I have ordered professional prints of our "Thank You" postcards. They are ready for your request.
They are a set of 15 (4x6) postcards. Each set will be $12 including postage. Please join the forum to mail these postcards to BBM.
The payment can only be made by Paypal. You can make a secured credit card payment without a Paypal account.
Paypal is limited to the following countries -
*Anguilla *Argentina *Australia *Austria *Belgium *Brazil *Canada *Chile*China *Costa Rica *Cyprus *Czech Republic *Denmark *Dominican Republic*Ecuador *Estonia *Finland *France *Germany *Greece *Hong Kong *Hungary*Iceland *India *Ireland *Israel *Italy *Jamaica *Japan *Latvia *Luxembourg*Lithuania *Malaysia *Malta *Mexico *Netherlands *New Zealand *Norway
*Portugal *Poland *Singapore *Slovakia *Slovenia *South Africa *South Korea*Spain *Sweden *Switzerland *Taiwan * Thailand *Turkey *United Kingdom*Uruguay *Venezuela
Quantities are limited - 2 sets maximum per person please. Please PM me if you have any question. Thanks for your support.
HERE is the link to the details of the postcards and payment instruction.
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