ennisjack.com Weekly Newsletter - May 29 - June 3 2006
We had another busy week on the forum, new members are still registering so far 24 newbies

and I would like to welcome back one of our moderators,
Jimnick, who was absent for a while, it's good to have you back home buddy. Our Fearless Leader,
Ethan, is on a trip to Asia for the next three weeks, we promised him to keep the house in good order

Please have all another excellent week on
ChameauNewsletter Editing TeamThe team now consists of
balchy28 and
Lost_Girl and you will see each one of them with the "Editor" title in the forum. We would love to have other members join us! If you are interested in helping with the ennisjack.com newsletter, please add your name to this the list of the following thread.
http://www.ennisjack.com/index.php?topic=3765.0The following editorial was written by Bubbaluna (Domenick) and reflects ONLY the opinion of this author and not necessarily that of the entire newletter team
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As I See It.. Mrs. Twist
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Oh yes...Mrs. Twist...how we all loved her! She rose to the occasion when Ennis paid her and John a visit and made certain that Ennis found the shirts that she most likely knew would have had special value to him. The question remains....just how much DID she know?
Much has been discussed on this forum regarding exactly what Mrs. Twist knew about Jack's sexual preferences and more specifically his relationship with Ennis. So..let's take a minute to ponder this.
First....there is no question that she doted on Jack. He was her son and her ONLY child. Despite their poverty she managed to find ways to provide him with rather fine clothing and a relatively stable upbringing (overcoming John Twist's very harsh discipline). If anything, Jack would have confided more to his mother than his father and certainly she had to have seen the shirts in his room relatively soon after that summer in the mountain. Mrs. Twist would have wanted to have washed the shirts unless Jack had asked her not to...and for that he would have at least had to offer some type of explanation. To me....this implies a closeness.
Second..if John Twist repeatedly heard that Jack planned on bringing Ennis up to the ranch to "help whip it into shape" then Mrs. Twist almost certainly heard more about Ennis than John did. She must have sensed that they had a very close if not "unusual" friendship especially because he drove 14 hours several times a year to go "fishing" with Ennis. Of course, on the other hand, these "fishing trips" also provided her a number of opportunities to see her son which she might not have had otherwise.
But third and last..it is the way that Mrs. Twist greeted and treated Ennis that convinced me that saw Ennis as almost a "son-in-law". There was love in her expression when she greeted him and put her hand on his shoulder at the precise moment when John Twist told Ennis that Jack had planned on bringing someone else up to the ranch. There was a defined and almost lofty purpose when she invited Ennis to go up to Jack's room. Her knowing look when he returned from the room with the shirts tells so much. She knew...she was NOT at all surprised...This was her way of giving Ennis a piece of Jack...and of giving herself the piece of mind that indeed Jack HAD loved and been loved in his short life....
and that is how I see it....Forum achievementsWe reached
250 pages and
7500 posts in The Italian Chat on May 23d
175 pages in the German chat on May 27th.
Our busiest day since the Oscar night,
56 most users on line on May 23rd
Member's levels updatesChameau was probably a sleepy horse on four legs when he missed
Shielmaid becoming
Alma -
200 posts on May 14th
100 posts, LureenCrimsonSky, May 23rd
Mactwck, May 23rd
Ande_nem, May 22nd
Clareluna, May 24th
Ksxks, May 25th
Twisted Darko, May 25th
Beskyddaren, May 25th
Hpv, May 27th
Members who have been Jacked, 500 postsMikele, May 22nd
Allyce, May 25th
The Artifact, May 28th
We have four more Ennis, 1000 postsAndroclo, May 25th
Malawix, May 28th
NoReins, May 28th
Keren_b, May 28th
We have one more Jack + Ennis, 2000 postsLady, May 22nd
Special achievement by
5000 posts on May 27th
Congratulations to all!Members LevelsEffective May 23, Global Moderator, Editor and the level of Ennis + Jack have a different star color.
2000 Jack + Ennis

Newsletter Editors have 2 blue stars

Global Moderators have 3 orange stars

For a complete list of membership level, please refer to
http://www.ennisjack.com/index.php?topic=146.msg128965#msg128965Chronological Order of BBMBy
EthanHere goes after seeing the movie eight times, and reading the published version of the screenplay, certain year milestones are noted:
1963 - The year they meet, summer. After Brokeback, Ennis marries Alma the same year.
1964 - Ennis and Alma are married, and expecting their first child. The movie at the Drive-in is "Surf Party", from 1964.
1966 - Fourth of July when Ennis beats up the foul mouthed Biker. The announcer in the background clearly says Fourth of July, 1966. Same summer, Jack attempts to pick up Jimbo the Rodeo Clown, then meets Lureen.
1967 - Four years after the summer on Brokeback, Jack and Ennis reunite.
Flashback: 1952 - Ennis' father takes him and his brother to see the murdered body of Earl, the rancher. Ennis says he is 9 years old, which means he must have turned 20 later in the fall of 1963, after the summer on Brokeback, which makes sense since the book says he was "not yet twenty", which seems to imply "not yet twenty, but almost/soon will be".
1969 - The "Where's my Blue Parka?" scene. The screenplay is messed up here about dates. In the space of two pages the year changes from 1971 to 1969 to a scene with a wall calendar that says 1973! I think that 1969 is supposed to be the correct year, but then why would little Bobby need a tutor at age of only 2 or 3? In the movie though we are free to place it in any year we choose in a given late sixties, early 70's range.
1972 - The montage where Jack is letting bobby drive the tractor and Ennis is baling hay out the back of a truck
1973 - Ennis and Alma sit in their appartment on a Saturday night and watch an episode of "Kojack". Alma wants to go to the Church social, but Ennis dosesn't feel like hanging out with "..that fire and brimstone crowd."
1975 - Ennis and Alma divorce. The date is read by the judge. I believe it's in July. The 5th? (Correction: The date of their divorce is November 6th) Jack drives up to see Ennis, hoping this means they will now be able to live together.
1977 - Thanksgiving with Ennis at Alma and Monroe's, and at the Twist Household. You hear the year read by the announcer at the football game on television. The screenplay describes Bobby as being 10, which means he would have had to be two when he needed the tutor.
1978 - Jack and Ennis go to the Mountains again, "Aww go to hell Ennis Del Mar, you want to live your miserable *beep* life, go ahead..." Jack and Lureen meet Randall and LaShawn Malone, at a benefit dinner dance. Ennis meets Cassie.
1979 - Scene with Ennis, Cassie, and Alma Jr. at the bar. The screenplay describes Alma Jr. as 15 yrs,
1981/1983 - Jack and Ennis meet for the last time in 1981 (screenplay) or 1983 (book). In the book, Proulx says they go everywhere but back to Brokeback. In the movie it seems like they always return to Brokeback or we assume so. Cassie confronts Ennis in the Diner.
1982 - In the screenplay, this is the year Jack is killed, and Ennis has the phone coversation with Lureen. Ennis meets Jack's parents.
1984 - Final scenes in movie with Ennis and Alma Jr., the reversed shirts.
"You know it could be like this, just like this, always" Black Hat White Hathttp://www.ennisjack.com/index.php?topic=968.msg10477#msg10477Montreal get togetherJuly 1st is 'Canada Day' and we'll have our first
ennisjack.com North-American get together in Montreal during that week-end, details are here:
http://www.ennisjack.com/index.php?topic=4390.0#botWe will post news and pictures of the event on the thread and login to the forum too to give you live updates.

For the members who cannot attend, why not organizing something in your area/country/continent? Come on Brokies! Lets celebrate
New thread from last weekRemembering Your First Time watching BBM We started to post there the remembrance of our first BBM watching experiences, thanks for the Idea
Ethan. We suggest you to have a box of tissues handy for either posting or reading, I needed one (
http://www.ennisjack.com/index.php?topic=4430.0;topicseenQuote of the weekThe suggestion of this quote is from
Tpe is a person I admire highly. He always manages to find such amazing ways to say such complex things and express feelings&thoughts that are usually very difficult to explain. this posts may be short, but it contains so much of what brokeback means to me....and to many others.
and I admit, I am a sucker for metaphores, so he got me there.This is the quote from
Tpekoka, I sort of identify 'islands' in the movie -- parts where I can breathe freely. I think you can guess that almost all of them are the scenes where they are up in the mountains (even the later sadder ones) EXCEPT the last meeting, which has a fiery beauty to it all.
The only 'island' not situated in the mountains is the reunion kiss. That scene is incandescent. It burns you to ashes.
http://www.ennisjack.com/index.php?topic=3862.new#newAny Technical Issue or Question?You are a new member on the forum? You are an old member on the forum but you are still not sure about some features. Don't worry everything is in place to help you, see:
Forum TestingNew to the forum? Come in here and play around with all the features. No sweat & no fear.
http://www.ennisjack.com/index.php?board=35.0 Questions, Suggestions & Technical IssuesWhat's on your wish list for this board? Ask questions about the forum and report your technical issues here too.
http://www.ennisjack.com/index.php?board=12.0 ennisjack.com Newsletter ArchiveThis is the link to consult the previous issues of the Newsletter
http://www.ennisjack.com/index.php?topic=4301.0Upcoming Birthdays and EventsMay 29,
Memorial Day (USA)
May 30, Birthdays:
sweetlilg (19),
gayhunky (54),
ohio.myown (20)
May 31, Birthday:
ChefStevo (38)
June 1, Birthdays:
Ksylas (25),
Kenny (22),
chaotic (16)
June 2, Events:
Founding of the Republic (Italy)
June 3, Birthdays:
Froggy (27),
mario (62),
DamonDVD Release around the WorldU.S./Canada - April 4th (zone 1 DVD)
U.K. - April 24 (zone 2 DVD)
Hong Kong - April 28 (zone 3 DVD)
Spain - June 7 (zone 2 DVD)
Norway, June 21 (zone 2 DVD)
Sweden, July 17 (zone 2 DVD)
France - July 19 (zone 2 DVD)
May 29 – June 4, editor:
Chameau Please PM me if you have any questions regarding this issue of the newsletter.