Author Topic: Newsletter - Special Third Anniversary Edition  (Read 35748 times)

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin' Newsletter

Third Anniversary Special Edition

Greetings Brokies,

Each Moderator wrote a few words to wish you a Happy Third Anniversary , some  of them  wrote their greeting  in their native language, then in English.  The Moderators are originating from Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Norway, Philippines, Taiwan  and the United States of America. 

Many thanks to you Brokies for three fabulous years on

3 years seems incredible, I feel grateful to belong to such a loving and supportive group of people, I couldn't ask for more.
Happy anniversary and best wishes to all for a wonderful new year.

 <^( <^(

Joyeux 3e anniversaire et bonne et heureuse année à vous tous mes amis frères et soeurs, merci pour ces trois merveilleuses années!

Happy 3rd Anniversary & Happy New Year to all of you my friends brothers and sisters,  thanks for three wonderful years!

xx Pierre

It is hard to believe 3 years has zipped by so quickly.  We have shared so much with each other and all because of one masterpiece film.  Many hugs and kisses to everyone.  It is my hope that 2009 is a truly memorable year for each Brokie member and the ones soon to join!  Happy New Year everyone!
City Slickin' Cowboy

Who knew that three years after the movie aired that it would spawn off such an incredible global response that continues to be so strong?  To all the new members who have just been touched by the movie recently, we really truly understand what you are experiencing.  Some of us long to have that magical mesmerizing feeling again, some of us still do, but most importantly, the friendships developed through the years have made this forum strong, and will continue to keep the flame burning!

Da er vi her igjen, enda et år har gått og selv om det har vært et til tider trist år så er vi fremdeles en gjeng med mennesker som vil være her og vil være med hverandre. God jul og gratulerer med 3 år

love, Esme/ Rønnaug

So here we are again, another year has passed and even though it has been a sad year at times we are still a group of people that want to be here and want to be together. Merry christmas and happy 3rd anniversary

love, Esme/ Rønnaug

Ennisjack 3歲了耶   這一路上有你的感覺真好! 謝謝大家的支持與鼓勵。  :^^) 新年快樂 萬事如意

Ennisjack is already 3-year old. It feels wonderful to have you along the way. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Happy New Year and all dreams come true.

How many ways can I say thank you for
All the gifts I’ve found here?
People from all over the world bound by
Peace, respect and love. Three
Years of laughter, tears and sharing our hearts with each other.

How could I ever express what all of you mean to me?
Over the miles and different languages and time zones,
Love always seems to prevail.
It is, after all, the universal language.
Destiny brought me here
And you all make me want to stay.
Years from now, I will still hold all of you in my heart.
So I wish you a happy holiday and all the very best in 2009.

Once a Brokie always a Brokie.  All of this would not have been possible without my dear Ethan and the amazing ennisjack moderators and fabulous members.  Happy Anniversary to everyone xxx!

Love, Froggy xxx

Brokie un jour, Brokie toujours.  Tout ceci n’aurait jamais été possible sans mon cher Ethan, les merveilleux modérateurs de ennisjack sans compter tous les extraordinaires membres.  Joyeux anniversaire à tous xxx!

Avec amour, Froggy xxx

אני מרגישה בת מזל במיוחד שאני זוכה לחגוג את יום השנה של הפורום בפעם השלישית אתכם. שלושת השנים האלו בפורום היו מיוחדות
עבורי יותר מכפי שאוכל לתאר, וכל זה בזכות האנשים כאן
השנה האחרונה הייתה אמוציונלית מאוד עבורי, עם הרבה אושר כיוון שיכולתי לקחת חלק בשלוש פגישות של הפורום, וגם עם אבל עמוק בגלל האובדן הבלתי ניתן לתיאור של אדם היקר כל כך לי ולרבים מאתנו. אבל גם ברגעי האושר וגם ברגעי הכאב אתם הייתי שם איתי, לחלוק את הצחוק ואת הדמעות, וזה היה הדבר החשוב ביותר

אני מאחלת לכולנו עוד הרבה שנים מאושרות יחד, שנים של חברות עמוקה, של אהבה ושל קבלה כמו השלוש שהיו לנו. יום שנה שמח לכולם, וחג מולד שמח לאלו שחוגגים אותו

אוהבת את כולכם, קרן

I feel incredibly lucky that I get to celebrate the forum's anniversary for the third time with you. These three years in the forum have been special to me more than I can describe, and it's all because of the people here.
This last year has been very emotional for me, with a lot of joy since I was able to attend three brokie gatherings, and also a deep grief because of the unimaginable loss of a man who is so dear to me, and to many of us. But both in the joyful and in the painful moments you were there with me, to share the laughter and the tears, and that was the most important thing.

I wish us all many more happy years together, years of deep friendship, love and acceptance like these three ones we've had. Happy anniversary everybody, and a merry christmas to those who celebrate it.

Love you all, Keren.

I don’t know if the mountain found me or I found the mountain, but either way I am grateful to have made the climb. I’ve found a wonderful world up here full of so many beautiful, loving souls. Thanks for sharing the good, the bad and everything in-between.  ^f^

Happy Third Anniversary and Happy Holidays. I wish a happy and healthy New Year to you and yours. I hope 2009 brings you lots of love, peace and the fulfillment of dreams.  Love, Michelle

Sono tre anni che frequento questo forum e sono molto soddisfatto di parteciparvi
perché è uno spazio libero dove persone libere si incontrano e si apprezzano. E' un
piccolo miracolo virtuale ed insieme una grande occasione per tutti.Buon anno a tutti Voi!

It's just three years I attend this forum and I'm very satisfied to be part of it because
it's a free space where free persons meet and esteem each other. It's a little virtual miracle
and also a great occasion for all of us. Good year for You all!

3 years of joy, 3 years of tears, 3 years of love. 3 years of a wonderful life here in Thanks to you all. Happy anniversary to you all, and to the forum. May this fourth year even more wonderful. Big hugs. :ghug:

3 ans de joies, 3 ans de larmes, 3 ans d'amour. 3 ans d'une vie merveilleuse ici sur Grâce à vous. Bon anniversaire à tous, et au forum. Puisse cette quatrième année être encore plus merveilleuse. Gros bisous.  :ghug:


Liebe Brokie Freunde,
irgendwie kann ich es nicht fassen dass schon 3 Jahre vergangen sind; und dieser Ort hier lebt und blüht und gibt uns allen immer noch eine Heimat die wir nicht erwartet hatten.
Ich wünsche uns allen eine friedliche Festtagszeit und ein gesundes und glückbringendes 2009 - zusammen hier vereint in Liebe und Freundschaft!

Dear Brokie friends,
it seems incredible to me that 3 years have already gone by; and this place here still lives and blooms and gives us all a home where none was expected.
I wish us all a peaceful holidays time and a healthy and fortunate 2009 - together joined here, in love and friendship!

Saan man nananatili ang aking Puso,
Naroon kayong lahat.

Wherever my Heart rests,
All of you are there.

Celebrate 3-year of

It is December 17 2008, the forum is now 3 years old. This place has been blessed with your love and support. Without them, we would not have made it this far. Thanks to all of you!

You will find on the Celebrate 3-year of thread a list of questions. Some of them follow the tradition but there are a few new ones to spice your BBM experiences.  Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Your thoughts of 3 years of ennisjack and BBM

Started by Asali on December 9

It is the 3 Year Anniversary of please feel free to post a celebratory message.  :)

Click here to post your greetings.

3rd Anniversary Video

Posted by ethan on December 10

Today is exactly three years after I saw BBM in the theatre in NYC. It was a date of life changing. It prompted me to seek out others who might feel lost as I did by starting this forum. I am just grateful and proud to have this place where one can escape from the reality sometimes. Real life can be cruel with challenges but it is more bearable with your love and support and with something to look forward to.

During the past three years, people come and go. It is sad to see those who used to be active but are no longer here. Although it saddened me, it makes me even happier to have shared a part of this journey with them. No matter where the destination we are heading in our lives, it is the path we are together that counts. It is a privilege to share this journey with every one of you.

For how long --- as long as we can ride it. There is no reins on this one.

On this special date and fast approaching our 3-year anniversary of ennisjack and BBM, here is the video which I dedicate to all of you. Thanks for the past three years and I hope there will be more to come.

Click on the picture below to access the video links.

Forum's First and Second Anniversaries

December 17 marks the anniversary at How time flies. The forum started with discussions about Brokeback Mountain and continues to evolve. It is our cyber home where Brokies share and bonded.  Click here for the 2 years anniversary thread and here for the 1 year anniversary. Chronology - past, present & future

Started by ethan on July 17 2006

The Birth of

I saw BBM on December 9 in New York City, the day of premier in the US. A friend of mine asked me to go and that was the first time I heard of the movie. I didn't know the short story, didn't know Annie Proulx - nothing. All I knew was Ang Lee. And yes..sorry didn't know Jake and Heath either. Nada. There I went with my friend and Bubu. I sobbed right after I left the movie theatre and BBM had stayed with me since then. Nothing prepared me for this magnitude of obsession, or fascination rather…

…I found the free board at Xsorbit and it all started from there and the board went live on December 17, 2005. I started this forum with only one thing in mind - a place where one can share freely without prejudice and judgement, one can get as much as information about BBM, and one can enjoy. A mission, if you will - a community that is supportive, informative and enjoyable…

…I often think had BBM won the best picture at the Oscar, the forum could not have lasted this long. We united and grew stronger to defend such an injustice as we ached for the suffering of Ennis and Jack. Everything happens for a reason. The reason of this forum is the BBM. When you come to think of it, it is all about BBM that connects us. BBM is the catalyst for whatever it might be inside of our hearts which manifested to our affection and love to BBM and this extended family.

I often refer this as a BBM journey. When the journey will end, I don't know. But what I do know is when I look back at the journey, I can proudly say I have a great time and have no regrets. It is one hell of a journey because of so many great people around the worlds bonded and sharing. Thanks for being a part of this journey.

Click on the picture below to visit the Chronology - past, present & future thread.

Screen cap of an early day of the forum

BBM/ennisjack in Yahoo Time Capsule

Started by ksxks (aka Kathy) on October 25 2006

Maybe we should put something Brokeback into the Yahoo Time Capsule?  It must be submitted by November 8.  See below.

They're calling this an "electronic anthropology" of the on-line global community.  You can put in words, picture, video, voice, etc.  The categories are Love, Anger, Fun, Sorrow, Faith, Beauty, Past, Now, Hope, You.

A very simple thing would be one of our banners (with the ennisjack "motto" on it).  Or even one of someone's collages or wallpapers with the motto on it.  I could submit it, since I'm on Yahoo email – though if anyone else is on Yahoo also and wants to, fine with me.  But we'd just need to decide what would best represent us.

Actually we made it!   Click on the banner below to visit the Yahoo Time Capsule thread.

In Memory of Heath Ledger

The unthinkable happened last January 22nd 2008 and many of us will never forget.  On this board you will find tributes, a candle vigil and articles related to the memory of Heath Andrew Ledger, click on the picture below to explore it.

Picture from Reuters of a tribute left by ethan in front of Heath's flat in Manhattan, this
picture was posted in hundreds of newspapers and magazines around the World.

Member Connection

  * Los Angeles * Vienna * Brussels * Seattle/Tee Lake * San Diego * Stockholm * Toronto * Oxford * New York * Paris * Eau Claire * Reims * Chicago * Montreal * Barcelona * Taipei * Helsinki * Lago di Braies * Salisbury * Beverly Hills * Vancouver * Ann Arbour * Bay City * London * Raleigh * San Francisco * Notoden * Massillon * Sydney * Linz * Las Vegas * Detroit * Vallombrosa * 

Over the last 3 years Brokies met in 12 different countries and 4 different continents on many occasions.  Click on the picture below to visit the Member Connection board and see pictures, videos and some crazy stories from no less crazy Brokies.  You could also send up a prayer for your loved ones and friends.

Brokies Get Together

Las Vegas Gathering - April 17 -21, 2009

Las Vegas, Nevada

From April 17 to April 21 JT will host a Spring Gathering in Las Vegas, looks like some camping in the Valley of Fire is in the plans, click here to go to the thread.

Meeting in Helsinki Finland May 22-26 2009

Helsinki, Finland

Twisted will be the host in Helsinki from May 22 to May 26 2009 in Helsinki, Finland.  The interested members are already looking for tickets and hotels, click here to visit the thread.

Meeting in Cologne July 2009

Cologne, Germany

cornflake will be the host in Cologne, Germany, on July 18 & 19 2009, click here to go to the thread

European Gathering for 2009

Early October 2009... Somewhere in Europe

Three members have offered to host a Meet in their hometown, early October 2009.  To not create too many options and therefore too much difficulties to decide where to participate we thought to do a poll for the following cities,  Barcelona (Spain), Brussels (Belgium) and Vienna (Austria) .  Click here to go to the thread.

Collection of videos & goodies

Over the past years, members around the world have gathered and shared their bonding experiences from a number of gatherings.

In this thread, you will find a collection of videos dedicated to BBM and the members. These videos are the true testament of our forum motto - Born from their love...forever bound by ours, enjoy.  :)

You can either view the videos online or download them.  Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Pix with Poems

Posted by lancecowboy on December 25 2007 in Pix with Poems


The miracle that brought you to me
gave me the gift of laughter in the sound of your voice
gave me the music that only your harmonica can make
gave me the light that sparkle when fire reflected from your eyes

The miracle that brought you to me
gave me the steadfast love I can count on
gave me the truest friend a man can depend on
gave me the passion for life to carry on

The miracle that brought you to me
showed me the meaning of love
showed me the meaning of life
showed me the meaning of what matters

When two hearts beat as one
When two minds think as one
When two souls dream as one
When two people fit together like two shirts,
one inside the other, two skins perfectly fitted together

When you touch me, the world stops
When you kiss me, time stands still
With your arms wrapped around me
I feel safer than in my own fortress

With your hands holding mine
I feel understood, I feel loved
The warmth of your hand warms my heart
The strength of your hand gives me strength

With your eyes on mine
The universe disappears
And only you matter
Only you exist for me

When you whisper sweet dreams in my ear
I believe every word, every dream
I follow you to the end of the rainbow
And back again if you'd only ask

All those times we shared
All those dreams we dreamt
All those talks we had
Like we had all eternity in the palm of our hands

I am thankful for every moment, each second
I am grateful for each glance, each touch
A miracle brought you into my life
A miracle made you my cowboy, and me yours

I know not why it happened, just that I am forever grateful
with you in my life, and I in yours.
You are the gift unexpected
You are the miracle in my life

For you Tamara... :ghug: <^( :^^) :c) ^f^

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!

Merry Christmas (that's Happy Christmas) And Happy New Year, Everyone!

2009 Calendar

You could download an 2009 calendar and print it. Click on the picture below to go to the link.

How Did You Find/Know this Forum?

We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about ennisjack.comClick on the picture below to share your story.

Technical Tips

Personalize Your Profile

Do you know that you can personalize your profile?  Click on the clip below to find out.

Post Pictures

If you are not already familiar with how to post pictures, click here for a tutorial.

How to Downsize a Picture

Sometimes pictures posted here are very large and we are asking the members to downsize them.  Also when quoting a post including a picture, we would like the members to downsize the picture ~ this is to avoid some picture threads being repetitive and it helps the pages load faster... many members still have dial up connection only.  Click here to find out how to proceed.

About Posting Pictures

If you don't mind this is a reminder of our guidelines about posting pictures on the forum. 

We understand many members are big fans of Heath, Jake and others. As supportive fans, let's respect them as who they are and not manipulate their pics to fulfill our fantasy. Collages are allowed of the Brokeback Mountain characters, and of each actor individually, but not of both actors mixed together or the actors mixed with others, like ourselves. To maintain this level of respect, the forum also asks the members not to post paparazzi photos or photos that constitute a clear invasion of their privacy.

You will find all the Forum's Guidelines & Rules here.

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.

Newsletter Feedback

You could click here if you wish to provide feedback about the Newsletter.

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  We reorganized the archives by quarter in order to make them easy to visit, they are all in the Forum Newsletter Board.

Bye Brokies...

...Season's Greetings!

Third Anniversary Special Edition, editors:  The Mod Squad.  Click here if you wish to provide feedback or ask a question about this edition of the Newsletter.

Click here to print the Newsletter.

« Last Edit: Dec 16, 2008, 08:46 PM by chameau »
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

  • Moderator
  • Jack + Ennis
  • ***
  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin' Newsletter Archive, October to December 2008
« Reply #1 on: Oct 15, 2008, 09:07 PM » Newsletter
October 6-19 2008

Love is a Force of Nature

Dear Brokies,

Who would have guessed that a few years ago, a love story between two cowboys would deeply mark so many people and change their lives forever?

Love could move mountains they say...  Love certainly had 35 people traveling from 3 different continents and 11 countries to meet in Brussels, we are all born from Ennis and Jack’s love, they are forever bound by ours.

Click on the picture bellow to view the pictures and the videos of the Brussels Gathering.


Posted by  BBBOY on October 1 in Brussel's gathering - October 1 - 7, 2008

     Though I will not be able to attend the meet I want you to know the I will be there with the strongest spirit. It will be one year ago this weekend that I was privilaged to host a meet here in Maryland. I can only hope for you that you have as wonderful a time, as happy a time, as funny a time as I had here. My love to all the Brokies who are gathering from all over the world to attend your meet. I hope I can speak with you all this weekend. Much love and good wishes.

Farewell Paul

Paul Newman, 26 January 1925 / 26 September 2008

Another giant of movie history left this world...


One of the final products of the studio system, Paul Newman followed James Dean and Marlon Brando as a tortured, complex, Method-acting star of the '50s. Unlike those two, though, he was still getting Oscar-nominated at the age of 70. The list below reveals how he went from wannabe to icon, and from actor to legend.

Cars (2006)
The Life Between (as himself) (2003)
Road To Perdition (2002)
The Simpsons (TV series, one episode, voice) (2001)
Where The Money Is (2000)
Message In A Bottle (1999)
Twilight (1998)
Nobody's Fool (1994)
Baseball (TV miniseries, voice, as himself) (1994)
The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)
La Classe Americaine (1993)
Mr And Mrs Bridge (1990)
Blaze (1989)
Shadow Makers (1989)
The Colour Of Money (1986)
Harry & Son (1984)
The Verdict (1982)
Absence Of Malice (1981)
Fort Apache: The Bronx (1981)
When Time Ran Out (1980)
Quintet (1979)
Slap Shot (1977)
The Gong Show (TV series, one episode, as himself) (1976)
Buffalo Bill And The Indians (1976)
Silent Movie (as himself) (1976)
McCarthy: Death Of A Witch Hunter (host) (1975)
The Drowning Pool (1975)
The Towering Inferno (1974)
The Sting (1973)
The Mackintosh Man (1973)
The Life And Times Of Judge Roy Bean (1972)
Pocket Money (1972)
Sometimes A Great Notion (1971)
WUSA (1970)
King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery To Memphis (commentator) (1970)
Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid (1969)
Winning (1969)
The Secret War Of Harry Frigg (1968)
Cool Hand Luke (1967)
Hombre (1967)
A Year Toward Tomorrow (narrator) (1966)
Torn Curtain (1966)
Harper (1966)
Lady L (1965)
The Outrage (1964)
What A Way To Go! (1964)
The Prize (1963)
A New Kind Of Love (1963)
Hud (1963)
Adventures Of A Young Man (1962)
Sweet Bird Of Youth (1962)
Paris Blues (1961)
The Hustler (1961)
From The Terrace (1960)
Exodus (1960)
What's My Line (TV series, one episode, as himself) (1959)
The Young Philadelphians (1959)
Rally 'Round The Flag, Boys! (1958)
The Left Handed Gun (1958)
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof (1958)
The Long Hot Summer (1958)
Playhouse 90 (TV series, one episode) (1958)
Until They Sail (1957)
The Helen Morgan Story (1957)
The United States Steel Hour (TV series, 2 episodes) (1956)
The Kaiser Aluminum Hour (TV series, one episode) (1956)
The Rack (1956)
Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956)
Playwrights 56 (TV series, one episode) (1955)
Producers' Showcase (TV series, one episode) (1955)
The Philco Television Playhouse (TV series, one episode) (1955)
Appointment With Adventure (TV series, one episode) (1955)
Danger (TV series, one episode) (1954)
Goodyear Television Playhouse (TV series, 2 episodes) (1954)
The Mask (TV series, one episode) (1954)
The Silver Chalice (1954)
The Web (TV series, 2 episodes) (1953)
You Are There (TV series, 2 episodes) (1953)
The Aldrich Family (TV series) (1952-1953)
Tales Of Tomorrow (TV series, one episode) (1951)

New Threads

The Transition from Brokeback to the real world

Posted by LauraLedger on September 17 in The transition from Brokeback to the real world.
So how long does it generally take you to make the transition from rural Wyoming back to the real world and reality?

I don't know about you guys, but it always takes me quite a while to leave behind the Big Horn Mountains and the lovers to whom they were so sacred, and get back to reality.  If I've watched BM, or even just snippets of it, I need at least a good...I dunno...half hour, minimum, to get Ennis and Jack out of my system.  Usually much, much longer than that, though. 

To me, there's nothing worse than if I've just watched BM and am fully immersed in the world of the cowboy soulmates, and then suddenly the phone rings, or a friend visits, or some other wholly unwelcome thing occurs that swiftly pulls you back to the real world, untethering you from that far away place where the bluebirds sing and there's a whiskey spring... it sucks majorly when that happens!!!  I'm like, "Wait, give me a moment here...I'm still with Ennis and Jack at Brokeback Mountain, dammit!"

Ole Brokeback got me good.

Click here to go to the thread.

New interview with Annie Proux

Posted by Edmund-Paul, The Baron of Ree on September 28 in New interview with Annie Proux
Annie Proux has given a 30 minute interview to the BBC.

This will be broadcast on Tuesday 30 Sept, twice, on the BBC World Service radio. It will be broadcast on radio and online, and will be available shortly after that by free MP3 download at:


Click here to go to the thread.

Happy Birthday Ang Lee

October 23 will be Ang Lee's birthday, if you wish to send greetings, you could use the following address:

  c/o Creative Artist's Agency
   9830 Wilshire Blvd.
   Beverly Hills CA 90212

Pix with Poems

Posted by  cynical21 on December 24 2007 in Pix with Poems.
Christmas Hearts

By:  Cynical21

Bitter cold, it is.
The long grass, almost bone white
Under a coat a frost,
Crunches under my boots
And leaches away any bit a warmth
That’s managed a keep m’ toes from freezin’.
Snow clouds in the west, getting’ thicker,
Like piles of dirty wool,
Layers in shades a gray.
Reckon fools who sing about white Christmases
Are gonna get their wish.
Don’t matter none t’ me,
Since it’s just another day.

Ain’t mattered in a long, long time.

Guess my girls ‘ll be excited;
Hope their mama and her new man done right by ‘em.
I gave ‘em what I could
But it ain’t much.
Guess they’re prob’ly used to it by now.
Looks like there ain’t been much –
Much a anything at all -
Fer me t’ give ‘r git
In a long, long time.

Reckon it’s different down in Texas.
In that big house full a fancy things,
Run by his fancy woman,
Full a toys fer his rich boy son.
He ain’t never said it, a course,
But I know it jus’ the same.
Fancy trucks, new clothes,
New saddles and name-brand boots ‘n hats.
He don’t have t’ say it;
He lives in a different world.

Christmas - just another day –
When I’ll be strugglin’ t’ take care a the horses
An’ git m’ work done,
An’ make it back home
Afore the snow gits too deep,
Back t’ my sad little place,
Full a empty spaces and old memories,
Where I can drink m’ whiskey in peace
And close m’ eyes, in hopes a dreams.

And know . . .
That he’s prob’ly drinkin’ eggnog out a silver cups,
An’ turnin’ on the strings a lights on the outside a that fancy house,
An’ tryin’ a figger out how to put together the kid’s newest toy . . .
Until the day gets older an’ quieter,
An’ he finally has a chance t’ find a lonesome spot,
T’ sit and drink his whiskey in peace
An’ close his eyes, in hopes a dreams.

Poor or rich,
Wyomin’ or Texas,
Alone or in a crowd . . .
It’s still the two of us,
Breath t’ breath an’ heart t’ heart,
Today – and every other day.


Forum Maintenance

It is time again for the forum's monthly maintenance and backup. In order to do it properly, the forum will be "off line" for a short period of time.  If you could please help us in cleaning the inbox & outbox of your personal messages before we proceed.

Here is the maintenance schedule:

October 20

Pacific Time, 7:00pm
Mountain Time: 8:00pm
Central Time:  9:00pm
Eastern Time:  10:00 pm

October 21

United Kingdom:  3:00am
Western Europe:  4:00am
Central Europe:  5:00am
Taiwan: 10:00 am
Australia (Sydney): 12:00pm

If you experience any problem or you want to provide feedback,  please report them here.

Brokies Get Together

Las Vegas Gathering - April 17 -21, 2009

Las Vegas, Nevada

From April 17 to April 21 JT will host a Spring Gathering in Las Vegas, looks like some camping in the Valley of Fire is in the plans, click here to go to the thread.

Meeting in Helsinki Finland May 22-26 2009

Helsinki, Finland

Twisted will be the host in Helsinki from May 22 to May 26 2009 in Helsinki, Finland.  The interested members are already looking for tickets and hotels, click here to visit the thread.

How Did You Find/Know this Forum?

We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about  Click on the picture below to share your story.

Calendar for the next two weeks

October 6 - Birthdays: Graciesdaddy (52), Asali (52), lislis (52), racchelle (39), Events: * Brussels Gathering Day 4

October 7 - Birthdays: Jack Nasty (18), Philchel (37), Love Always (27)

October 9 - Birthdays: Paul (36), nussy (23)

October 10 - Birthdays: jessicat80 (28)

October 11 - Birthdays: Sassenach (22), emsy11 (32)

October 12
- Birthdays: justlikethisalways (48), trekfan (46)

October 13 - Birthdays: love_bbm (30), tiffany331 (33), sweety02 (52), texasgal2 (66)

October 14 - Birthdays: dk_psy (25)

October 15 - Birthdays: Keldara (22)

October16 - Birthdays: Big Dan (60), bleedinghearts13 (20), cowboyfangirl (20)

October 18 - Birthdays: jetzenpolis (54), chefjudy (50)

October19 - Birthdays: VodkaDunhill (20), maria1 (39)

Got News or Ideas?

Please help the editing team by sending new items you think should be in the newsletter. Is there a post that really touched you? Do you have something that needs to be announced? Whatever you think would be good for the newsletter, please post them there:  Newsletter

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  We reorganized the archives by quarter in order to make them easy to visit, they are all in the Forum Newsletter Board.

Bye Brokies...

...See you in two weeks!

October 6-19 2008, Editors:  Asali , chameau & LuvJackNasty.  Click here if you wish to provide feedback or ask a question about this edition of the Newsletter.

Click here to print the Newsletter.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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Re: Newsletter Archive, October to December 2008
« Reply #2 on: Nov 07, 2008, 04:41 PM » Newsletter
October 19-November 2 2008

Born from Their Love... Forever Bound by Ours


Dear Brokies,

It saddens me to inform you that this week's Newsletter is the final issue. It is a shame to see it go and I know most will feel the same way. Please understand that it was not an easy decision and rest assured that the decision is not an indication of current forum state or a reflection of future direction. It is simply a result of lack of resources and fresh ideas to keep the forum Newsletters going and going strong. For more than two years, the Newsletter had served its purpose. Unfortunately, it is time to take a break for now but we might be back.

For all the past issues, you will find them by clicking here.

All the important forum update will be posted in the "news" box on top of the board and in the forum update thread.

Finally, please let me take this opportunity to thank many of you for your contribution and feedback to the Newsletters. For the time being, I guess I will see you around in the forum.

 :cr) Ethan – administrator

Forum Maintenance


It is time again for the forum's monthly maintenance and backup. In order to do it properly, the forum will be "off line" for a short period of time.  If you could please help us in cleaning the inbox & outbox of your personal messages before we proceed.

Here is the maintenance schedule:

October 20

Pacific Time, 7:00pm
Mountain Time: 8:00pm
Central Time:  9:00pm
Eastern Time:  10:00 pm

October 21

United Kingdom:  3:00am
Western Europe:  4:00am
Central Europe:  5:00am
Taiwan: 10:00 am
Australia (Sydney): 12:00pm

If you experience any problem or you want to provide feedback,  please report them here.

Forum Video Collection

Check out the latest videos from gatherings in West Coast, USA and Brussels, Belgium. Click on the images below to the posts.

West Coast, USA


Pix with Poems

Posted by  lancecowboy on December 25 2007 in Pix with Poems.

The miracle that brought you to me
gave me the gift of laughter in the sound of your voice
gave me the music that only your harmonica can make
gave me the light that sparkle when fire reflected from your eyes

The miracle that brought you to me
gave me the steadfast love I can count on
gave me the truest friend a man can depend on
gave me the passion for life to carry on

The miracle that brought you to me
showed me the meaning of love
showed me the meaning of life
showed me the meaning of what matters

When two hearts beat as one
When two minds think as one
When two souls dream as one
When two people fit together like two shirts,
one inside the other, two skins perfectly fitted together

When you touch me, the world stops
When you kiss me, time stands still
With your arms wrapped around me
I feel safer than in my own fortress

With your hands holding mine
I feel understood, I feel loved
The warmth of your hand warms my heart
The strength of your hand gives me strength

With your eyes on mine
The universe disappears
And only you matter
Only you exist for me

When you whisper sweet dreams in my ear
I believe every word, every dream
I follow you to the end of the rainbow
And back again if you'd only ask

All those times we shared
All those dreams we dreamt
All those talks we had
Like we had all eternity in the palm of our hands

I am thankful for every moment, each second
I am grateful for each glance, each touch
A miracle brought you into my life
A miracle made you my cowboy, and me yours

I know not why it happened, just that I am forever grateful
with you in my life, and I in yours.
You are the gift unexpected
You are the miracle in my life

For you Tamara... :ghug: <^( :^^) :c) ^f^

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!

New Threads

Started by jackster on October 17

Annie Movin' On - Bonvoyage Friend

Annie Proulx no longer at home on the range

The 'Brokeback Mountain' author has 'had enough' of Wyoming, her prime subject for the last decade.,0,2744670.story?page=1

Not really as bad or as sad as it sounds. Well written piece. Crusty ol' Annie is ready for a new chapter in her life and after three wonderful volumes over 10 - 15 years who could begrudge her? Good luck and best wishes ol' friend, enjoyed whut you did here mightily, won't forget it, never. I swear.

Click here to go to the thread.

Started by myprivatejack on October 14

Reactions of our environment to our BBM love

Some Brokies have sometimes talked about how their families or persons who are more in touch with them,have reacted by seeing how much they love BBM.There have been some very different reactions; sometimes lack of understanding,sometimes a great comprehension-even if they don't share our "passion"-often the opinion that "it's a nice movie,but not as much as to think about it all the time",often the sensation that you're a little obsessed,even-rarely,I hope...-some jokes of not always good taste...Why don't we join here all the good,bad and "regular" reactions of our beloved persons,anecdotes,arguments or surprisingly supportive phrases we've received from them?.

Click here to go to the thread.


Posted by trekfan on October 15 in Pawning the White Moon - Caption your Favorite BBM Photo

jack: you keep feedin me beans, that pup tent's gonna smell worse  than cat piss or worse!

Forum Statistics

You like numbers? :) We have a full page of statistics about the forum, click here to go to the thread.

Brokies Get Together

Las Vegas Gathering - April 17 -21, 2009

Las Vegas, Nevada

From April 17 to April 21 JT will host a Spring Gathering in Las Vegas, looks like some camping in the Valley of Fire is in the plans, click here to go to the thread.

Meeting in Helsinki Finland May 22-26 2009

Helsinki, Finland

Twisted will be the host in Helsinki from May 22 to May 26 2009 in Helsinki, Finland.  The interested members are already looking for tickets and hotels, click here to visit the thread.

How Did You Find/Know this Forum?

We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about  Click on the picture below to share your story.

Calendar for the next two weeks

October 22 - Birthdays: GayFred37 (54), Iria (35)

October 23 - Birthdays: Hurleycook (55), freakintiger (18)

October 24 - Birthdays: Koka (20), Chelita777 (25), thunder (29), dlsf14 (43), Midsummernina (39)

October 25 - Birthdays: sweetje (50), Holden Worther (16)

October 26
- Birthdays: The Monia 84 (24)

October 27 - Birthdays: ziedelis (28)

October 29 - Birthdays: unfoldshadow (30), Malle (21)

October 30 - Birthdays: Aela (36), BohemianRhapsody (107), Kazza (37), FredPtiteFée (40)

October 31 - Halloween

November 1 - Birthdays: pjf (50), Frankito (47), bellissimo (29), irkaiel (22)

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues Here too.

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  We reorganized the archives by quarter in order to make them easy to visit, they are all in the Forum Newsletter Board.

Bye Brokies...

...Happy Halloween!

October 19 - November 2, Editors:  Asali , chameau & Ethan
Click here if you wish to provide feedback or ask a question about this edition of the Newsletter.

Click here to print the Newsletter.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

  • Moderator
  • Jack + Ennis
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  • Posts: 28148
  • Gender: Male
  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive, October to December 2008
« Reply #3 on: Dec 29, 2008, 08:47 PM » Newsletter

Third Anniversary Special Edition

Greetings Brokies,

Each Moderator wrote a few words to wish you a Happy Third Anniversary , some  of them  wrote their greeting  in their native language, then in English.  The Moderators are originating from Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Norway, Philippines, Taiwan  and the United States of America. 

Many thanks to you Brokies for three fabulous years on

3 years seems incredible, I feel grateful to belong to such a loving and supportive group of people, I couldn't ask for more.
Happy anniversary and best wishes to all for a wonderful new year.

 <^( <^(

Joyeux 3e anniversaire et bonne et heureuse année à vous tous mes amis frères et soeurs, merci pour ces trois merveilleuses années!

Happy 3rd Anniversary & Happy New Year to all of you my friends brothers and sisters,  thanks for three wonderful years!

xx Pierre

It is hard to believe 3 years has zipped by so quickly.  We have shared so much with each other and all because of one masterpiece film.  Many hugs and kisses to everyone.  It is my hope that 2009 is a truly memorable year for each Brokie member and the ones soon to join!  Happy New Year everyone!
City Slickin' Cowboy

Who knew that three years after the movie aired that it would spawn off such an incredible global response that continues to be so strong?  To all the new members who have just been touched by the movie recently, we really truly understand what you are experiencing.  Some of us long to have that magical mesmerizing feeling again, some of us still do, but most importantly, the friendships developed through the years have made this forum strong, and will continue to keep the flame burning!

Da er vi her igjen, enda et år har gått og selv om det har vært et til tider trist år så er vi fremdeles en gjeng med mennesker som vil være her og vil være med hverandre. God jul og gratulerer med 3 år

love, Esme/ Rønnaug

So here we are again, another year has passed and even though it has been a sad year at times we are still a group of people that want to be here and want to be together. Merry christmas and happy 3rd anniversary

love, Esme/ Rønnaug

Ennisjack 3歲了耶   這一路上有你的感覺真好! 謝謝大家的支持與鼓勵。  :^^) 新年快樂 萬事如意

Ennisjack is already 3-year old. It feels wonderful to have you along the way. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Happy New Year and all dreams come true.

How many ways can I say thank you for
All the gifts I’ve found here?
People from all over the world bound by
Peace, respect and love. Three
Years of laughter, tears and sharing our hearts with each other.

How could I ever express what all of you mean to me?
Over the miles and different languages and time zones,
Love always seems to prevail.
It is, after all, the universal language.
Destiny brought me here
And you all make me want to stay.
Years from now, I will still hold all of you in my heart.
So I wish you a happy holiday and all the very best in 2009.

Once a Brokie always a Brokie.  All of this would not have been possible without my dear Ethan and the amazing ennisjack moderators and fabulous members.  Happy Anniversary to everyone xxx!

Love, Froggy xxx

Brokie un jour, Brokie toujours.  Tout ceci n’aurait jamais été possible sans mon cher Ethan, les merveilleux modérateurs de ennisjack sans compter tous les extraordinaires membres.  Joyeux anniversaire à tous xxx!

Avec amour, Froggy xxx

אני מרגישה בת מזל במיוחד שאני זוכה לחגוג את יום השנה של הפורום בפעם השלישית אתכם. שלושת השנים האלו בפורום היו מיוחדות
עבורי יותר מכפי שאוכל לתאר, וכל זה בזכות האנשים כאן
השנה האחרונה הייתה אמוציונלית מאוד עבורי, עם הרבה אושר כיוון שיכולתי לקחת חלק בשלוש פגישות של הפורום, וגם עם אבל עמוק בגלל האובדן הבלתי ניתן לתיאור של אדם היקר כל כך לי ולרבים מאתנו. אבל גם ברגעי האושר וגם ברגעי הכאב אתם הייתי שם איתי, לחלוק את הצחוק ואת הדמעות, וזה היה הדבר החשוב ביותר

אני מאחלת לכולנו עוד הרבה שנים מאושרות יחד, שנים של חברות עמוקה, של אהבה ושל קבלה כמו השלוש שהיו לנו. יום שנה שמח לכולם, וחג מולד שמח לאלו שחוגגים אותו

אוהבת את כולכם, קרן

I feel incredibly lucky that I get to celebrate the forum's anniversary for the third time with you. These three years in the forum have been special to me more than I can describe, and it's all because of the people here.
This last year has been very emotional for me, with a lot of joy since I was able to attend three brokie gatherings, and also a deep grief because of the unimaginable loss of a man who is so dear to me, and to many of us. But both in the joyful and in the painful moments you were there with me, to share the laughter and the tears, and that was the most important thing.

I wish us all many more happy years together, years of deep friendship, love and acceptance like these three ones we've had. Happy anniversary everybody, and a merry christmas to those who celebrate it.

Love you all, Keren.

I don’t know if the mountain found me or I found the mountain, but either way I am grateful to have made the climb. I’ve found a wonderful world up here full of so many beautiful, loving souls. Thanks for sharing the good, the bad and everything in-between.  ^f^

Happy Third Anniversary and Happy Holidays. I wish a happy and healthy New Year to you and yours. I hope 2009 brings you lots of love, peace and the fulfillment of dreams.  Love, Michelle

Sono tre anni che frequento questo forum e sono molto soddisfatto di parteciparvi
perché è uno spazio libero dove persone libere si incontrano e si apprezzano. E' un
piccolo miracolo virtuale ed insieme una grande occasione per tutti.Buon anno a tutti Voi!

It's just three years I attend this forum and I'm very satisfied to be part of it because
it's a free space where free persons meet and esteem each other. It's a little virtual miracle
and also a great occasion for all of us. Good year for You all!

3 years of joy, 3 years of tears, 3 years of love. 3 years of a wonderful life here in Thanks to you all. Happy anniversary to you all, and to the forum. May this fourth year even more wonderful. Big hugs. :ghug:

3 ans de joies, 3 ans de larmes, 3 ans d'amour. 3 ans d'une vie merveilleuse ici sur Grâce à vous. Bon anniversaire à tous, et au forum. Puisse cette quatrième année être encore plus merveilleuse. Gros bisous.  :ghug:


Liebe Brokie Freunde,
irgendwie kann ich es nicht fassen dass schon 3 Jahre vergangen sind; und dieser Ort hier lebt und blüht und gibt uns allen immer noch eine Heimat die wir nicht erwartet hatten.
Ich wünsche uns allen eine friedliche Festtagszeit und ein gesundes und glückbringendes 2009 - zusammen hier vereint in Liebe und Freundschaft!

Dear Brokie friends,
it seems incredible to me that 3 years have already gone by; and this place here still lives and blooms and gives us all a home where none was expected.
I wish us all a peaceful holidays time and a healthy and fortunate 2009 - together joined here, in love and friendship!

Saan man nananatili ang aking Puso,
Naroon kayong lahat.

Wherever my Heart rests,
All of you are there.

Celebrate 3-year of

It is December 17 2008, the forum is now 3 years old. This place has been blessed with your love and support. Without them, we would not have made it this far. Thanks to all of you!

You will find on the Celebrate 3-year of thread a list of questions. Some of them follow the tradition but there are a few new ones to spice your BBM experiences.  Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Your thoughts of 3 years of ennisjack and BBM

Started by Asali on December 9

It is the 3 Year Anniversary of please feel free to post a celebratory message.  :)

Click here to post your greetings.

3rd Anniversary Video

Posted by ethan on December 10

Today is exactly three years after I saw BBM in the theatre in NYC. It was a date of life changing. It prompted me to seek out others who might feel lost as I did by starting this forum. I am just grateful and proud to have this place where one can escape from the reality sometimes. Real life can be cruel with challenges but it is more bearable with your love and support and with something to look forward to.

During the past three years, people come and go. It is sad to see those who used to be active but are no longer here. Although it saddened me, it makes me even happier to have shared a part of this journey with them. No matter where the destination we are heading in our lives, it is the path we are together that counts. It is a privilege to share this journey with every one of you.

For how long --- as long as we can ride it. There is no reins on this one.

On this special date and fast approaching our 3-year anniversary of ennisjack and BBM, here is the video which I dedicate to all of you. Thanks for the past three years and I hope there will be more to come.

Click on the picture below to access the video links.

Forum's First and Second Anniversaries

December 17 marks the anniversary at How time flies. The forum started with discussions about Brokeback Mountain and continues to evolve. It is our cyber home where Brokies share and bonded.  Click here for the 2 years anniversary thread and here for the 1 year anniversary. Chronology - past, present & future

Started by ethan on July 17 2006

The Birth of

I saw BBM on December 9 in New York City, the day of premier in the US. A friend of mine asked me to go and that was the first time I heard of the movie. I didn't know the short story, didn't know Annie Proulx - nothing. All I knew was Ang Lee. And yes..sorry didn't know Jake and Heath either. Nada. There I went with my friend and Bubu. I sobbed right after I left the movie theatre and BBM had stayed with me since then. Nothing prepared me for this magnitude of obsession, or fascination rather…

…I found the free board at Xsorbit and it all started from there and the board went live on December 17, 2005. I started this forum with only one thing in mind - a place where one can share freely without prejudice and judgement, one can get as much as information about BBM, and one can enjoy. A mission, if you will - a community that is supportive, informative and enjoyable…

…I often think had BBM won the best picture at the Oscar, the forum could not have lasted this long. We united and grew stronger to defend such an injustice as we ached for the suffering of Ennis and Jack. Everything happens for a reason. The reason of this forum is the BBM. When you come to think of it, it is all about BBM that connects us. BBM is the catalyst for whatever it might be inside of our hearts which manifested to our affection and love to BBM and this extended family.

I often refer this as a BBM journey. When the journey will end, I don't know. But what I do know is when I look back at the journey, I can proudly say I have a great time and have no regrets. It is one hell of a journey because of so many great people around the worlds bonded and sharing. Thanks for being a part of this journey.

Click on the picture below to visit the Chronology - past, present & future thread.

Screen cap of an early day of the forum

BBM/ennisjack in Yahoo Time Capsule

Started by ksxks (aka Kathy) on October 25 2006

Maybe we should put something Brokeback into the Yahoo Time Capsule?  It must be submitted by November 8.  See below.

They're calling this an "electronic anthropology" of the on-line global community.  You can put in words, picture, video, voice, etc.  The categories are Love, Anger, Fun, Sorrow, Faith, Beauty, Past, Now, Hope, You.

A very simple thing would be one of our banners (with the ennisjack "motto" on it).  Or even one of someone's collages or wallpapers with the motto on it.  I could submit it, since I'm on Yahoo email – though if anyone else is on Yahoo also and wants to, fine with me.  But we'd just need to decide what would best represent us.

Actually we made it!   Click on the banner below to visit the Yahoo Time Capsule thread.

In Memory of Heath Ledger

The unthinkable happened last January 22nd 2008 and many of us will never forget.  On this board you will find tributes, a candle vigil and articles related to the memory of Heath Andrew Ledger, click on the picture below to explore it.

Picture from Reuters of a tribute left by ethan in front of Heath's flat in Manhattan, this
picture was posted in hundreds of newspapers and magazines around the World.

Member Connection

  * Los Angeles * Vienna * Brussels * Seattle/Tee Lake * San Diego * Stockholm * Toronto * Oxford * New York * Paris * Eau Claire * Reims * Chicago * Montreal * Barcelona * Taipei * Helsinki * Lago di Braies * Salisbury * Beverly Hills * Vancouver * Ann Arbour * Bay City * London * Raleigh * San Francisco * Notoden * Massillon * Sydney * Linz * Las Vegas * Detroit * Vallombrosa * 

Over the last 3 years Brokies met in 12 different countries and 4 different continents on many occasions.  Click on the picture below to visit the Member Connection board and see pictures, videos and some crazy stories from no less crazy Brokies.  You could also send up a prayer for your loved ones and friends.

Brokies Get Together

Las Vegas Gathering - April 17 -21, 2009

Las Vegas, Nevada

From April 17 to April 21 JT will host a Spring Gathering in Las Vegas, looks like some camping in the Valley of Fire is in the plans, click here to go to the thread.

Meeting in Helsinki Finland May 22-26 2009

Helsinki, Finland

Twisted will be the host in Helsinki from May 22 to May 26 2009 in Helsinki, Finland.  The interested members are already looking for tickets and hotels, click here to visit the thread.

Meeting in Cologne July 2009

Cologne, Germany

cornflake will be the host in Cologne, Germany, on July 18 & 19 2009, click here to go to the thread

European Gathering for 2009

Early October 2009... Somewhere in Europe

Three members have offered to host a Meet in their hometown, early October 2009.  To not create too many options and therefore too much difficulties to decide where to participate we thought to do a poll for the following cities,  Barcelona (Spain), Brussels (Belgium) and Vienna (Austria) .  Click here to go to the thread.

Collection of videos & goodies

Over the past years, members around the world have gathered and shared their bonding experiences from a number of gatherings.

In this thread, you will find a collection of videos dedicated to BBM and the members. These videos are the true testament of our forum motto - Born from their love...forever bound by ours, enjoy.  :)

You can either view the videos online or download them.  Click on the picture below to go to the thread.

Pix with Poems

Posted by lancecowboy on December 25 2007 in Pix with Poems


The miracle that brought you to me
gave me the gift of laughter in the sound of your voice
gave me the music that only your harmonica can make
gave me the light that sparkle when fire reflected from your eyes

The miracle that brought you to me
gave me the steadfast love I can count on
gave me the truest friend a man can depend on
gave me the passion for life to carry on

The miracle that brought you to me
showed me the meaning of love
showed me the meaning of life
showed me the meaning of what matters

When two hearts beat as one
When two minds think as one
When two souls dream as one
When two people fit together like two shirts,
one inside the other, two skins perfectly fitted together

When you touch me, the world stops
When you kiss me, time stands still
With your arms wrapped around me
I feel safer than in my own fortress

With your hands holding mine
I feel understood, I feel loved
The warmth of your hand warms my heart
The strength of your hand gives me strength

With your eyes on mine
The universe disappears
And only you matter
Only you exist for me

When you whisper sweet dreams in my ear
I believe every word, every dream
I follow you to the end of the rainbow
And back again if you'd only ask

All those times we shared
All those dreams we dreamt
All those talks we had
Like we had all eternity in the palm of our hands

I am thankful for every moment, each second
I am grateful for each glance, each touch
A miracle brought you into my life
A miracle made you my cowboy, and me yours

I know not why it happened, just that I am forever grateful
with you in my life, and I in yours.
You are the gift unexpected
You are the miracle in my life

For you Tamara... :ghug: <^( :^^) :c) ^f^

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!

Merry Christmas (that's Happy Christmas) And Happy New Year, Everyone!

2009 Calendar

You could download an 2009 calendar and print it. Click on the picture below to go to the link.

How Did You Find/Know this Forum?

We are curious how and where on the web you found a reference about ennisjack.comClick on the picture below to share your story.

Technical Tips

Personalize Your Profile

Do you know that you can personalize your profile?  Click on the clip below to find out.

Post Pictures

If you are not already familiar with how to post pictures, click here for a tutorial.

How to Downsize a Picture

Sometimes pictures posted here are very large and we are asking the members to downsize them.  Also when quoting a post including a picture, we would like the members to downsize the picture ~ this is to avoid some picture threads being repetitive and it helps the pages load faster... many members still have dial up connection only.  Click here to find out how to proceed.

About Posting Pictures

If you don't mind this is a reminder of our guidelines about posting pictures on the forum. 

We understand many members are big fans of Heath, Jake and others. As supportive fans, let's respect them as who they are and not manipulate their pics to fulfill our fantasy. Collages are allowed of the Brokeback Mountain characters, and of each actor individually, but not of both actors mixed together or the actors mixed with others, like ourselves. To maintain this level of respect, the forum also asks the members not to post paparazzi photos or photos that constitute a clear invasion of their privacy.

You will find all the Forum's Guidelines & Rules here.

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues

What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.

Newsletter Feedback

You could click here if you wish to provide feedback about the Newsletter.

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters?  We reorganized the archives by quarter in order to make them easy to visit, they are all in the Forum Newsletter Board.

Bye Brokies...

...Season's Greetings!

Third Anniversary Special Edition, editors:  The Mod Squad.  Click here if you wish to provide feedback or ask a question about this edition of the Newsletter.

Click here to print the Newsletter.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault