Author Topic: From the Heart  (Read 31204 times)

Offline *Froggy*

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #30 on: Mar 07, 2006, 02:05 PM »
Just sent you a PM ... x
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If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than because he was he, and I was I.
~ Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592) ~ (Thankx to gimmejack)

Offline Patriot1

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #31 on: Mar 08, 2006, 02:35 AM »
I will need to discover the cost of postage (do you yet know where you would want it sent to - California has a tax levy and perhaps other states too . .  I would need to let you know that when I post it off).

TPE, what is meant by a "tax levy?"

If they mean a sales tax, sales tax is only collected in California on items SOLD IN CALIFORNIA, or, if the place you are buying the item has corporate offices in California.  No sales tax can be collected on items purchased out of the country or, out of the State of California for that matter. 

I purchased a car in Connecticut and California could not charge me sales tax.

If I purchased a gift for you I would have to pay my sales tax because it was purchased in California but your country couldn't charge me a tax on a gift to you.

Look into that closely.  There are many different sales tax rates in California. It all depends on what county you live in. 

Unless they have changed international laws on gifts very recently that "tax levy" doesn't sound right to me.

« Last Edit: Mar 08, 2006, 02:37 AM by Patriot1 »
Tell you what...truth is, sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it...

Love is a force of nature.

Offline tpe

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #32 on: Mar 08, 2006, 07:58 AM »
I will need to discover the cost of postage (do you yet know where you would want it sent to - California has a tax levy and perhaps other states too . .  I would need to let you know that when I post it off).

TPE, what is meant by a "tax levy?"

If they mean a sales tax, sales tax is only collected in California on items SOLD IN CALIFORNIA, or, if the place you are buying the item has corporate offices in California.  No sales tax can be collected on items purchased out of the country or, out of the State of California for that matter. 

I purchased a car in Connecticut and California could not charge me sales tax.

If I purchased a gift for you I would have to pay my sales tax because it was purchased in California but your country couldn't charge me a tax on a gift to you.

Look into that closely.  There are many different sales tax rates in California. It all depends on what county you live in. 

Unless they have changed international laws on gifts very recently that "tax levy" doesn't sound right to me.

Thanks you Patriot1.  Yes I will look into it, and I do think you are right that Frances is referring to some kind of sales tax.  Frances normally sends the items I order before sending me a detailed invoice for my inspection.  Whatever adjustments need to be made regarding the invoice are considered post-delivery without that much trouble -- they are most considerate at The Old Stile Press.  I am sure that her fears with regard to a tax levy will be eased on mailing the gift.  If there is such a levy, I am sure I will get a detailed explanation.

I do appreciate your looking out for me.  Many thanks.

There are such great people in this forum.  A lot of heart.

Offline stephan

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #33 on: Mar 08, 2006, 10:42 AM »
Dear tpe, it's a beautiful, lovely idea. I've pm'd you.  :)

Offline tpe

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #34 on: Mar 08, 2006, 11:54 AM »
Dear tpe, it's a beautiful, lovely idea. I've pm'd you.  :)

Thanks Stephan.  I added your name to the letter right before I sent it to Frances.  I really appreciate your support in this.

Offline BBM Obsessed

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #35 on: Mar 08, 2006, 11:58 AM »
WOW  -that book loks  great. A wonderful gesture. Check out this new Brokeback Tribute just posted on YOUTUBE:

This really says it all ....

This made me feel better...  I'm still smoldering over the Academy's audacity, but this video actually made me smile a little.  Thanks for sharing!
"I'm not a human being having a spiritual experience, rather I'm a spiritual being having a human experience."  :)

Offline tpe

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #36 on: Mar 08, 2006, 11:59 AM »
Latest communication from Frances. I have sent the letter so that the binders can proceed at full speed.

Dear Thomas

That looks fine. We'll get a copy off to him as soon as we can - the binders now know that they have to put their skates on and produce copies quickly.


My response.

Thanks Frances.

Let me know if you need any other information.  And do send me an email message when you have mailed the gift.


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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #37 on: Mar 08, 2006, 02:42 PM »
Even though I regret that I can no longer add names explicitly to the letter to Mr. Gyllenhaal, please bear in mind that the next gift I would want to present would be to Heath and Michelle.  There will again be opportunities to add names in this instance.  I thank you for your patience in this matter.

Offline stephan

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #38 on: Mar 08, 2006, 06:19 PM »
Tpe, you're an angel. Merci.

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #39 on: Mar 08, 2006, 06:25 PM »
tpe , what a wonderful heart you have.

This is an amazing gesture from you.

Actually, "life does get better than this"

Offline tpe

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #40 on: Mar 08, 2006, 06:34 PM »
Tom and Stephan, I can only make this gesture because both of you and all the member of this forum are here with me.

I am sitting here trying to keep equilibrium.  What hurts me the most is that there is ONE thing you or I or anyone else in this forum cannot give.  If it was in my power to reverse all and give them 'Best Picture' at the Oscars, I would do so and be content.

One gift suffices.  And I know that THIS ONE thing I can never never give them.

This is what is killing me.

Offline stephan

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #41 on: Mar 08, 2006, 06:43 PM »

I am sitting here trying to keep equilibrium.  What hurts me the most is that there is ONE thing you or I or anyone else in this forum cannot give.  If it was in my power to reverse all and give them 'Best Picture' at the Oscars, I would do so and be content.

Don't hate me, tpe, but I'm going to play devil's advocate.
Let's assume there was a deliberate choice made against BBM for best picture.
Let's assume the people who decided this have got some power in Hollywood, and will have it for a few more years.
Conclusion : media talk about BBM is going to be forbidden. It will look as if BBM went into oblivion.

In reality, however, people's lives will go on being affected, just like ours. But there will be little attention paid. Yet, when those people are no longer in power, the truth will become known.
Isn't that better than winning all eight awards whose name we won't mention ?

Stephan  :-*

Offline tpe

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #42 on: Mar 08, 2006, 06:51 PM »
Don't hate me, tpe, but I'm going to play devil's advocate.
Let's assume there was a deliberate choice made against BBM for best picture.
Let's assume the people who decided this have got some power in Hollywood, and will have it for a few more years.
Conclusion : media talk about BBM is going to be forbidden. It will look as if BBM went into oblivion.

In reality, however, people's lives will go on being affected, just like ours. But there will be little attention paid. Yet, when those people are no longer in power, the truth will become known.
Isn't that better than winning all eight awards whose name we won't mention ?

Stephan  :-*

In the final analysis, you are right, Stephan.  I have no doubt that this is indeed so.

But I cannot bear thinking how the cast and Ang Lee must have felt that night when they were denied what should have been theirs by rights. 

Just reading the article of how Ang Lee could not sleep that night literally chokes me.

This will all pass.  BBM shall win in the end.  But for the meantime, I feel like Ennis in the alleyway when I contemplate the injustice.

Offline Tom

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #43 on: Mar 08, 2006, 06:52 PM »

I am sitting here trying to keep equilibrium.  What hurts me the most is that there is ONE thing you or I or anyone else in this forum cannot give.  If it was in my power to reverse all and give them 'Best Picture' at the Oscars, I would do so and be content.


Ah tpe , how we all wish the same thing. But as Stephan says, we are the ones whose lives are mostly affected. We appreciate all this movie means and who gives a flying f what the Academy a.k.a Up their own ar** Club in tinsel town think. Most of the world media feels the same as us.

I wish I could meet all the stars and directors and thank them all personally (not in a crazy Kathy Bates a la Misery way), but I don't think I really need to. I honestly beleive that Ang, Larry & Diana, Jake (ah Jake), Heath, Michelle, Anne, Linda, Randy and all the rest of the people involved in making this movie are very aware of how much their work is loved, and what the feelings in the world are regarding The Academy's decision.

It may be some consolation to them.


Actually, "life does get better than this"

Offline tpe

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #44 on: Mar 08, 2006, 06:55 PM »
It may be some consolation to them.


How I wish it were so.  We should make sure that they do know this, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Offline stephan

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #45 on: Mar 08, 2006, 06:57 PM »

I wish I could meet all the stars and directors and thank them all personally (not in a crazy Kathy Bates a la Misery way), but I don't think I really need to. I honestly beleive that Ang, Larry & Diana, Jake (ah Jake), Heath, Michelle, Anne, Linda, Randy and all the rest of the people involved in making this movie are very aware of how much their work is loved, and what the feelings in the world are regarding The Academy's decision.


It would be nice. We have so much gratitude to show. We've already started.  ;)

This will all pass.  BBM shall win in the end.  But for the meantime, I feel like Ennis in the alleyway when I contemplate the injustice.

Tpe, injustice is the word for it. But we're gonna stand it - there's no reins o injustice in this world.



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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #46 on: Mar 08, 2006, 07:04 PM »
the pictures are great...this is a great idea you have..and its very thoughtful and generous of you do this..

Offline tpe

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #47 on: Mar 08, 2006, 07:20 PM »
the pictures are great...this is a great idea you have..and its very thoughtful and generous of you do this..

Thanks Sunflower79  This is from all of us.


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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #48 on: Mar 08, 2006, 07:41 PM »
oh okay..i must have misread the post you wrote..thanks for claryfying

Offline tpe

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #49 on: Mar 08, 2006, 08:00 PM »
You're welcome Sunflower79:)

Offline BBBOY

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #50 on: Mar 08, 2006, 09:11 PM »

I am sitting here trying to keep equilibrium.  What hurts me the most is that there is ONE thing you or I or anyone else in this forum cannot give.  If it was in my power to reverse all and give them 'Best Picture' at the Oscars, I would do so and be content.


Ah tpe , how we all wish the same thing. But as Stephan says, we are the ones whose lives are mostly affected. We appreciate all this movie means and who gives a flying f what the Academy a.k.a Up their own ar** Club in tinsel town think. Most of the world media feels the same as us.

I wish I could meet all the stars and directors and thank them all personally (not in a crazy Kathy Bates a la Misery way), but I don't think I really need to. I honestly beleive that Ang, Larry & Diana, Jake (ah Jake), Heath, Michelle, Anne, Linda, Randy and all the rest of the people involved in making this movie are very aware of how much their work is loved, and what the feelings in the world are regarding The Academy's decision.

It may be some consolation to them.


I truly believe that time will prove this film to be not only a ground breaker but a classic to rival all the others. I'm over the Oscars, over their empty gestures and hollow platidudes. Hollywood shot itself in the foot Sunday night. It's not a fatel wound ....yet. But if one listens to the outcry around the world it may be. The world already looks at us with a great deal of cynicism. We live in a worldwide environment now and while we are still held up to admiration by some there are chinks in the armor. I could say more but will hold my tongue. Macarthyism isn't that far behind us.
There was some open space between what he knew and what he tried to believe, but nothing could be done about it, and if you can't fix it you've got to stand it.

Ennis, riding against the wind back to the sheep in the treacherous, drunken darken light, thought he'd never had such a good time, felt he could paw the white out of the moon.

Offline BBBOY

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #51 on: Mar 08, 2006, 09:46 PM »
Hot damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Alma!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
There was some open space between what he knew and what he tried to believe, but nothing could be done about it, and if you can't fix it you've got to stand it.

Ennis, riding against the wind back to the sheep in the treacherous, drunken darken light, thought he'd never had such a good time, felt he could paw the white out of the moon.

Offline Cowboy Cody

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #52 on: Mar 08, 2006, 10:08 PM »
<OT> we now return to our regularly scheduled broadcast...

btw...I think you tucked your pantyhose in the back of your dress dear.
You were goin' up there to go fishin'....NO SHIT! GIMME SEX!

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #53 on: Mar 09, 2006, 08:17 AM »

I wish I could meet all the stars and directors and thank them all personally (not in a crazy Kathy Bates a la Misery way), but I don't think I really need to. I honestly beleive that Ang, Larry & Diana, Jake (ah Jake), Heath, Michelle, Anne, Linda, Randy and all the rest of the people involved in making this movie are very aware of how much their work is loved, and what the feelings in the world are regarding The Academy's decision.

It may be some consolation to them.


I agree.  I hope everyone involved in the movie comprehends the impact that BBM has had in affecting the lives of millions of people.  Their collective efforts have made a difference in the world for the better.  Hopefully they have a sense of our gratitude.

Offline tpe

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Need your Opinion
« Reply #54 on: Mar 09, 2006, 11:59 AM »
Hello friends.

I have been thinking of what to give Heath and Michelle for a few days now, and the gift of artists prints to Jake gave me an idea to go along the same lines.

I am a client of the Floating World Gallery here in Chicago, and I was thinking if the following Shin Hanga print is a good choice for a gift to the BBM couple.

Getting this print would be no problem as I live quite close to the Gallery.  I would have to pay the whopping Chicago sales tax of close to 10%, nonetheless.  Anything for Heath and Michelle.

Do let me know what you think.  I do intend to reference in the letter to them, so your opinion matters very much to me.

As with the gift to Jake, I shall shoulder the cost.
« Last Edit: Mar 09, 2006, 12:04 PM by tpe »

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Re: Need your Opinion
« Reply #55 on: Mar 09, 2006, 09:13 PM »
Hello friends.

I have been thinking of what to give Heath and Michelle for a few days now, and the gift of artists prints to Jake gave me an idea to go along the same lines.

I am a client of the Floating World Gallery here in Chicago, and I was thinking if the following Shin Hanga print is a good choice for a gift to the BBM couple.

Getting this print would be no problem as I live quite close to the Gallery.  I would have to pay the whopping Chicago sales tax of close to 10%, nonetheless.  Anything for Heath and Michelle.

Do let me know what you think.  I do intend to reference in the letter to them, so your opinion matters very much to me.

As with the gift to Jake, I shall shoulder the cost.

tpe, what a lovely woodblock print. I think it is the perfect gift for Heath and Michelle. I am poor as a churchmouse here , don't know how I'm gonna pay the bills this mouth, otherwise I'd send you some money. The story of Brokeback is very oriental in nature and the print reflects that. Love found, love unobtainable, love the destroyer. The Japanese word is katowoami. Forgive the spelling to all Japanese who may read this. Unrequited love. A love with no satisfatory resolution, a love that would never grow old. I weep as do we all. 
There was some open space between what he knew and what he tried to believe, but nothing could be done about it, and if you can't fix it you've got to stand it.

Ennis, riding against the wind back to the sheep in the treacherous, drunken darken light, thought he'd never had such a good time, felt he could paw the white out of the moon.

Offline frenchcda

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #56 on: Mar 09, 2006, 10:10 PM »
Anything for Heath and Michelle.

would you be able to let me know as to wether this can be appropriate or not
it is a 2 piece sculpture that honors time and love trough the ages, for the child depict the new life that come to life and the hands that holds the child represent the earth and old age as in mother earth and her force to love and endure trough time

the sculpture is 30cm x 30cm by 15 cm and it made of clay with old burned copper/bronze and silver mix glaze

included front photo of the entire sculpture
included front photo of the hands less the child to show them apart
« Last Edit: Mar 10, 2006, 04:48 AM by frenchcda »
       what is a belief if not a lack of knowing

              My wounds are deeper than your desires


Offline tpe

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Re: Need your Opinion
« Reply #57 on: Mar 10, 2006, 08:14 AM »
Hello friends.

I have been thinking of what to give Heath and Michelle for a few days now, and the gift of artists prints to Jake gave me an idea to go along the same lines.

I am a client of the Floating World Gallery here in Chicago, and I was thinking if the following Shin Hanga print is a good choice for a gift to the BBM couple.

Getting this print would be no problem as I live quite close to the Gallery.  I would have to pay the whopping Chicago sales tax of close to 10%, nonetheless.  Anything for Heath and Michelle.

Do let me know what you think.  I do intend to reference in the letter to them, so your opinion matters very much to me.

As with the gift to Jake, I shall shoulder the cost.

tpe, what a lovely woodblock print. I think it is the perfect gift for Heath and Michelle. I am poor as a churchmouse here , don't know how I'm gonna pay the bills this mouth, otherwise I'd send you some money. The story of Brokeback is very oriental in nature and the print reflects that. Love found, love unobtainable, love the destroyer. The Japanese word is katowoami. Forgive the spelling to all Japanese who may read this. Unrequited love. A love with no satisfatory resolution, a love that would never grow old. I weep as do we all. 

BBBOY, you may not have the money, but you certainly have the heart.  You need not send anything because you have already given enough.

I agree that there is a very Eastern element in the image of the mountain and the story itself (intentional or unintentional -- it does not matter.)   The restraint which the movie shows is also typical.  And of course, there is the idea of life and the spiritual aspect as 'The Great Mirror', where life and all passions are dreams/illusions (a 'Floating Bridge of Dreams'), but are nonetheless an integral part of the journey.

Offline tpe

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Re: From the Heart
« Reply #58 on: Mar 10, 2006, 08:16 AM »
Anything for Heath and Michelle.

would you be able to let me know as to wether this can be appropriate or not
it is a 2 piece sculpture that honors time and love trough the ages, for the child depict the new life that come to life and the hands that holds the child represent the earth and old age as in mother earth and her force to love and endure trough time

the sculpture is 30cm x 30cm by 15 cm and it made of clay with old burned copper/bronze and silver mix glaze

included front photo of the entire sculpture
included front photo of the hands less the child to show them apart

It is beautifully appropriate.  It makes a direct reference to the life that they have brought forth into this world which now binds them, and it calls forth the creation of a work of art (BBM) that they will share with pride and joy for the rest of their lives.

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Re: Need your Opinion
« Reply #59 on: Mar 11, 2006, 11:09 AM »
Hello friends.

I have been thinking of what to give Heath and Michelle for a few days now, and the gift of artists prints to Jake gave me an idea to go along the same lines.

I am a client of the Floating World Gallery here in Chicago, and I was thinking if the following Shin Hanga print is a good choice for a gift to the BBM couple.

Getting this print would be no problem as I live quite close to the Gallery.  I would have to pay the whopping Chicago sales tax of close to 10%, nonetheless.  Anything for Heath and Michelle.

Do let me know what you think.  I do intend to reference in the letter to them, so your opinion matters very much to me.

As with the gift to Jake, I shall shoulder the cost.

tpe, it looks beautiful. The time and heart you put into this warms my heart. So much love. It's amazing. You really are a wonderful person. :)

About the effect BBM has on people - I'm sure they know. And I'm sure it matters more to them than any Oscar. Making a movie is about touching an audience, and in that they have succeeded.