Author Topic: Newsletter Archive, April to June 2006  (Read 15313 times)

Offline ethan

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  • Gender: Male Newsletter Archive, April to June 2006
« on: Apr 23, 2006, 07:35 PM » Weekly Newsletter - April 24 -30

What is the newsletter for?

Our forum has grown significantly over the last few months. In order to keep our members informed and updated on the forum, here is our first weekly newsletter @ The newsletter is our bulletin board for many areas you will be interested in. It will be updated weekly. The newsletter link will be posted in the newsbox and in a thread in the "Updates" board. Newsletters will
be posted every Sunday and the mods will rotate to edit/post the newsletter. There will be several news items in the newsletter and it will be a great place to get you up to date.

Important News – File Attachments

We are quickly approaching the limit of our server space for attachments - 50MB. Starting May 1, members will not be able to attach files until further notice. As an alternative to post images, you can post image links. It will really help us save the space. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Posting Image Links

Do you know that you can use other websites to host your images and just post the links in the forum? The following websites are free for images hosting.

If you are not familiar with posting with image links, HERE is the tutorial. Many thanks to froggy for making this tutorial.

The forum has a testing area for you to test your image link and other forum features.

Per our guidelines, please do not posts nude pics (front or back) or links to such pics. These images are not safe for those accessing the forum from their jobs. We hope you understand the importance of this rule and ask for your support.
BBM Discussion Index

There have been so many interesting topics and discussion in this forum about BBM. To make it easier, all the topics in the "Characters, Scenes & Quotes" are indexed based on the timeline of the scenes so you know what have been discussed. The index page is a great starting point before you start a new thread.

How is the Forum doing?

Since the forum went live on December 19, 2005, we have an average 19 new members every day and are adding an average 673 posts per day. And on average, there are 35 members online per day. Currently we have about 20 members with more than 1000 posts.

On our homepage, you will see a section in the bottom called “Forum Stats” – click on the link [more stats]

Polls of the Week

Time’s Most Influential Entertainer of the Year
Ang Lee is leading TIME's most influential entertainer of the year poll with 36%.
The poll's still open. So go in and vote, Brokies, at

Thanks to Jeremini for posting this information.

MTV Movie Awards
The MTV movie awards 2006 are finally here and we can start voting on Monday, April 24th!!! Let's vote for BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN

Thanks to Riobbm for posting this information.

Frapper Map – We are all over the World

Cowboy Cody created a Frapper Map so the members can add their location to the map. Our members are all over the world. Please add yourself to the map.

Member Quote

“Ennis teaches us to live in the world we have; Jack teaches us to reach for the world we WANT!”- MississaugaRed

Forum Features & Tips

Use of PM (Personal Messages)

Some of you set up PMs to be forwarded to your e-mail, which is a convenient way to get it.  When a PM is sent to you via email, it is NOT sent from the e-mail of the original PM sender. It gets sent from the administration e-mail ( So when you hit a 'reply' button to send your reply to the PM, you are emailing it to – not the original sender. In order to reply to your PM you will need to do it through the forum.

Disable Member Avatar & Signature

For those using dial-up, this will increase the page download. Go to your profile, and in the section of "Modify Profile" click "Look and Layout Preference." Check "Don't show other user's avatars" and "Don't show other user's signatures"

Next Editor for May 1 – 7

chameau will be our next editor. If you have anything interesting or important items, please PM chameau. Thank you for your contribution!

April 24 – 30 editor: ethan Please PM me if you have any question regarding this issue of newsletter.
« Last Edit: Mar 07, 2008, 06:21 PM by chameau »
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin' Newsletter - May 1 - 7
« Reply #1 on: Apr 30, 2006, 08:39 AM » Weekly Newsletter - May 1 -7

Update from Mod Team

Our forum has grown to the size of almost 2500 members and 100,000 posts after four months. The forum appreciates your contribution, many of them heartfelt and thought provoking. As the forum grows larger, the workload for the moderators also increases. Our moderators volunteer their time and effort because of their passion for BBM. As you wander around in the forum,  please let us know if you have question or concern on specific posts. It may happen sometimes that posts or topics are edited or deleted. Please understand the decision of doing so doesn't come easily. The forum belongs to everyone and it is important for everyone to make it an enjoyable, supportive and informative community. For that, we rely on your help.

Please report the following to the administrative staff immediately or the moderators online. HERE is the thread to meet the moderators.

1. You receive suspicious spam via PM or email. Please note the forum does not email or PM members with commercial messages, or any activities related to the forum. Any update will ONLY be announced publicly in the forum.

2. You are concerned with the content of the topic/post or encounter situations where administrative assistance is required.

Highlights of Guidelines

Our guidelines are based on the concepts of respect and good manners. Use common sense and you'll feel right at home.

- When posting a message, pay extra care to how it might be interpreted. And when you come across a post that offends you, please re-read it with an eye towards giving the poster the benefit of the doubt.

- Actions That Will Compel Intervention

        * Inappropriate Posts/Profiles
        * Off topic Posts
        * Duplicate Posts

Please refer to the following thread for complete guidelines

Important News – File Attachments

We are quickly approaching the limit of our server space for attachments - 50MB. Starting May 1, members will not be able to attach files until further notice. As an alternative to post images, you can post image links. It will really help us save the space. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Posting Image Links

Do you know that you can use other websites to host your images and just post the links in the forum? The following websites are free for images hosting.

If you are not familiar with posting with image links, HERE is the tutorial. Many thanks to froggy & chameau for making this tutorial.

The forum has a testing area for you to test your image link and other forum features.

Per our guidelines, please do not posts nude pics (front or back) or links to such pics. These images are not safe for those accessing the forum from their jobs. We hope you understand the importance of this rule and ask for your support.
Local Channels

We have foreign languages chat boards in Italian, Spanish, French, German, Finnish, Chinese and Norsk - Svensk - Dansk, in short... Scandinavia. If there are other languages you are interested, please PM ethan for a new threads.

DVD Release around the world

It is available in America since April 4th (zone 1 DVD)

It was released in U.K. on April 24 (zone 2 DVD)

France release was annouced for July 19 (zone 2 DVD)

Please send chameau a PM if you know the release date of your country, we will update the Newsletter accordingly.

Members from Europe or zone 2 DVD countries could order the U.K. DVD on line.  You have to be aware it's an English only version, no subtitles but English ones, no dubbed version either.  These are some links where you could order from:

How is the Forum doing?

We are now 2459 members, In April only 266 persons registered on
10 members posted more than 2000 times since they joined the forum.
A new milestone for the Forum, our Queen of Brokeback, Froggy, posted for the 7000nd time.
Our main chit chat board busted the 555 pages
Our Senior members, The Silver Wolves, have already more than 200 pages and 6000+ posts on their thread
Our Italian members have more than 100 pages and 3000+ posts on their chit chat.
Our French members have about 150 pages and 4000+ posts on their board

On our homepage, you will see a section in the bottom called “Forum Stats” – click on the link [more stats]

Upcoming Birthdays and Events

May 1st, Cowboy Cody (40)
May 5th, Cinquo de mayo, Mexican National Day
May 7th , Tany24 (26)

MTV Movie Awards

The MTV movie awards 2006 are coming on June 8th and we could keep voting!!! Let's vote for BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN   8)

Thread of the Week - PBS

PBS is the most popular thread in the board of "Impact, Thought & Experiences." It is a thread of all kinds of emotion. Please stop by and share your PBS.

New members

If it's not done already, please introduce yourself.[/color]

Welcome to the Twist/Del Mar Family Reunion!

Please sign in with your photograph. One only please per poster. Just a picture with your "board" name. This can be done by sending your photograph either to Cowboy Cody, Esme, or Coguaro. Thanks for signing in! Also, please list which side of the family you are from.

Membership levels

Have you ever wondered what the stars are beside your user name when you post, why how many stars, why the name of the movie characters?

There are six levels of membership groups based on the post counts. The membership group is displayed on the left column under the member's username followed by number of stars. In order to attach file, you will need to have at least 10 posts.

Number of post

0 - 19  Cassie 

20 - 99  Alma Jr.

100 - 199 Lureen

200 - 499 Alma

500 - 999 Jack

1000 Ennis

2000 Jack + Ennis

Global Moderators have 3 blue stars

Moderators have 3 green stars

Member Quote

From Lost_Girl on April 25

I am alone sit in the grass
The wind hurt my back
I hate you, I hate myself
How could you do that to me
I want to kill you, don't want to leave
Perhaps because I'm afraid or weak
I don't remember, leave me alone
It's too painful to love you.

One word to describe ennis/jack


They are very rarely visible in the sky together at the same time.
The Sun is sovereign of the day, light and growth.
The Moon is regent of the night, tides and moods.
The light from the Moon comes from the Sun.
The Moon can eclipse the Sun.

posted by flikker2005 on Frebruary 4th

Treasures of humor and poetry are posted on this thread about using one word only to describe ennis and Jack.

Forum Features & Tips

Use of PM (Personal Messages)

Do you know that you can save a copy of your PM?

Go to your profile, and in the section of "Modify Profile" click "Personal Message Options." Check "Save a copy of each Personal Message in my outbox by default."

You can also use "Show a popup when you receive new messages" - if you have this option checked, you will get a pop-up window in the forum when you receive a PM.

I posted something but I can't fine it anymore

Sometimes a post may be moved to other threads. If you can't find your post, you can go to your profile. At the bottom of your profile, there is a section called "Additional Information"

Click "Show the last posts of this person" and you will see all the posts you have made in this forum and you should be able to locate the post.

Calling for Newsletter Team

The forum invites members to get involved with our weekly newsletter. So far bubbaluna & balchy28 have volunteered to help. If you are interested in helping out, please click the link below and post your reply. The forum counts on you to send us news, questions and comments. Thank you.

May 1 – 7 editor: chameau Please PM me if you have any question regarding this issue of newsletter.
« Last Edit: Nov 22, 2007, 08:27 PM by ethan »
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin' Newsletter - May 8 -15
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2006, 04:25 PM » Weekly Newsletter - May 8 - 15

Introduction from Our New Editor - balchy28

Hiya fellow brokies! My name is Lauren and I have been on this forum since Jan 30, 2006, 12:00 AM. I suffer from PBS, and as most of you know, most of the time it is very hard to deal with! I'm 17 years old, and I love BBM, but the people around me don't, so i'm so glad to have found such a great place full of so many wonderful people to share my passion for Brokeback Mountain with.

When I first got onto this forum, I just read everything, and cried! Then I started to get brave and I posted more and more. I now have just over 600 posts yay! I sometimes feel as if I don't contribute anything important, but I still enjoy being here. My best friend on here is Patriot1 :) I think that will do! If you have any questions for me or anything then go ahead and send me a message! I look forward to many more great topics, threads, pictures and conversations with all of you brokebackaholics!

Lauren x

Newsletter Editing Team

The team now consists of bubbaluna, balchy28 and Lost_Girl and you will see each one of them with "Editor" title in the forum. We would love to have other members  join us! If you are interested in helping with the newsletter, please add your name to this the list of the following thread.

This forum is very interested in your thoughts, questions and comments. If you have any ideas for the newsletter, please feel free to send any of the editing team a message. Or tell everyone about your idea by posting it on this thread.


The following editorial was written by Bubbaluna (Domenick) and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire newletter team
As I See It.. The Other Men Of Brokeback Mountain
Part 1 - L.D. Newsome

Much has been posted on this forum about Jack and Ennis but considerably less about the other men in the movie. This will be the first of a series of my observations of how the other men in Brokeback Mountain played a role in the lives of Jack and Ennis.

L.D. Newsome by all accounts was a highly successful businessman who most likely did not attend college but who made sure his only daughter DID and for whom he wanted only the best of everything. We see Lureen as a somewhat spoiled young lady when she meets Jack and the implication is that her "daddy" gives her a lot (such as the car) but she does have to follow his rules ("be home by midnight"). When Jack appears on the scene L.D. sees a poor, uneducated (although outgoing and somewhat ambitious) young man that his daughter is crazy about and he(L.D.) is not happy. Jack is not what L.D. had in mind for his "little girl". L.D. was hoping for a college graduate, and in fact, probably counting on someone from a class or two above their own class so he could brag about his daughter's future husband (think doctor or lawyer..this was around 1964). Obviously all Jack had to offer was a great personality and a potential to sell the farm equipment well...but certainly not the "class", social status, or even "breeding" that L.D. thought his little girl deserved (or that he personaaly wanted for her).

However Jack and Lureen did marry, did have a baby and Lureen and Jack essentially took over (gradually) running the business...Jack from the sales end...Lureen from the business end..It must have made L.D. very happy to have had a grandson that he thought HE could mold until that fateful Thanksgiving when Jack told him who was running THAT show! Interestingly L.D. backed down immediately and in my opinion at least secretly respected Jack after that incident.

So...was L.D. really such a "bad" man?? No I don't think so..Like many men with one "little girl" he saw Jack as unfit for his daughter and wanted her to be happy and to have only the best. He certainly didn't welcome Jack with open arms and undoubtedly didn't ever lavish him with praise BUT look at how Jack lived in Texas....because of L.D. he did at least get a chance to raise himself up a bit in social standing and enjoy some creature comforts he wouldn't have had back home (most likely). Obviously this was No substitute for what Jack REALLY wanted (Ennis) but I think it shows that in a funny was L.D. did actually fulfill a need  in Jack...and THAT is how I see it!

To respond to this editorial, please go to

DVD Release around the World

U.S. - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)

Please send balchy28 a PM if you know the release date of your country, we will update the Newsletter accordingly.

Member Quote

From Ronnie27

"I hope you don't mind my saying this, but after reading all of the above posts, I'm so overcome by your love, caring, courage, I'm in tears!  It is an honor to know all of you.  As the mother of a young (25 y o) gay man, who came out to me a few years ago, I'm grateful for the words of support and hope for the future.  I love each and every one of you.  Hugs and   :-*  !
(I am also grateful to Annie Proulx.  If she had not written BBM, they would never have made this movie, this forum would not have been created, and I would never have found so many wonderful people.  You have all helped me to become a better person--thank you!)";topicseen#bot

Thread of the week - Pix with Poems
Warning!  Tissues are mandatory, and poems posted are not only in English but also in French, Italian and German.

An Interesting New Thread

Lines You won't hear in BBM - Thanks to LuvJackNasty for posting this.
Be ready to laugh!

Forum Features and Tips


Do you know that you can edit the quote when reply someone's post?

Please try not to reply with a long quote, especially quotes within quotes. Why? It just makes reading a lot easier and reduces unnecessary scrolling. You can delete unwanted text in the quote as long as the quote is within the code [quote ] ---------- [ /quote]

For more detailed explaination, please visit

Reminders about Posting Pictures

Thank you very much for your help for discontinuing the use of attachments and posting the image link instead. It has helped the forum tremendously.

We like to remind everyone - per our guidelines, please do not posts nude pics (front or back) or links to such pics. These images are not safe for those accessing the forum from their jobs. We hope you understand the importance of this rule and ask for your support. Also, if the content of the thread is not safe for work, please consider adding a warning on the subject of the thread or post.

Also, please do not post paparazzi's photos in this forum.  For example, there is no official picture of Matilda, the daughter of Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger, so there is no point to post paparazzi material here. The rule applies to the whole cast of Brokeback Mountain.  Thank you for your understanding and respect of the actors and their families privacy. Let's not have our pleasure from the intrusion of their private lives.

Upcoming Birthdays and Events

May 8, kaonum (30), franshattingh (21)

May 10,linzi twist (20), Danielle (18)

May 12, favouritegirl (19)

May 14 , poserlikes (19), Mother's Day US and Canada

May 15, Jackchristopher27 (20)

May 28, Mother's Day (France)

How is the Forum Doing?

We reached 100,000 posts after almost 5 months on May 3rd, 2006 at 9:25 PM EST. Each post adds to the heart and soul of this community. The forum is grateful for your contribution and support to make this place as friendly, informative and enjoyable as possible.

Each one of you deserves a special recognition. We can't thank everyone enough for making this BBM journey so rewarding and fulfilling.

You all deserve the Oscar of our hearts. 100,000 posts is a milestone and we hope you all join with us to look forward to one more zero.  :D

Congratulations again!!

Posting Updates - May 1 - May 7

Members who have been Jacked, 500 posts
Jennis, May 2nd
CherryCake, May 2nd
LuvJackNasty, May 2nd
Keren_b, May 6th

Members who have been Ennised, 1000 posts
Carlos_h82, May 2nd
Greenfrog, May 4th

We have two more Ennis + Jack, they are from the Silver Wolves Pack, 2000 posts
BBBOY, May 2nd
Bubbaluna, May 3rd

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin' Newsletter - May 15 -22
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2006, 06:07 PM » Weekly Newsletter - May 15 - 22

Welcome from Our New Editor - Bubbaluna

I probably don't need an introduction to most of you but just in case you don't know me I am one of the "silver wolves" and have been on the forum since early February 2006. I am a college professor and department chair in Connecticut (USA) who like most of you is enthralled by Brokeback Mountain and all that comes with it. I also am currently the "editorial" writer and will always try to choose topics that are a bit downplayed in the forum. I welcome your reaction and thoughts to any of my editorials!

I hope you enjoy the newsletter and all that is has to offer.

Newsletter Editing Team

The team now consists of bubbaluna, balchy28 and Lost_Girl and you will see each one of them with "Editor" title in the forum. We would love to have other members  join us! If you are interested in helping with the newsletter, please add your name to this the list of the following thread.

This forum is very interested in your thoughts, questions and comments. If you have any ideas for the newsletter, please feel free to send any of the editing team a message.


The following editorial was written by Bubbaluna (Domenick) and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire newletter team

As I See It.. The Other Men Of Brokeback Mountain
[/b] [/size]
Part 2  John Twist

Much has been posted on this forum about Jack and Ennis but considerably less about the other men in the movie. This is the second of a series of my observations of how the other men in Brokeback Mountain played a role in the lives of Jack and Ennis.
(Please take note that my comments are ONLY based on John Twist as portrayed in the movie and NOT as portrayed in the short story)

There is no doubt that John Twist was not a loving, doting father who showered his son Jack with praise and encouragement. From the outset of the movie, Jack makes it clear that it is difficult if not impossible to please his father and also that his father never showed him any rodeo "tricks" nor did he come to see his son Jack compete. So why does Jack keep going back to Lightning Flats throughout the movie to visit his parents?

Well some would say that he came back just to see his mother which of course he did....but I believe there was more than that. From the beginning we see Jack as an only child who although poor was definitely given a bit more than most (just take a look at his clothes that first summer). He is extremely outgoing, relatively confident, and at least outwardly happy. Had his homelife been that terrible I doubt we would have seen a Jack who was so well adjusted at least within himself.

The real interesting part, however, comes when Ennis visits Jack's parents after Jack's death. John Twist appears sullen, bitter, and angry about Jack's desire to have his ashes scattered outside the "family plot". He tells Ennis that Jack had always "promised" that he would bring Ennis back with him to whip the ranch back into shape but never did. So what is this all about?

John Twist knew that Jack had a desire to lead a less than "traditional" cowboy life. Without saying that he knew his son was "queer" he was willing to accept this IF in fact it meant he could get help with his ranch. He was dirt poor but in his own way did love his son and wanted to see him happy. He WANTED Jack's ashes to be in the family plot because that was his way of holding on to Jack..his only son. Unlike the life that Ennis had as a child where he most likely felt lonely and unwanted, Jack appears to have been loved and wanted (albeit in a non-affectionate way) from his father. Had Ennis and Jack returned to live with Mr. and Mrs. Twist I strongly believe that John Twist would have accepted the situation as long as he saw his son happy and as long as his ranch was taken care of....and THAT IS  HOW I SEE IT!

Forum Tip - Starting a New Thread

Everyone is welcome to start a new thread. Before you do, please check if a similar topic has been posted.

We understand that it is difficult to go through all the topics. You can do a search or browse the index if it is a discussion about BBM.

When starting a new thread, please make sure that the title is as specific as possible. It will be really helpful and easier to read what the thread is about.

Avoid vague titles such as "Please Help....." or "Maybe Jack has......"

If you are not sure where to post your new topic, please post it in "Not Sure Where to Post" and the moderators will help you move to the appropriate board.

New Board - BBM Polls

The forum has a new board - BBM Polls. It is located as a child board of "Our Support for BBM." This board will host all the polls pertaining to BBM and its cast members. Please post all the polls in this board.

Thanks to Patriot1 for his suggestion. It does make it easier to find all the polls in one place. If you have any suggestion or idea to make this forum easier to navigate, we love to hear from you.

Forum Feature - Personalize your Profile

1. Click the "Profile" icon on top of this forum to view your profile.
2. On your profile page, locate the section of "Modify Profile" on the left. Click "Forum Profile Information"
3. Then, you can personalize with pictures provided with the forum or the URL of icons (avatars) you like.
4. You can also add signature which will be display in your posts. You can use BBC codes or smileys in the signature.

If you add signature in your profile. please keep the text to size 10 pt max and free of images. The images in the signature slow down the loading of pages. Please think of those with dial-ups. Members also have the option to turn off others' avatars and signatures.

Profile setting --> Look and Layout Preference --> check "Don't show other user's avatars" & "Don't show other user's signatures."

Many thanks to love_bbm for providing many great avatars.

For more information, please visit

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 21 (zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)

Please send balchy28 a PM if you know the release date of your country, we will update the Newsletter accordingly.

Thread of the week

BBM speak, is it creeping into your day to day life?

How BBM changed your way of expressing yourself?  Are you now using lines from the movie, every day?  Chameau does huh?... You bet!  ;D

How is the Forum Doing?

We have welcomed our 2500th member SNOLFAKE on May 8th!!!

We reached 600 pages in the main chat
150 pages in the Italian chat
300 pages in the Silver Wolves chat

Posting Updates - May 8 - May 15

100 posts, Lureen
Claireluna, May 11th
Malawix, May 11th

200 posts, Alma
Mississauga Red, May 12th
Donnaread, May 13th
Sabine, May 13th

Members who have been Jacked, 500 posts
Androclo, May 8th
NoReins, May 11th

Members who have been Ennised, 1000 posts
Pierralex, May 12th
Hanna, May 12th
We have two more Ennis + Jack, 2000 posts
jerasjr, May 9th
Frances, May 12th

Upcoming Birthdays and Events:

May 15, jackchristopher27 (20)
May 19, ksxks (59)
May 20, lubie-lou (14)
May 21, Amanda_Marie87 (19)

Quote of the week

from Silk

"Happy Mother's Day to everyone this weekend.  You know some fathers also make the best mother's to their children.  Being female does not necessarily make a person the nuturing parent.  So here is to all you great dads that love your children and are very present in their lives not only physically but emotionally as well."

from Patriot1

"I want everyone to know that I am the lucky one in the friendship between Lauren and I.  She is a wonderful listener, and gives great advice.  It is my honor to call her, FRIEND.

It would be so wonderful if I could go to England and give her a great big hug and kiss.  Thank you Lauren."

May 15 – 22 editor: bubbaluna  Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2006, 11:35 PM by ethan »
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin' Newsletter - May 22 - 28
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2006, 03:42 PM » Weekly Newsletter - May 22 - 28 2006

What a week!

It was the 6 months anniversary of on may 17th and one of the busiest week ever on the forum.  We busted the 125000 posts on May 21st not to mention the 10000 posts of the Silver Wolves and our four new moderators.  I would like once again to thanks Ethan for creating this little corner of paradise, Froggy, the Moderators, the Editors and all the members for their contributions and support,


Following these events, two new threads have been created, one for the achievements and one to retrospect the best moments on this forum.

Congratulations for Achievement

This is now the place to post members and forum's achievements, we will celebrate there all the new Alma Jr., Lureen, Alma, Ennis, Jack + Ennis and particular milestones in the forum history:

In Your Words: an retrospective

If you find a post that has a special meaning or really moves you, we will archive there the best moments of the forum.  Thanks to jerasjr and BBBOY for their initiative.

Newsletter Editing Team

The team now consists of bubbaluna, balchy28 and Lost_Girl and you will see each one of them with "Editor" title in the forum. We would love to have other members  join us! If you are interested in helping with the newsletter, please add your name to this the list of the following thread.

The following editorial was written by Bubbaluna (Domenick) and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire newletter team

[/u] [/size]
As I See It.. The Other Men Of Brokeback Mountain
[/b] [/size]
Part 3   Joe Aguirre

Much has been posted on this forum about Jack and Ennis but considerably less about the other men in the movie. This will be the third and last of a series of my observations of how the other men in Brokeback Mountain played a role in the lives of Jack and Ennis.

Joe Aguirre was by all accounts portrayed as a gruff, generally unlikeable older fellow (compared to our young boys) who wanted (in our current lingo) to get a lot of "bang for his buck". He had no qualms about the boys circumventing the law in order to mimimize the loss of sheep (and hence maximize his profits) and obviously had little regard for the boys' comfort, safety or well-being in general. In short, he saw two boys "hungry" for a job and was more than willing to take advantage of them. After the boys are on the on the mountain we don't see him again until the scene where he is peering through the binoculars and catches Ennis and Jack being a bit too "cute" with each other for his liking. Of course we don't know whether he has spied on them before (he probably has) and whether this may just be the first time he saw something a bit unusual. His conversation with Jack while Jack is splitting logs is priceless..most likely (in my opinion) the whole scenario about Jack's uncle is fabricated..I can't imagine Jack's mother seeking out Aguirre to give him that message ....but it's Aguirre's way of talking to Jack and flashing those binoculars to let him know that he is indeed spying on them....
Of course Aguirre doesn't care what the boys long as his sheep are taken care why does he make them come down almost a month early?
Well in this guy's opinion.....I think there just had been too many nights where Ennis simply didn't leave camp or left camp too late and too many sheep were lost..perhaps Aquirre did get wind of the fact that his sheep were mixed with the Chilean sheep...or he spied enough to know his sheep were simply not tended to enough (as he wanted them to be) in terms of cost efficiency he brought them down. Aquirre couldn't have cared less what the boys were doing personally...but he cared a lot about MONEY...and so he brought them down early and when Jack returned the next summer he was adamant about NEVER hiring him again....Notice that he ONLY brought about the "stem the rose" comment after Jack asked about Ennis....Had Jack just left the trailer when Aguirre said "I have no work for you" I doubt Aguirre would have brought up the fact that he knew about the in some ways (for 1964) Aguirre WAS pretty decent about that......and that is HOW I SEE IT!!!!

We have new Moderators

4 members volunteered and joined the Mod Squad this week

LuvJakcNasty from New Jersey
She will help in the "Characters, Quotes & Scenes" board

Pierralex from France
He will help in "All about the DVD", "Local Channels" and "Members Interests" boards

Mars from Italy
He will help in the "Local Channels" and "Our support of Brokeback Mountain" boards

BBBOY from Florida
He will help in the "Mountain cafe" board

Please join us to congratulate our new moderators.

Quote of the week

from the thread Is it normal still crying even after the 3rd time wacthing BBM?

For me, watching Brokeback Mountain is like watching a rose bud open. Each petal opens and reveals one more beautiful than the last. There is not a moment that is not always new and revealing of the human condition. I am content with that, I need nothing else. We live in a world where everything seems to be programed, categorized, compartmentalized, desensitized. People are too busy making money, raising kids without really raising them, being aggressive, being negative and nasty, being lost with no base. Give me a rose to watch bloom and I can live with the rest.

From BBBOY on May 17th

Forum achievements 6th Months Anniversary, May 17th and 125000 posts on May 21st

We reached 50 pages on the Finnish chat on May 20th
100 pages in the German chat on May 15th
200 pages in the French chat on May 15th
200 pages in the Italian chat on May 17th
and the Silver Wolves busted the 10,000 posts on May 20th

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.
DonnieDarko, May 20th

100 posts, Lureen
Boo_Boo, May 18th
Titus, May 17t
Stacp, May 18th
Rilla, May 19th

200 posts, Alma
Donnared, May 18th
Fred, May 18th
Karen123, May 18th
Melisande, May 19th
FlwrChild, May19th
Elisabetta, May 20th

Members who have been Jacked, 500 posts
Christie wood, May 15th
Fayette, May 17th
Love_bbm, May 19th
Koka, May 20th
Malawix, May 20th

We have one more Ennis, 1000 posts
LuvJackNasty, 1000 posts, May 19th

Congratulations to all!

Upcoming Birthdays and Events

May 25th, Argentina - Revolution Day
May 28th, DuaneSimolke (41)
May 28th, Mother's Day in France

Tips of the week

How to downsize a picture

Before posting images on the forum, we suggest you to preview your post.  In many events you will find the picture is too big to fit the page.  Images who are too big will also take more time to download, specially for members who have dial up connections.  Please help us to keep the forum in shape and good looking, you could refer to this tutorial:

Need Helps with the Posting Codes

Here is a good reference page that explains all the buttons for posting.

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 21 (zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)

May 23 – 28 editor: Chameau Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2006, 12:52 AM by chameau »
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2006, 04:39 PM » Weekly Newsletter - May 15 - 22

Welcome from Our New Editor - Bubbaluna

I probably don't need an introduction to most of you but just in case you don't know me I am one of the "silver wolves" and have been on the forum since early February 2006. I am a college professor and department chair in Connecticut (USA) who like most of you is enthralled by Brokeback Mountain and all that comes with it. I also am currently the "editorial" writer and will always try to choose topics that are a bit downplayed in the forum. I welcome your reaction and thoughts to any of my editorials!

I hope you enjoy the newsletter and all that is has to offer.

Newsletter Editing Team

The team now consists of bubbaluna, balchy28 and Lost_Girl and you will see each one of them with "Editor" title in the forum. We would love to have other members  join us! If you are interested in helping with the newsletter, please add your name to this the list of the following thread.

This forum is very interested in your thoughts, questions and comments. If you have any ideas for the newsletter, please feel free to send any of the editing team a message.


The following editorial was written by Bubbaluna (Domenick) and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire newletter team

As I See It.. The Other Men Of Brokeback Mountain
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Part 2  John Twist

Much has been posted on this forum about Jack and Ennis but considerably less about the other men in the movie. This is the second of a series of my observations of how the other men in Brokeback Mountain played a role in the lives of Jack and Ennis.
(Please take note that my comments are ONLY based on John Twist as portrayed in the movie and NOT as portrayed in the short story)

There is no doubt that John Twist was not a loving, doting father who showered his son Jack with praise and encouragement. From the outset of the movie, Jack makes it clear that it is difficult if not impossible to please his father and also that his father never showed him any rodeo "tricks" nor did he come to see his son Jack compete. So why does Jack keep going back to Lightning Flats throughout the movie to visit his parents?

Well some would say that he came back just to see his mother which of course he did....but I believe there was more than that. From the beginning we see Jack as an only child who although poor was definitely given a bit more than most (just take a look at his clothes that first summer). He is extremely outgoing, relatively confident, and at least outwardly happy. Had his homelife been that terrible I doubt we would have seen a Jack who was so well adjusted at least within himself.

The real interesting part, however, comes when Ennis visits Jack's parents after Jack's death. John Twist appears sullen, bitter, and angry about Jack's desire to have his ashes scattered outside the "family plot". He tells Ennis that Jack had always "promised" that he would bring Ennis back with him to whip the ranch back into shape but never did. So what is this all about?

John Twist knew that Jack had a desire to lead a less than "traditional" cowboy life. Without saying that he knew his son was "queer" he was willing to accept this IF in fact it meant he could get help with his ranch. He was dirt poor but in his own way did love his son and wanted to see him happy. He WANTED Jack's ashes to be in the family plot because that was his way of holding on to Jack..his only son. Unlike the life that Ennis had as a child where he most likely felt lonely and unwanted, Jack appears to have been loved and wanted (albeit in a non-affectionate way) from his father. Had Ennis and Jack returned to live with Mr. and Mrs. Twist I strongly believe that John Twist would have accepted the situation as long as he saw his son happy and as long as his ranch was taken care of....and THAT IS  HOW I SEE IT!

Forum Tip - Starting a New Thread

Everyone is welcome to start a new thread. Before you do, please check if a similar topic has been posted.

We understand that it is difficult to go through all the topics. You can do a search or browse the index if it is a discussion about BBM.

When starting a new thread, please make sure that the title is as specific as possible. It will be really helpful and easier to read what the thread is about.

Avoid vague titles such as "Please Help....." or "Maybe Jack has......"

If you are not sure where to post your new topic, please post it in "Not Sure Where to Post" and the moderators will help you move to the appropriate board.

New Board - BBM Polls

The forum has a new board - BBM Polls. It is located as a child board of "Our Support for BBM." This board will host all the polls pertaining to BBM and its cast members. Please post all the polls in this board.

Thanks to Patriot1 for his suggestion. It does make it easier to find all the polls in one place. If you have any suggestion or idea to make this forum easier to navigate, we love to hear from you.

Forum Feature - Personalize your Profile

1. Click the "Profile" icon on top of this forum to view your profile.
2. On your profile page, locate the section of "Modify Profile" on the left. Click "Forum Profile Information"
3. Then, you can personalize with pictures provided with the forum or the URL of icons (avatars) you like.
4. You can also add signature which will be display in your posts. You can use BBC codes or smileys in the signature.

If you add signature in your profile. please keep the text to size 10 pt max and free of images. The images in the signature slow down the loading of pages. Please think of those with dial-ups. Members also have the option to turn off others' avatars and signatures.

Profile setting --> Look and Layout Preference --> check "Don't show other user's avatars" & "Don't show other user's signatures."

Many thanks to love_bbm for providing many great avatars.

For more information, please visit

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 21 (zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)

Please send balchy28 a PM if you know the release date of your country, we will update the Newsletter accordingly.

Thread of the week

BBM speak, is it creeping into your day to day life?

How BBM changed your way of expressing yourself?  Are you now using lines from the movie, every day?  Chameau does huh?... You bet!  ;D

How is the Forum Doing?

We have welcomed our 2500th member SNOLFAKE on May 8th!!!

We reached 600 pages in the main chat
150 pages in the Italian chat
300 pages in the Silver Wolves chat

Posting Updates - May 8 - May 15

100 posts, Lureen
Claireluna, May 11th
Malawix, May 11th

200 posts, Alma
Mississauga Red, May 12th
Donnaread, May 13th
Sabine, May 13th

Members who have been Jacked, 500 posts
Androclo, May 8th
NoReins, May 11th

Members who have been Ennised, 1000 posts
Pierralex, May 12th
Hanna, May 12th
We have two more Ennis + Jack, 2000 posts
jerasjr, May 9th
Frances, May 12th

Upcoming Birthdays and Events:

May 15, jackchristopher27 (20)
May 19, ksxks (59)
May 20, lubie-lou (14)
May 21, Amanda_Marie87 (19)

Quote of the week

from Silk

Happy Mother's Day to everyone this weekend.  You know some fathers also make the best mother's to their children.  Being female does not necessarily make a person the nuturing parent.  So here is to all you great dads that love your children and are very present in their lives not only physically but emotionally as well.

May 15 – 22 editor: bubbaluna  Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin' Newsletter - May 29 - June 4 2006
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2006, 11:58 AM » Weekly Newsletter - May 29 - June 3 2006

We had another busy week on the forum, new members are still registering so far 24 newbies  #$# and I would like to welcome  back one of our moderators, Jimnick, who was absent for a while, it's good to have you back home buddy.  Our Fearless Leader, Ethan, is on a trip to Asia for the next three weeks, we promised him to keep the house in good order  ;)

Please have all another excellent week on,


Newsletter Editing Team

The team now consists of bubbaluna, balchy28 and Lost_Girl and you will see each one of them with the "Editor" title in the forum. We would love to have other members  join us! If you are interested in helping with the newsletter, please add your name to this the list of the following thread.

The following editorial was written by Bubbaluna (Domenick) and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire newletter team

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As I See It.. Mrs. Twist
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    Oh yes...Mrs. we all loved her! She rose to the occasion when Ennis paid her and John a visit and made certain that Ennis found the shirts that she most likely knew would have had special value to him. The question remains....just how much DID she know?

    Much has been discussed on this forum regarding exactly what Mrs. Twist knew about Jack's sexual preferences and more specifically his relationship with Ennis. So..let's take a minute to ponder this.

   First....there is no question that she doted on Jack. He was her son and her ONLY child. Despite their poverty she managed to find ways to provide him with rather fine clothing and a relatively stable upbringing (overcoming John Twist's very harsh discipline). If anything, Jack would have confided more to his mother than his father and certainly she had to have seen the shirts in his room relatively soon after that summer in the mountain. Mrs. Twist would have wanted to have washed the shirts unless Jack had asked her not to...and for that he would have at least had to offer some type of explanation. To me....this implies a closeness.

  Second..if John Twist repeatedly heard that Jack planned on bringing Ennis up to the ranch to "help whip it into shape" then Mrs. Twist almost certainly heard more about Ennis than John did. She must have sensed that they had a very close if not "unusual" friendship especially because he drove 14 hours several times a year to go "fishing" with Ennis. Of course, on the other hand, these "fishing trips" also provided her a number of opportunities to see her son which she might not have had otherwise.

  But third and is the way that Mrs. Twist greeted and treated Ennis that convinced me that saw Ennis as almost a "son-in-law". There was love in her expression when she greeted him and put her hand on his shoulder at the precise moment when John Twist told Ennis that Jack had planned on bringing someone else up to the ranch. There was a defined and almost lofty purpose when she invited Ennis to go up to Jack's room. Her knowing look when he returned from the room with the shirts tells so much. She knew...she was NOT at all surprised...This was her way of giving Ennis a piece of Jack...and of giving herself the piece of mind that indeed Jack HAD loved and been loved in his short life....

and that is how I see it....

Forum achievements

We reached 250 pages and 7500 posts in The Italian Chat on May 23d
175 pages in the German chat on May 27th.

Our busiest day since the Oscar night, 56 most users on line on May 23rd

Member's levels updates

Chameau was probably a  sleepy horse on four legs when he missed Shielmaid becoming Alma - 200 posts on May 14th

100 posts, Lureen

CrimsonSky, May 23rd
Mactwck, May 23rd
Ande_nem, May 22nd
Clareluna, May 24th
Ksxks, May 25th
Twisted Darko, May 25th
Beskyddaren, May 25th
Hpv, May 27th

Members who have been Jacked, 500 posts

Mikele, May 22nd
Allyce, May 25th
The Artifact, May 28th

We have four more Ennis, 1000 posts

Androclo, May 25th
Malawix, May 28th
NoReins, May 28th
Keren_b, May 28th

We have one more Jack + Ennis, 2000 posts

Lady, May 22nd

Special achievement by Mars, 5000 posts on May 27th

Congratulations to all!

Members Levels

Effective May 23, Global Moderator, Editor and the level of Ennis + Jack have a different star color.

2000 Jack + Ennis

Newsletter Editors have 2 blue stars

Global Moderators have 3 orange stars

For a complete list of membership level, please refer to

Chronological Order of BBM

By Ethan

Here goes after seeing the movie eight times, and reading the published version of the screenplay, certain year milestones are noted:

1963 - The year they meet, summer. After Brokeback, Ennis marries Alma the same year.

1964 - Ennis and Alma are married, and expecting their first child. The movie at the Drive-in is "Surf Party", from 1964.

1966 - Fourth of July when Ennis beats up the foul mouthed Biker. The announcer in the background clearly says Fourth of July, 1966. Same summer, Jack attempts to pick up Jimbo the Rodeo Clown, then meets Lureen.

1967 - Four years after the summer on Brokeback, Jack and Ennis reunite.

Flashback: 1952 - Ennis' father takes him and his brother to see the murdered body of Earl, the rancher. Ennis says he is 9 years old, which means he must have turned 20 later in the fall of 1963, after the summer on Brokeback, which makes sense since the book says he was "not yet twenty", which seems to imply "not yet twenty, but almost/soon will be".

1969 - The "Where's my Blue Parka?" scene. The screenplay is messed up here about dates. In the space of two pages the year changes from 1971 to 1969 to a scene with a wall calendar that says 1973! I think that 1969 is supposed to be the correct year, but then why would little Bobby need a tutor at age of only 2 or 3? In the movie though we are free to place it in any year we choose in a given late sixties, early 70's range.

1972 - The montage where Jack is letting bobby drive the tractor and Ennis is baling hay out the back of a truck

1973 - Ennis and Alma sit in their appartment on a Saturday night and watch an episode of "Kojack". Alma wants to go to the Church social, but Ennis dosesn't feel like hanging out with "..that fire and brimstone crowd."

1975 - Ennis and Alma divorce. The date is read by the judge. I believe it's in July. The 5th? (Correction: The date of their divorce is November 6th) Jack drives up to see Ennis, hoping this means they will now be able to live together.

1977 - Thanksgiving with Ennis at Alma and Monroe's, and at the Twist Household. You hear the year read by the announcer at the football game on television. The screenplay describes Bobby as being 10, which means he would have had to be two when he needed the tutor.

1978 - Jack and Ennis go to the Mountains again, "Aww go to hell Ennis Del Mar, you want to live your miserable *beep* life, go ahead..." Jack and Lureen meet Randall and LaShawn Malone, at a benefit dinner dance. Ennis meets Cassie.

1979 - Scene with Ennis, Cassie, and Alma Jr. at the bar. The screenplay describes Alma Jr. as 15 yrs,

1981/1983 - Jack and Ennis meet for the last time in 1981 (screenplay) or 1983 (book). In the book, Proulx says they go everywhere but back to Brokeback. In the movie it seems like they always return to Brokeback or we assume so. Cassie confronts Ennis in the Diner.

1982 - In the screenplay, this is the year Jack is killed, and Ennis has the phone coversation with Lureen. Ennis meets Jack's parents.

1984 - Final scenes in movie with Ennis and Alma Jr., the reversed shirts.

"You know it could be like this, just like this, always"
Black Hat White Hat

Montreal get together

July 1st is 'Canada Day' and we'll have our first North-American get together in Montreal during that week-end, details are here:

We will post news and pictures of the event on the thread and login to the forum too to give you live updates.  :c)

For the members who cannot attend, why not organizing something in your area/country/continent?  Come on Brokies!  Lets celebrate  :cr)  $)

New thread from last week

Remembering Your First Time watching BBM

We started to post there the remembrance of our first BBM watching experiences, thanks for the Idea Ethan.  We suggest you to have a box of tissues handy for either posting or reading, I needed one (Chameau);topicseen

Quote of the week

The suggestion of this quote is from Koka:

Tpe is a person I admire highly. He always manages to find such amazing ways to say such complex things and express feelings&thoughts that are usually very difficult to explain. this posts may be short, but it contains so much of what brokeback means to me....and to many others.

and I admit, I am a sucker for metaphores, so he got me there.

This is the quote from Tpe

koka, I sort of identify 'islands' in the movie -- parts where I can breathe freely.  I think you can guess that almost all of them are the scenes where they are up in the mountains (even the later sadder ones) EXCEPT the last meeting, which has a fiery beauty to it all.

The only 'island' not situated in the mountains is the reunion kiss.  That scene is incandescent.  It burns you to ashes.

Any Technical Issue or Question?

You are a new member on the forum?  You are an old  member on the forum but you are still not sure about some features.  Don't worry everything is in place to help you, see:

Forum Testing
New to the forum? Come in here and play around with all the features. No sweat & no fear.

Questions, Suggestions & Technical Issues
What's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too. Newsletter Archive

This is the link to consult the previous issues of the Newsletter

Upcoming Birthdays and Events

May 29, Memorial Day (USA)
May  30, Birthdays: sweetlilg (19), gayhunky (54), ohio.myown (20)
May 31, Birthday: ChefStevo (38) 
June 1, Birthdays: Ksylas (25), Kenny (22), chaotic (16)
June 2, Events: Founding of the Republic (Italy)
June 3, Birthdays: Froggy (27), mario (62), Damon

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 21 (zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)

May 29 – June 4, editor: Chameau Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.


« Last Edit: May 28, 2006, 08:20 PM by chameau »
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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  • Miss ya little darlin'
Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #7 on: Jun 11, 2006, 09:57 PM » Weekly Newsletter - June 5 - 11, 2006

Good news!

Our cowboys got some recognition yet again; this time at the MTV Movie Awards:

Best Kiss to Brokeback Mountain, Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal & Best Performance by an actor or actress, Jake Gyllenhaal  for Brokeback Mountain

You can find members' reactions and some links to videos of the event   HERE

New members are still registering at, Froggy is back from vacations and we are missing our Fearless Leader, Ethan, a lot.  He is still traveling in Asia.  I wish to all another excellent week on this little corner of paradise called;)

Newsletter Editing Team

The team now consists of bubbaluna, balchy28 and Lost_Girl and each have the title of "Editor" on the forum. We would love to have other members  join us! If you are interested in helping with the newsletter, please add your name to this the list of the following thread.

This forum is very interested in your thoughts, questions and comments. If you have any ideas for the newsletter, please feel free to send any of the editing team a message.

Montreal get together

Reminder, July 1st is 'Canada Day' and we'll have our first North-American get together in Montreal during that week-end, details are HERE:

The following editorial was written by Bubbaluna (Domenick) and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire newletter team

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As I See It.. Lureen
[/b] [/size] well discussed she is in the we talk about whether or not she "knew" much she "knew"...and even whether or not she might have had a hand in Jack's "murder" if in fact he was murdered....but I want to talk about another side of Lureen.....about how I think that she really and truly was always in love with him.

    Everyone would most likely agree that Lureen had an instant attraction to Jack at the rodeo in Texas and certainly was the aggressor in their relationship which led to marriage. Jack was certainly an incredibly fine physical specimen but he also had a fun-loving, even-tempered, agreeable disposition which certainly added a lot to his attractiveness. Add to the mix his being polar opposite to Lureen in terms of social standing (in the eyes of her daddy) and this arms Lureen with a young stud who she can mold but can also use to stand up to her daddy with.

    It doesn't take long for "daddy" to show his disapproval for Jack...yet Lureen makes sure that Jack gets fitted very nicely into daddy's company and immediately provides him with all the comforts of a nice home he didn't have in Wyoming. After several years she has to feel a pull away from her as Jack gets increasingly involved with Ennis but she never lets on (and I do believe she suspects something) and the most she ever vocalizes is when she suggests that Ennis drive to Texas once in a while so Jack doesn't have to always drive north. She obviously supports him in everything he wants to do and it is not until close to the end that we sense (when they are at the dance with Randall and Lashawn) that she is beginning to give up on him. Even at the Thanksgiving dinner when Jack lashes out at "daddy" we can see her admiration and "love" for Jack come through.

   Lureen seems cold and detached while talking to Ennis after Jack's death but that is likely because she is trying to remain stoic. Even before Ennis' pronouncement that he was with Jack on Brokeback Mountain in '63 there are minor cracks in her voice as she relates the story. Although she probably did not know for sure that Jack was involved with Ennis, I am certain she knew that something unusual was going on just based on the number of times a year they met. She lost her Jack and she loved him and when she realizes that Ennis also had loved Jack she does (I believe) feel somewhat of a bond with him so she throws him a bone by mentioning the ashes. Her voice seems cold and she hangs up abruptly but if I were to venture a guess...she had a long cry after that conversation.....she had really and truly lost her Jack..and she still loved him....

and that is how I see it....

Pix with Poems

HERE poems are posted along with some pictures.  Most of the pictures are scenes from Brokeback Mountain, this is an example posted on April 4th by Frances
They who have never seen (Oscar Wilde)

They who have never seen the daylight peer
Into a darkened room, and drawn the curtain,
And with dull eyes and wearied from some dear
And worshipped body risen, they for certain
Will never know of what I try to sing
How long the last kiss was, how fond and late his lingering

Quote of the week

From MississaugaRed

Posted in PBS (post brokeback syndrome) on June 2nd, since this post is a too long for the Newsletter, we just included the last part, but click on the link to read the full quote and there is also another excellent one posted after by Keren_b.

So … PBS.  No more easy road for me.  When I see a route that might make a change for the positive in how the world treats our gay brothers and sisters, I am now compelled to take it.  I can’t do less without betraying what BBM has come to mean to

I see the same kind of responses from everyone in this forum.  2600 people and counting, registered here at ennisjack.  Many others visiting, not registering but still getting to know some of us, and what we believe.  There are other groups in cyberspace and beyond that are feeling this momentum the way we do.

In 20 years, or 40, or 60, the legacy of Brokeback Mountain won’t be found on a piece of film.  Or even in a masterpiece of short story writing.  It will be found in all the changes, big in small, brought into the world because of those that Brokeback touched.

I’m so proud of all of you … and what PBS will continue to do.

Peace!   :-*

New thread from last week

Click here: CELLULOID (All About Movies)

Malawix started this interesting new thread on May 31st, this is what he wrote:

I am here because I like "Brokeback Mountain". And I start this new topic because I like "Brokeback Mountain" and the Movies in general. Why do not we share all our infos, reviews, points of views, articles, news about next movies, past movies, present movies? Not BBM, Ang, Heath, Jake, and so on: not only Hollywood; not only the Oscars; not only Cannes or Venice. Let's make of this topic our favorite Movie Landmark!
Ok, then. Let's start it.

Little rules (or ideas, as you like)... Please, open any post you add here pointing out what you are going to talk about (it will be easier to use the whole topic then):





OTHER STUFF (Interviews, Curiosités, etc.)

Thank you. And let's enjoy it.  ;)

Birthdays and Events of the week

June 5 - Allan (64), Ka-chan (17)

June  6 - Antti (18)

June 7 - DVD Release - Spain 

June 8 - Jimnick (46), MTV Movie Awards - 9PM EST 

June 11 - DVD Release - Norway

Forum achievements

We reached 300 pages on the Italian Channel on May 30th,
250 pages on the French Channel on May 31st and
Bobninorl was our 2600nd member to register on June 1st

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Frenchboy, May 30th

100 posts, Lureen

Miri66, May 30th
Sunflower79, May 31st
Alicat, June 4th

200 posts, Alma

Welshwitch, May29
Mrl, May 30th

Members who have been Jacked, 500 posts

Kemmer, May 30th
Ginevra, June 1st
Sassenach, June 1st
FlwrChild, June 3rd

We have three more Ennis, 1000 posts

Love_bbm, May 30
Koka , June 2
Twisted, June 2

And a new Jack + Ennis, 2000 posts

Coguaro, June 3rd

Special achievement by Tpe, 4000 posts on June 2nd

Congratulations to all!

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)


June 5-10 editor: Bubbaluna. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #8 on: Jun 18, 2006, 06:21 PM » Weekly Newsletter - June 12 - 18, 2006

Our Virtual Home

Hi Brokies, our virtual home is doing very well, 150,000 posts achieved last week, 2000 topics, more and more new members are registering and personal achievements are busting every hour if not every minute  :P

Thanks for your support of and thank you for keeping the house nice and clean.  Our Fearless Leader, Ethan, might be happy to find the place in good shape when he will be back from vacations.  ;)

To all Brokies  %)


Newsletter Editing Team

The team now consists of bubbaluna, balchy28 and Lost_Girl and each have the title of "Editor" on the forum. We would love to have other members  join us! If you are interested in helping with the newsletter, please add your name to this the list of the following thread.

This forum is very interested in your thoughts, questions and comments. If you have any ideas for the newsletter, please feel free to send any of the editing team a message.

Image posting

If you are a new member here or if you never dared to post a picture because you're not sure how to do it we have a tutorial about this, see this link:

Also, please make sure to keep the pictures posted at a reasonable size, see this other link:

The following editorial was written by a guest editor (Stephan) and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire newletter team

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As I See It.. The Other Men Of Brokeback Mountain
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  Editor's note.....from Bubbaluna   
Much has been posted on this forum about Jack and Ennis but considerably less about the other men in the movie. This is a special editorial written by Stephan on his observation of Monroe's role in the lives of Jack and Ennis. Thank you for your contribution Stephan!

Another minor character in the film Brokeback Mountain is Monroe from Riverton. He appears in only two scenes, yet his presence is felt right to the end when Alma Jr. mentions the role he will play at her wedding. Most viewers may find Monroe passably friendly, hopelessly dull. Unjustly so.

Certainly, Monroe is a “supporting” character in the sense that he serves to add further dimension to the setting and to the main characters of Ennis and Alma. To the setting: Riverton is not just a dreary town populated with animal or agricultural farmers whose ambitions reach no higher than a fireworks display on Independence Day. There are also men like Monroe who try to sustain small businesses that propose a service to the community (a supermarket, for instance). To the main characters: Monroe acts as helper, as saviour even. In his first scene, he helps Ennis locate Alma in the supermarket before reappearing suddenly just after Alma Jr. accidentally breaks a few jars of peanuts. Far from sermonising or demanding compensation for damage, Monroe has more concern for Alma’s predicament of needing a babysitter for the baby girls. In comparison, Ennis appears inadequate. In his second scene (Thanksgiving dinner just before the incident appropriately dubbed the “Kitchen scene from hell” by rikcub – see page 1 of the Ennis’s Fierce and Possessive Love thread), he has invited Ennis to his table for Thanksgiving Day, thus saving the single cowhand from a depressingly lonely evening on the day which in traditional American culture is the day when everyone gathers for a family dinner. We also discover that Monroe has married Alma, which development happens to « save » her from any social disadvantage – perhaps even social disgrace – stemming  from her position as a divorced mother of young children: Riverton in 1977 or so is light years away from NYC or Hollywood lifestyles.

This is the “nice guy” side of Monroe. A brilliantly nondescript grocer (somewhat “less of a man” as xrdevl84 says on page 5 of the What’s New – Insights Gleaned thread). No one could better typify the opposite of the “real man” stereotype (for an interesting article on masculinity, see the link posted by jason on the page just mentioned).

This  is why Monroe matters to the film. Ang Lee does away with the stereotype of men who fall in love with men. Ennis and Jack are neither cocktail lounge habitués with limp wrists nor brooding intellectuals haunting lonely streets. In the same way, the stereotype bubble of the non-gay Wyoming male is burst: we don't ever see Monroe go into a bar, we never see him wear a cowboy hat and he uses words likes “condiments” which suggests to some people that Monroe is a closeted homosexual (see dirtbiker’s BBM 22 Years Later thread). Whereas Ennis and Jack, who happen to be lovers, either get into fistfights or do the rodeo, actions fundamentally associated with the stereotypical “tough guy” identity.

Of course Brokeback Mountain is a story of love between two men. But they are real men with complex personalities, not just stereotypes acting out predictable lives. And the same can be said for most if not all of the secondary characters of this un-ignorable movie.

Brokeback Mountain Forum Dictionary! & Slang defined have a dictionary for nicknames, BBM and forum related slang.  The famous PBS (Post Brokeback Syndrome) from Toadily was one of the first of so many which eventually made their entry to the dictionary.  You have an idea, post it and who knows...  ::)
Found in the Silver Wolves thread, a quote from FlwrChild about LuvJackNasty just achieving Jack+Ennis  (2000 posts)  "All hail the queen of the campfire!"

For me (chameau) it's an entry to the dictionary  8)

See the first page of the thread for updates

Montreal get together

Reminder, July 1st is 'Canada Day' and we'll have our first North-American get together in Montreal during that week-end, click here:

Birthdays and Events of the week

June 12,  Angelove (25), matsuki33 (24), Carlos_H82 (23), Twisted Darko (18)

June 14, Flag Day (USA)

June 17, JerBear418720 (58)

June 18, Father's Day (Canada & USA)

Quote of the week
by welshwitch

OK, here's how it's done washing/ washing hair/cleaning teeth - 10 minutes. Getting dressed - 10 more - who cares what I look like? Haven't got time to go out. Opening packets.containers - 5 mins for lunch, 10 for dinner - I can post while things cook - and while I eat. (Got clotterd cream into computer the other day, but it seems to have done it good.) Washing clothes, etc - 10 minutes. Gave up cleaning andi ironing months ago. Cats need love and affection - can be done one-handed while posting with the other. Talking to friends/marking hundreds of scripts/reading ( other than BBM) - an hour at most. Shopping? no longer a shopaholic - BBM is saving me megabucks. Routine things - delegated. Eg today car needed service. Nice man came and took it away, did whatever, brought it back later - I was on the web when he came and on the web when he left.

This leaves 22 and a quarter hours for BBM viewings/listening to soundtrack/reading ss and scripts/gazing at pictures of the unbeliievably gorgeous Jake/scouring the web for pictures and news stories about the UGJ/reading posts here and adding to them/ plotting how to get to California - all as long as I never go to bed.
You know you are addicted when...
« Reply #690 on: Today at 05:46:34pm »

Forum achievements

We reached 200 pages in the German Channel on June 5th.  Almost at the same time on June 7th, Italians busted 10,000 posts in their Channel and busted the 150000 posts.  On the same evening of June 7th, special mention to the Silver Wolves for 500 pages of chat and 15,000 posts.  Our Spanish Brokies reached 10 pages in their channel on June 8th.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Amtamburo, on June 5th
Gjz24, June 9th
Malle ,June 10th

100 posts, Lureen

Edgar, June 6th
Asali, June 8th
Brokeback_Ca, June 9th

200 posts, Alma

Ksxks, on June 5th
Backtobrokeback, on June 9th

We have one more Jack, 500 posts

, on June 6th

We have two more Ennis, 1000 posts

Mythos, on June 7th
Diana, on June 9th

And two new Jack + Ennis, 2000 posts

LuvJackNasty , on June 5th
Hanna, on June 10th

Special achievements by Jerasjr, 3000, City Slickin' Cowboy 4000, posts on June 8th and Mars, 6000 on June 11th.

Congratulations to all!

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)


June 12-18 editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline chameau

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Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #9 on: Jun 25, 2006, 04:17 PM » Weekly Newsletter - June 19 - 25, 2006

Hello Brokies,

On last week's Newsletter we were celebrating 150,000 posts... were are now at more than 166,000!  Some mad posting machines  :i are helping to increase the amount of posts every minute.  #)

Our Fearless Leader, Ethan, is back home in New-York City but he's packing again, heading to the Riverton Wyoming Gathering,  next week-end, I'm jealous.  Take pictures Ethan, plize!   

And now, some interesting news from our friend Tpe:
Friends, I am the winner of the pup tent.

I would like to announce it to the forum at large.  I bid also for the pride and glory of this forum!

Tpe won the bid on Ebay for the pup tent used in Brokeback Mountain, if it's not too big, since our friend will be flying from Chicago to Montreal for our Gathering , he will bring it with him, we will set the tent up in Chameau's backyard and yes.... we will take pictures  ;)

Have another great week on



The following editorial was written by Bubbaluna (Domenick) and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire newletter team

As I See It.. Fathers
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I have decided to depart from my usual analysis of characters today to talk a bit about a topic called "fathers". Today as I write this (June 18) it is Father's Day in the US and Canada but fathers are fathers all over the globe. Whether we love our fathers, dislike them or are indifferent to them, they do and in many cases will continue to have a profound influence on our lives. Without having to say a word we all know that both Jack's and Ennis' fathers had a tremendous impact on their lives. Many of you on this forum are you I say....."Heed the call".....and do well!! Others are big brothers...uncles.....cousins...friends...who are called upon to fill a father's you I say....."Go for it"...But  I heard the most touching story several evenings ago while driving home from a university class....a young man was saluting his MOM for being a great father because SHE supported him throughout his life in every way....with love, energy, finances, morals, and tenacity......and this touched my to everyone out there who is ..has or wants to be a father in any way...God BLESS YOU!!!


Tip of the week


Do you know that you can edit the quote when reply someone's post?

Please try not to reply with a long quote, especially quotes within quotes. Why? It just makes reading a lot easier and reduces unnecessary scrolling. You can delete unwanted text in the quote as long as the quote is within the code [quote ] ---------- [ /quote]

For more detailed explaination, please visit

New Thread of the week

Alberta trip: looking for Brokeback mountain track...

Our Doctor in Residence, Coguaro, is back from a travel in Alberta, he visited many places where Brokeback Mountain was shot and even had apple pie in some cafe where Ennis had apple pie too.  He posted many beautiful pictures, see this link:

Quote of the week

This is an excerpt from a post made by Patriot1 on June 12
Esme, I don't know what the others think of this scene, I  couldn't speak for them if I did.  But to me, this is the turning point of the movie. This is the turning point of Ennis's life.  I sat and watched a man loving his friend and showing it by ordering soup instead of beans, by shooting an elk instead of letting Jack shoot a sheep, and other ways. But he never could tell Jack he loved him. "What about you," Jack says to Ennis. "Me, I don't know." Ennis replies. Jack, his best friend, drives for 14 hours only to have Ennis send him away after 1 minute and 28 seconds. Jack, his best friend sits there and tells Ennis, "Truth is...sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it." and without a word, Ennis turns and looks into the fire as if he can't understand why Jack would miss him so much.

Then Ennis finds the shirts that have been hanging in Jack's closet for 20 years.  For 20 years Ennis' shirt has been embracing Jack's. Look at Ennis' face. He is shocked. He trembles, his breathing trembles. Ennis has discovered that Jack was in love with him and not only loved him as a friend. Ennis discovers and finally allows himself to admit he is in love with Jack also and says it, finally after 20 years, "I love you." and then breaks down into tears because he will never be able to tell Jack that he loves him. Ennis will never be able to lay next to Jack and whisper into Jack's ear, "I love you." Jack is gone, and Ennis cries bitterly for the loss and for never before telling Jack he loved him, not even as a friend.  Ennis came downstairs a new man. Ennis realized he is in fact a queer and he lost the only person he ever really loved. That is what that scene means to me. Don't know if it is what Ang Lee intended, but it is the way I see it and it is the part of the movie where I cry the hardest, for our two boys, for the wasted 20 years and for the sweet life they could have had on the Twist Ranch, out in the middle of nowhere. Each of our boys getting their wish; Ennis to be anonymous and Jack to live with Ennis on a little cow and calf operation.

If you don't see it that way, well, that is ok. I just hope however you see it, it is as beautiful for you as the way I see it is for me.
To read the full post go to:
Deleted scenes-Ennis crying

Birthdays and Events of the week

June 19 -  frances, lulubg (21)
June 21 - Summer Solstice

June 22 - raughtic (29), androphile (43)

June 23 - Events: * Wyoming Campout Gathering
June 24 - davidgray624 (21) , Events: * Wyoming Campout Gathering , National Day (Quebec)

June 25 - aimi15 (28), Ophelia (21), Events: * Wyoming Campout Gathering

Forum achievements

The Italians reached 350 pages in their Channel on June13th, the Silver Wolves 600 pages and 18,000 posts on June 14th, 100 pages in the BBM Recital on June 15th, 100 in the Jake's pictures thread on June 16th and 50 pages in the Congratulations for Achievement thread on June 18th.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

HexlovedxHim, June 14th
KatKat, June 16th
Angelina, June 18th

200 posts, Alma

Beskyddaren, june 12th
Twisted Darko, June 13th
Crimsonsky, June 13th
Silk, June 13th

We have two more Jack, 500 posts

Hpv, June 15th
Welshwitch, June 15th

We have four more Ennis, 1000 posts

Flwrchild, June 12th
Jennis, June 12th
Mrl, June 13th
Mikele, June 15th

Four new Jack + Ennis, 2000 posts

Pierralex, June 13h
Cremetorte, June 14th
Twisted, June 15th
Carlos_H82, June 15th

Special achievements, Chameau, 9000 posts on June 13th, Bubbaluna and BBBOY 4000 posts each on June 14th, LuvJackNasty 3000 posts on June 17th.

Congratulations to all!

Montreal get together

Reminder, July 1st is 'Canada Day' and we'll have our first North-American get together in Montreal during that week-end, click here:

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)

Archives of the previous Newsletters

You are looking for the previous Newsletters  ???
Go there:

Bye Brokies, see you next week   <^(

Even Albert loves our forum and recognizes love is a law and it's a force of nature 


Thank you Mikele and Froggy for the picture  ;)

June 19-25 editor: Chameau. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

Offline *Froggy*

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Re: Newsletter Archive
« Reply #10 on: Jul 08, 2006, 03:29 PM » Weekly Newsletter - June 26 - July 2, 2006

Hello Brokies,

Time flies, Brokies are posting like mad... we busted 175,000 posts on Saturday June 24th.  The first Brokeback Mountain convention in Riverton Wyoming was from June 23rd till June 25th, our Fearless Leader, Ethan, attended the convention and should be back soon, he promissed pictures  8)

Have another excellent week on

 %) Chameau

About the Newsletter

You have any question or comment about the Newsletter... suggestions maybe, huh?  Just go there:

The following editorial was written by Bubbaluna (Domenick) and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire newletter team

[/u] [/size]
As I See It.. The Other Women Of Brokeback Mountain
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  Cassie Cartwright first appears in the movie after Alma confronts Ennis in the scene often referred to as the "kitchen massacre". Ennis is vulnerable and lonely and Cassie is sexy, assertive, bright, cheery and fresh...everything that Alma never was. Although Ennis initially resists her, he warms to her quickly, agrees to "dance" with her, gives her a "foot rub" and likes her well enough to introduce her to Alma Jr. at a later date. We ask ourselves why. Here is what I think....

  Cassie is life...full of hope...full of dreams...much like fact in many ways she is Jack...i.e., a FEMALE version of Jack. Ennis is SAFE around Cassie.....It is OK to be seen with her..In fact it is GOOD to be seen with her. People aren't going to think twice about seeing Ennis with a very attractive young is acceptable....much MORE acceptable it seems than to be seen with Jack...

  But then something goes wrong....he and Jack have a terrible row the last time they see each other and Ennis crumbles. He admits to Jack (tearfully) that he can't take it anymore. Subconsciously he blames Jack (or his relationship with Jack) for HIS personal failures and lack of success in life. Cassie is now just another burden. So she must go as well.

  The third and last time we see Cassie she looks so vulnerable. Gone is the brash, self-confident, I-will-get-you waitress and her replacement is a diminutive hurt child...a shell of the "old" Cassie. Ennis did that to her....His indiffererence and abrupt departure from her life has devastated her. She loves him. She doesn't "get" him. How can she? She doesn't know him.

   Where Cassie fails, Jack succeeds. Cassie ends up destroyed.....running to Carl...who she tolerates because he's "nice". Jack leaves the final confrontation scene having won the battle if not the war.....Unfortunately we cannot say the same for Cassie. Girls don't fall in love with fun. Girls shouldn't fall in love with Ennis. Ask Alma.....

and That is how I see it....

Tip of the week

Editing your posts

Many of you may not be aware of this but you could modify your own posts after they have been posted.  You noticed a fault, you would like to re-phrase a sentence?  No problem!  In order to retreive easilly your posts, go to your profile and click on Show the last posts of this person.  You will be directed to a list of your posts, the top of the page is always the most recent one.  Go to the posts you want to edit and click on modify.  Just make your changes and save your information.  We noticed sometimes members posting twice the same post since they were not aware they could edit them.

New Thread of the week

Well... actually there are two new Threads we would like to mention  :*(

Alberta trip: looking for Brokeback mountain track...

Our Doctor in Residence, Coguaro, is back from a travel in Alberta, he visited many places where Brokeback Mountain was shot and even had apple pie in some cafe where Ennis had apple pie too.  He posted many beautiful pictures.
Member Corner/Mountain Cafe/Alberta trip: looking for Brokeback mountain track...

discussing gay issues - news from around the world

An initiative from Keren_b, post there all the news concerning gays and lesbians.  Good one Keren_b  O0
It was Gay pride in Paris last week-end and my little finger tells me we'll find pictures in the thread  :s)

Member Corner/Mountain Cafe/discussing gay issues - news from around the world

Quote of the week

From Welshwitch, on June 23rd

Shakespeare said it all: Nay, but to die and go we know not where,
                               To lie in cold obstruction and to rot;
                               This sensible warm motiong to become
                               A kneaded clod.

Jack is air and fire, not earth and water; cremation returns him to his natural elements.

The Movie & Story/Characters, Quotes & Scenes/Why cremation?;topicseen#bot

Birthdays and Events of the week

June 30th - Events: * Montreal Gathering

July 1st - perogurban (52), meandennis (59) , Events: * Montreal Gathering

July 2nd - phathead (39), Events: * Montreal Gathering

Forum achievements

The Silver Wolves reached 20,000 posts on June 19th, the Germans 250 pages and 7500 posts in their Thread on June 21st. Our member number 2700, TOU, registered on June 22nd.  We busted 175,000 posts at 4:16PM Eastern Time on June 24th.  The French reached 300 pages on June 24th in their Thread.

Member's levels updates

20 posts, Alma Jr.

Glynn, June 23rd
Gimmejack, June 25th
Carlton5, June 17th  %&)
Jesseanne21, June 20th

100 posts, Lureen

Jesseanne21, on June 23

200 posts, Alma

Mactwck, June 21st
Juslikethisalways, June21st
Miri66, June 23rd

Jack, 500 posts

MississaugaRed, June 20th
Asali, June 20th
Stacp, June 23rd
Fcb, June 25th

Ennis, 1000 posts

Fayette, June 22nd
Dirtbiker, June 22nd
Aimi15, June 23rd

Jack + Ennis, 2000 posts

Greenfrog, June 19th

Special achievements by Tpe, 5000 posts on June 22nd, Hanna , 3000 on June 23rd

Congratulations to all!  :^^)

Montreal get together

Reminder, starting June 30 until July 3rd we'll have our first North-American get together in Montreal during that week-end, click here:

DVD Release around the World

U.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 11 (zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
Australia - July 20 (zone 4 DVD)
Italy - August 30 (zone 2 DVD)

Any update about the release in your country?  :P  Post it there:

Archives of the previous Newsletters

Are you looking for the previous Newsletters  ???
Go there:

Bye Brokies, see you next week  :)

June 26-July 2 editor: Bubbaluna. Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.
Support bacteria, they are the only culture some people have!

If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than because he was he, and I was I.
~ Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592) ~ (Thankx to gimmejack)