i voted lets hope he wins
Voted. We have a lot of work to do - he's behind a handful of them. Orlando Bloom?! Please. I'd pay at the theatre to see Jake do a reading of the phone book.
Yup!Jake is first now, keep voting Brokies plize!
We got him into first place. Let's keep him there!
I was up late last night, so I put on BBM and whenever I could tear my eyes from the screen, I voted again. The numbers went up fast. And there was someone out there voting with me in the wee hours. I see a lot of people have been voting today too. Excellent!
Quote from: FlwrChild on May 03, 2006, 12:26 PMI was up late last night, so I put on BBM and whenever I could tear my eyes from the screen, I voted again. The numbers went up fast. And there was someone out there voting with me in the wee hours. I see a lot of people have been voting today too. Excellent!I voted loads in the early hours too.So glad Jakey is on top.(i should be so lucky) J.x