great !!and 10/10 from the website! (but may be it was the case before )just voted... hope that it will count! )
Dear Ole a big hello for you I must say score is not bad at all
I have voted in the three links.
Hey! That's good!!
Hi again!Constant dripping wears away the stone. - Just voted on, where the rate now has risen again, to 7.9/10. It was about time, after months at 7.8 Rate at 5.76/6 !! 4.3/6 at ole
I couldn't vote on the German site. Should I register first? The site recognizes our IP address, so it is possible to vote only once at the time, but I wonder is it possible to vote few days later when IP changes.
Hei Loreen Hmm, actually, it's not necessary to register on the German site before you vote You must click besides the field "Abstimmen" (="Vote")I think you can vote more often with Firefox-Browser than with Internet Explorer. It should be possible to vote at least once a day I think, probably every time restarting your PC
Thanks Ole,I'll try again! Just to add: VOTED!
Great !!And Merry Christmas!!
OK, I am sure I voted in two sites, but the other 2.... not so sure!
It's trickiest on, I guess. You must type in our film in the search field ("Filmsuche") on the left, click "Suchen" ("Search"), after that click "Vote", and then use the radio button saying "Hier bewerten" (= "Vote here")
OK I voted!