Author Topic: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD  (Read 56459 times)

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*SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« on: Mar 24, 2006, 01:50 PM »
Brokies, DVD release in the US is around the corner (sorry friends oversea).

Please post all your thoughts here after you watch the DVD.

The first person I am aware of in this forum - Esme has gotten her DVD. Lucky her.  :D

Ok...this can be made into all sorts of new topics when more people get the dvd and we want to discuss all the little things we see or hear that missed us before.

If you have wandered in here by mistake and don't want to know STOP READING NOW :)

But I just have to say something and I will disguise it in here, no bold no italic and no enlarged.

The scene that has haunted me the most and where I have disagreed with people in here is the infamous second tent as it is, I haven't been hearing the I'm sorry and haven't seen Ennis mouth it either. Well. I just played the second tent scene with subs. First thing I did after tearing off theplastic. I just had to see if there was indeed an I'm sorry subbed there. And it is, but it isn't Ennis that says it. It is Jacke. I am sorry but that is my take on it. I have been paying so much attention to Ennis lips that I haven't even thought of Jacks. But when I saw the subbed I'm sorry I played it again ,watching Ennis lips and then again watching Jacks. This is my opinion. Jack says I'm sorry, two I'ts alrights and then says come here, lie back. Put a ton of ! behind that one.

« Last Edit: Mar 27, 2006, 12:11 AM by ethan »
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Re: *SPOILER* thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #1 on: Mar 24, 2006, 03:15 PM »
Thanks but I will definitively wait for the DVD...  I don't want to ruin my own experience!

 ;) :D :'(
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #2 on: Mar 31, 2006, 04:37 AM »
I agree with Esme. Ennis talking :o ;D No.
Jack says "Come (here)", "It's allright" (That's allright?) Ennis just concentrate on "being", make little resistance, it's his role. Jack having the allureing part (he's the gayish one). 
(Have to make a confession: I have it on my PC.... so hang me :P .. living in "Lapland" you see ::), but I'm going to buy the DVD also.)
« Last Edit: Apr 01, 2006, 04:30 AM by mélisande »

Offline donnaread

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #3 on: Mar 31, 2006, 10:57 AM »
Jack says I'm sorry, two I'ts alrights and then says come here, lie back. Put a ton of ! behind that one.

OH MY GAWD!!!  I saw the film 9 times in a theater, and I only heard "I'm sorry" once and "its alright" twice...but I NEVER heard "come here, lie back!  OH MY GAWD!!! Did Jack really say that? :o  WOW!!! How sexy is that!  Now I am waiting AND salivating ;D!   Donna
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #4 on: Apr 02, 2006, 03:46 AM »
YEE HAW! My DVD just a arrived from Wolfe Video today, along with my BBM bandana. ;D :D ;D    Now that I have decent volume control & subtitles, I was finally able to catch some of the dialog from the tent scenes that I could never hear in my downloaded bit torrent version. Our boys really DO say "Sorry" and "It's all right" in the tent scene. It may not be big screen, but there are definitely advantages to having the DVD. You guys are gonna love it!   ;D

I've only played it once so far, so I haven't nailed down exactly who said what to whom, but what Esme said sounds about right. I had never heard that "Come here, lie back" before, but there it was! Now we can all finally know for certain.

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #5 on: Apr 02, 2006, 05:42 AM »
Jack says I'm sorry, two I'ts alrights and then says come here, lie back. Put a ton of ! behind that one.

damn, i cannot wait for the dvd!!! in german, there isn't even an "i'm sorry", but jack does say "come here, lie back" - i hadn't realized the lie back in the little snippet i saw on the internet... gotta check again, when i have the dvd, myself.
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #6 on: Apr 02, 2006, 06:22 PM »
I have watched clips of the 2nd tent scene before the DVD release; Jack says, very quietly :I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"; then he says: "Come here" as he pulls Ennis toward him and they both lie down;
THAT IS ALL HE SAYS; nothing else; you can watch it, without the music playing on YOU TUBE:  "4 Nights in 20 Years"

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #7 on: Apr 02, 2006, 06:32 PM »
He says come here before kissing Ennis

There is actually alot of come here beeing sayd before kissing and stuff
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #8 on: Apr 03, 2006, 05:13 PM »
YEE HAW! My DVD just a arrived from Wolfe Video today, along with my BBM bandana. ;D :D ;D    Now that I have decent volume control & subtitles, I was finally able to catch some of the dialog from the tent scenes that I could never hear in my downloaded bit torrent version. Our boys really DO say "Sorry" and "It's all right" in the tent scene. It may not be big screen, but there are definitely advantages to having the DVD. You guys are gonna love it!   ;D

I've only played it once so far, so I haven't nailed down exactly who said what to whom, but what Esme said sounds about right. I had never heard that "Come here, lie back" before, but there it was! Now we can all finally know for certain.

Just got my DVD in the mail this afternoon. I'm sitting here in my bandana waiting for the sun to go down teasing myself, but I want the room dark like a theater to watch it. I still don't trust the subtitles. I know what I heard and it was ennis saying he's sorry with Jack slmost over speaking him with, "It's alright."
There was some open space between what he knew and what he tried to believe, but nothing could be done about it, and if you can't fix it you've got to stand it.

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #9 on: Apr 03, 2006, 05:24 PM »
Just got my DVD in the mail this afternoon. I'm sitting here in my bandana waiting for the sun to go down teasing myself, but I want the room dark like a theater to watch it. I still don't trust the subtitles. I know what I heard and it was ennis saying he's sorry with Jack slmost over speaking him with, "It's alright."

You should never trust subtitles.  Sometimes the characters say a long sentence that would fill the screen or they all talk so fast the people that do the subtitles cut it down to fit, hopefully without losing any meaning.

The first television I bought with Closed Caption I couldn't believe how they change things.  But, they HAVE to. They don't have a choice many times.

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #10 on: Apr 03, 2006, 11:48 PM »
You should never trust subtitles.  Sometimes the characters say a long sentence that would fill the screen or they all talk so fast the people that do the subtitles cut it down to fit, hopefully without losing any meaning.

The first television I bought with Closed Caption I couldn't believe how they change things.  But, they HAVE to. They don't have a choice many times.

Agreed. I wouldn't trust subtitles alone, but in combination with cranked up volume and lip-reading, they can be a useful tool. Besides, the way Ennis mumbles, you almost NEED subtitles to understand what he's saying, especially in the tent scenes.

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #11 on: Apr 04, 2006, 01:35 AM »
You should never trust subtitles.  Sometimes the characters say a long sentence that would fill the screen or they all talk so fast the people that do the subtitles cut it down to fit, hopefully without losing any meaning.

The first television I bought with Closed Caption I couldn't believe how they change things.  But, they HAVE to. They don't have a choice many times.

Besides, the way Ennis mumbles, you almost NEED subtitles to understand what he's saying, especially in the tent scenes.

I do agree.  Ennis often didn't speak clearly when he kept his mouth so tight.  But you know, I think it was also the sound person or the people that put the movie together or I am going deaf and just haven't realized it yet (no joking).  The reason I say that is because there were several places in the movie I had a difficult time hearing the other actors.  The bedroom scene with Alma and Ennis where Alma is behind Ennis hugging him.  I had a difficult time hearing her and him sometimes. I mean I did hear them but I really had to listen.  The motel scene was another, but then again it involved Ennis and his tight mouth.

As for the 2nd tent scene, many times I got the impression the words were added AFTER filming except for the "It's alright."  Those words you can see Jack saying as he nods.

But, like I said, I could be going deaf. But, when I made the audio track and cranked the volume full blast, I definitely heard, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry.  That's (or it's) alright." and then something that sounded like, "Come here...."

People who have to do subtitles and captions do not receive the text of the dialog because often actors will ad lib. So if we have a difficult time hearing what is said I am sure they do also.

« Last Edit: Apr 04, 2006, 01:37 AM by Patriot1 »
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #12 on: Apr 04, 2006, 01:06 PM »
I had never noticed this before: Sitting in the bar at the begining, Jake asks: "Your folk run you off?" like he could have easilys said "too".
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #13 on: Apr 04, 2006, 03:18 PM »
I now know what the subtitles said. I'll watch it tonight in my room, very loud to try and decide for myself.
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #14 on: Apr 04, 2006, 09:07 PM »
Im watching the DVD right now with subtitles, and something I hadnt noticed before was that at the reunion kiss before Ennis throws Jack on the wall he says "Come here."

Has anyone noticed that??

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #15 on: Apr 04, 2006, 10:25 PM »
mmm hnmmm I watched it with the subtitles... i especially like the first tent scene:

[blankets rustling]


[belts clinking]


[ennis gasps]

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #16 on: Apr 04, 2006, 11:43 PM »
I have to say that seeing it at home tonight didn't have the same impact as in the theater and not because of any distractions at home or because of the screen size. For me it was because I would turn the subtitles on an off and go back to check things I don't remember seeing before, so I lost the some of flow. I sure that won't happen in future viewings.

I noticed a couple of things that I hadn't really seen/heard/noticed when I saw it in the theater and I saw it 21 times!  :)

There was much more light in the tent scenes on my DVD that on the movie screen. The sound was better too. Now I could see Jack turn towards Ennis after their first coupling ended. Missed that before. Also, I never noticed the Jack's expression and the way he sort of turned his head downward in satisfaction after he took Ennis's hand and put it on his crotch.

After Ennis said he wasn't a sinner, on the DVD I heard/saw Jack say "Ummmmm", kinda nod and smile. Didn't see that before either. Which makes me think that Ennis statement was indeed flirting.

I ran a couple scenes with the subtitles to catch dialogue that I didn't quite get. For example, prior to the first tent scene, when Ennis is trying to get up to go to the sheep I was tyring to figure out what Ennis was saying. When he tells Jack that's where he is going, Jack says something and its "give'em hell" according to the subtitles, then Ennis says he can't stand up.

My take on the great "I'm sorry/Its all right" second tent scene controversy  :)  I still think that during the second tent scene Jack says "its all right" 3 times, the first one being very slurred and mumbled and sounding like "I'm sorry" even though the subtitles show it as one "I'm sorry" and 2 "its all right".

There is also an incomplete subtitle during the conversation when Ennis shows up late and says "Look what I brought". There's only 2 words of another sentence shown. According to the screenplay its about Ennis bringing beans.

"No More Beans"

"Beans 'bout all we got left"

"We got to do somethin' 'bout this food situation. Maybe I'll shoot one of the sheep"

"We're supposed to guard the sheep, not eat 'em"

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #17 on: Apr 05, 2006, 02:08 AM »
Look what I brought


Yeah, I'll cook 'em like I used to

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #18 on: Apr 05, 2006, 05:28 AM »
Can you tell me - is there some easter eggs? Thank you.  :)
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #19 on: Apr 05, 2006, 06:44 AM »
Can you tell me - is there some easter eggs? Thank you.  :)

I really don't think that there ar eany. Too bad, huh?
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #20 on: Apr 05, 2006, 07:29 AM »
My dear American friends,

may I just tell you one little thing?

I ENVY YOU LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

I haven't got a clue when the DVD is going to be released here in Italy...... :(
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #21 on: Apr 05, 2006, 07:37 AM »
I watched the second tent scene over and over, and clearly hear, "I'm sorry.  I'm sorry." twice.  As in the theater, I do not see Ennis's lips move.  This is what confused me, but throughout the movie Ennis talks through the side of his mouth so this comes as no surprise.  Jack is clearly responding back to something said not by himself, when he looks Ennis in the eyes, shakes his head and says, "It's all right."  This is how I see it.  The only other possible explanation is that they somehow dubbed Ennis's voice in after the scene. 

Things I noticed:

1. It really touched me how Jack wants this second sexual scene (and first love scene in my opinion) to be Ennis's choice.  He invites him in:  tent opened, shirt off,  but he lets Ennis decide if he wants to come.  Absolutely beautiful!

2.  I got a free screenplay with my DVD, so I see there is no direction regarding Ennis's approach to Jack in the second tent scene.  I wonder, if the use of the hat was all Heath's idea.  It was brilliant!

3.  I don't know how I ever missed this one, but I never noticed the look on Jack's face when he says, "Pleases to meet you, Ennis del Mar."  It is just priceless!

Can anyone tell me where they hear,  "Come here.  Lie back," in the second tent scene.  I don't hear it.  THANKS!

I really miss the big screen.  Although it is great to be able to stop and play the movie as I like,  it looses some of its impact in my opinion on a small screen.
« Last Edit: Apr 05, 2006, 08:15 AM by n061857 »

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #22 on: Apr 05, 2006, 03:54 PM »
[quote author=Patriot1

As for the 2nd tent scene, many times I got the impression the words were added AFTER filming except for the "It's alright."  Those words you can see Jack saying as he nods.

ok...I heard I'm sorry too, but who is supposed to be saying it?  If its Jack, why is he apologizing?  If its Ennis I guess he's apologizing for not speaking to Jack when he rode off the next morning.   :( ???
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #23 on: Apr 05, 2006, 03:59 PM »
[quote author=Patriot1

As for the 2nd tent scene, many times I got the impression the words were added AFTER filming except for the "It's alright."  Those words you can see Jack saying as he nods.

ok...I heard I'm sorry too, but who is supposed to be saying it?  If its Jack, why is he apologizing?  If its Ennis I guess he's apologizing for not speaking to Jack when he rode off the next morning.   :( ???

According to the subtitles, Ennis says I'm sorry. Just from listening, I can't figure it out. It sounds like the same voice saying all of it.
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #24 on: Apr 05, 2006, 04:56 PM »
The way I see it it is more likly that it is Jack, he does not appologize but sees how apprahensive Ennis is and says he is sorry for speeding it, but it is alright, come here. Would Ennis EVER appologize??? for anything??? he might mean to but say it??? No...makes more sense for it to be Jack
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #25 on: Apr 05, 2006, 04:58 PM »
The way I see it it is more likly that it is Jack, he does not appologize but sees how apprahensive Ennis is and says he is sorry for speeding it, but it is alright, come here. Would Ennis EVER appologize??? for anything??? he might mean to but say it??? No...makes more sense for it to be Jack

I think you're right. Also, doesn't it sound like it's all one voice?
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #26 on: Apr 05, 2006, 05:15 PM »
Yes, it sounds like the same voice saying it.
i don't see Ennis's mouth move at all.
It might have been over dubbed after... anyways...all this just to confuse us and to argue, tee hee
only Ang Lee knows!

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #27 on: Apr 05, 2006, 06:05 PM »
I watched the second tent scene over and over, and clearly hear, "I'm sorry.  I'm sorry." twice.  As in the theater, I do not see Ennis's lips move.  This is what confused me, but throughout the movie Ennis talks through the side of his mouth so this comes as no surprise.  Jack is clearly responding back to something said not by himself, when he looks Ennis in the eyes, shakes his head and says, "It's all right."  This is how I see it.  The only other possible explanation is that they somehow dubbed Ennis's voice in after the scene. 

Things I noticed:

1. It really touched me how Jack wants this second sexual scene (and first love scene in my opinion) to be Ennis's choice.  He invites him in:  tent opened, shirt off,  but he lets Ennis decide if he wants to come.  Absolutely beautiful!

2.  I got a free screenplay with my DVD, so I see there is no direction regarding Ennis's approach to Jack in the second tent scene.  I wonder, if the use of the hat was all Heath's idea.  It was brilliant!

3.  I don't know how I ever missed this one, but I never noticed the look on Jack's face when he says, "Pleases to meet you, Ennis del Mar."  It is just priceless!

Can anyone tell me where they hear,  "Come here.  Lie back," in the second tent scene.  I don't hear it.  THANKS!

I really miss the big screen.  Although it is great to be able to stop and play the movie as I like,  it looses some of its impact in my opinion on a small screen.

A suggestion: use a pair of headphones during the 2nd tent scene.  You will hear that "come here. lie back" dialog that Jack so softly whispers  ;D

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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #28 on: Apr 05, 2006, 06:13 PM »
Ever since the first time I saw the film I have thought Jack was very much trying to be caring, sweet, and gentle...but when I heard that I just flipped... What it must have taken for him to say that... and it is like it is a treat to the ones of us liking it so much we see it agian and again, cause honestly, who heard it the first time??? It's like a reward, "thank you for loving us so much that you want to see us again and agian, here's a treat for ya"
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Re: *SPOILER* Your Thoughts after seeing the DVD
« Reply #29 on: Apr 05, 2006, 07:40 PM »
I finally unwrapped it (the DVD...) and watched with a beer on a rainly LA morning. Like other posters, I seemd to miss hearing dialogue that I KNEW I heard in the theater. Kept going back and upping the volume.

One thing that I noticed on this third viewing was Jack's smile to the rodeo clown afer offering to buy him a drink. It seemed like a definite come on. Don't recall it as such when I saw film first two times.

I'm really tired of crying with this one. I will either put it away for long time or donate it to local libaray. Anyone else feel the same?