City, TX. I googled it and it returned a listing for some one with the name:

Larry J Mcmurtry - 1005 S Ash St, Archer City, TX 76351

Could it really be this easy?

Not sure. The address we use to send for Larry is

c/o Howard Sanders
United Talent Agency
9560 Wilshire Blvd. 5th FL
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed


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By the way, do we have to send these ones? Can we keep them and frame them or something? Cuz they look really nice :) Lauren x

Offline ethan

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By the way, do we have to send these ones? Can we keep them and frame them or something? Cuz they look really nice :) Lauren x

No You don't have to. It is yours to keep or to mail.  :D
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed


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Oh that's cool! I think i'll frame them with other pictures and stuff and make a kinda display for my wall. My family will love it  ::)  :P

Offline Jack_ME

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Thanks for your support, Jack in ME. The mail went out today (3/28).

Postcards received!
(I don't get to my PO Box more than once a week, so they were probably there over a week ago!)
(and sheesh return address on the packet! Good thing they didn't get lost in the mails!)

Thanks for doing this Ethan, very nice!
I plan to keep one set as souvenirs and mail one set.

Jack in Maine
MY PHILOSOPHY DISCLAIMER: All my comments concern the MOVIE and the content and inferences obtained there. All interpretations, projections, speculations, and opinions about plot and characters are based SOLELY on the content of the movie. They can not be argued or debated by quoting the printed short story. A comparison of the two media is an interesting discussion but must be a separate discussion.

Offline MississaugaRed

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Hey Jack in Maine!

How great are the postcards?  I just ordered a couple of sets this week finally, and plan to do like you - one set for mailing, one for my BBM collection.  Which is starting to get crazy, since I've kept every magazine, newspaper and advertisements I was able to get my hands on. 

Just wanted to mention to you, Jack, that I remember in previous posts how you were so impressed with Roberta Maxwell's performance as Jack's mom.  Well, I started paying more attention to the fine details in those scenes (I was usually an emotional mess by that time so maybe wasn't seeing as closely as I should have) and I have to agree with you.  Saw it for the 11th time last night, in the theater (even though I have 3 copies of the DVD!) and it was that last scene with her and Ennis that made me cry.

Thanks for bringing that to my attention!  Definitely one of these postcards will make it's way to Ms. Maxwell as a thank you for portraying a mother who loved her son completely, in defiance of her husband's cruelness!
"Tha mo bhàta-foluaimein loma-làn easgannan".
My hovercraft is full of eels.

“I miss you,” Jack whispered. “I miss you.” He felt loved. He felt heard. Shades of Grey by MidwestGirl


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This is really off topic, sorry!, but Jack in Maine I really love your avatar! Lauren x

Offline Tom

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Update, mine Ethan and I have the flu so haven't posted Stephans onto him yet. Will do it tomorrow as I feel a wee bit better tonight. Thanks again for them they are brilliant. I am going to put mine in a display frame as some have suggested.
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Offline ethan

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Hello, Jack_ME. Glad you got them. Enjoy. I actually had a return address label but it probably fell off.

Tom, sorry to hear that you are feeling well. Hope you get better. I also put some framed and they look great.

Thanks all to your support to the movie and this forum.
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed


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My postcards are here!! Ethan thank you so so so so so so so so much!  ;D That's made my day that has! They're gorgeous! Thank you! Lauren xx  :-*

Offline ethan

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Lauren, you are welcome. Thanks for letting me know. Glad that you like them and Thank you for your support.
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

Offline Rodney

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Thanks Ethan-
  The postcards are just beautiful.  I'll mail one set and keep one set.  Someone mentioned their BBM collection.  I haven't saved everything but still have quite a bit of stuff.  I've put most of it in a binder(the postcards will be in there) and I think in the future I'll look back on all of this and remember a movie that deeply affected me.  Thanks for making these cards available, Ethan.  They got here within a short time and considering the postage and effort involved, you are doing us Brokies a great favor.


Offline MississaugaRed

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Hi Ethan -
Just letting you know I received my cards today.  They're great, thank you very much! :)  I liked the insert with all the mailing addresses for our favourites, too, maybe I'll be able to send some out over the weekend. Cheers.
"Tha mo bhàta-foluaimein loma-làn easgannan".
My hovercraft is full of eels.

“I miss you,” Jack whispered. “I miss you.” He felt loved. He felt heard. Shades of Grey by MidwestGirl

Offline ethan

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Hello Rodney and MississaugaRed,

Thanks for the posts. It is my pleasure to be of help. Yes I have my collection too - ads, postcards, magazines. They will be my BBM collection.

Enjoy and thank you for your support to BBM and this forum.
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

Offline stephan

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Like everyone else who has ordered them, Ethan, mine have arrived (via Scotland  ;) ) : they are beautiful ! I think they look even better than the pictures on the forum. Thanks so much for all the time and effort and money put into it. I am definitely keeping one set for my old age  :D

Offline ethan

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Yeeeeee-haaaaaawww. Glad to know that you got yours, Stephan.

It is just wonderful to have these postcards going around the world and sent to the cast and crew. Thank you for your support, Stephan.
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

Offline jstephens9

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Thanks so much for doing this. I just ordered two sets since just like everyone else I want to keep a copy for myself. These will go with this huge collection of Brokeback Mountain items I already have. I look forward to seeing these.

Jack from North Carolina
You know it could be like this, just like this, always..........

Offline Tom

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Like everyone else who has ordered them, Ethan, mine have arrived (via Scotland    ) : they are beautiful ! I think they look even better than the pictures on the forum. Thanks so much for all the time and effort and money put into it. I am definitely keeping one set for my old age  :D

Via Scotland.....and each one kissed before I forwarded them to you honey!
Actually, "life does get better than this"

Offline ethan

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Via Scotland.....and each one kissed before I forwarded them to you honey!

How sweet, Tom.  :-*

Thanks so much for doing this. I just ordered two sets since just like everyone else I want to keep a copy for myself. These will go with this huge collection of Brokeback Mountain items I already have. I look forward to seeing these.

Jack from North Carolina

Jack, Welcome to the forum. Thank you for your support to BBM and the forum. The postcards will be mailed tomorrow. Enjoy your time here and hope to read some posts from you.
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

Offline tpkomodo

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Thank you Ethan, I got my sopies already, I've shown them to my mum & friends, they were surprise that I made these designs for a forum, and what surprise my mum & I was that everyone is actualy ordering the cards and they love them! I'm so happy that my little contributions had make everyone happy! Thank you Ethan.

Offline ethan

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Thank you Ethan, I got my sopies already, I've shown them to my mum & friends, they were surprise that I made these designs for a forum, and what surprise my mum & I was that everyone is actualy ordering the cards and they love them! I'm so happy that my little contributions had make everyone happy! Thank you Ethan.

Yee-haw - Thanks for letting me know, tpkomodo. Great that you finally got them (it took a while  :D). I can't thank you enough for your works. The postcards are all over the world and of course the cast and crew may have them as well.

You rock, tpkmodo. These postcards are part of my BBM treasure. Thank you again.  :D
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

Offline Valandil Eluch

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i just shipped today my postcards!!!!! Thanks Ethan
There was some open space between what he knew and what he tried to believe, but nothing could be done about it, and if you can't fix it you've got to stand it.

Offline chameau

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Are postcards still available?
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