I watched the second tent scene over and over, and clearly hear, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." twice. As in the theater, I do not see Ennis's lips move. This is what confused me, but throughout the movie Ennis talks through the side of his mouth so this comes as no surprise. Jack is clearly responding back to something said not by himself, when he looks Ennis in the eyes, shakes his head and says, "It's all right." This is how I see it. The only other possible explanation is that they somehow dubbed Ennis's voice in after the scene.
Things I noticed:
1. It really touched me how Jack wants this second sexual scene (and first love scene in my opinion) to be Ennis's choice. He invites him in: tent opened, shirt off, but he lets Ennis decide if he wants to come. Absolutely beautiful!
2. I got a free screenplay with my DVD, so I see there is no direction regarding Ennis's approach to Jack in the second tent scene. I wonder, if the use of the hat was all Heath's idea. It was brilliant!
3. I don't know how I ever missed this one, but I never noticed the look on Jack's face when he says, "Pleases to meet you, Ennis del Mar." It is just priceless!
Can anyone tell me where they hear, "Come here. Lie back," in the second tent scene. I don't hear it. THANKS!
I really miss the big screen. Although it is great to be able to stop and play the movie as I like, it looses some of its impact in my opinion on a small screen.