Author Topic: Response from  (Read 22591 times)

Offline ethan

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Re: Response from
« Reply #30 on: Mar 07, 2006, 09:28 PM »
My own theory of that is that Crash has such a huge cast that each of them naturally had a large circle of influence with their fellow voters, so numbers did it. Also I saw a reference in the New York Times to an idea that "everyone" believed that BBM was going to win, so that gave individual voters the idea that they could vote for a different picture, ie, BBM was gonna win anyway, let me vote for this other picture to balance. And so many did that, that the balance tipped and was a surprise to even those who actually voted for Crash! I like that theory 'cuz it affirms that everyone believed BBM was the better movie!

Jack_ME, thank you for sharing your thought. I hope your mother feels better now. Actually this is my feeling also. Many predicted Crash after SAG - not because of its merits but its network of voting block. It is unfortunate for the academy to turn into a popularity contest. Voting will work only if everyone votes objectively - but then again what is an objective vote can be subjective.

Also, I do NOT like all the negative I read here Sunday night which automatically assumed that BBM was voted AGAINST, versus another picture voted for. I am well aware that prejudice and homophobia exist and it is also reasonable to assume that SOME of the voting academy are prejudiced and homophobic against our film, but it is unlikely and counter-productive in my opinion, to assume that anyone who didn't vote for BBM was motivated by homophobic prejudice. That just can't be so, especially since we are talking about Hollywood and the film industry, a community that is PREDOMINANTLY more liberal than conservative, though that element exists there too of course.

We don't know who voted for Crash is "voting for Crash" or "against BBM." Like you said, it is all speculation. One can only hope that it is not homophobia. Ang Lee is a classy man and he congratulated Crash filmmakes for winning the best picture. We should follow his lead.

People have a right to their opinion, and I prefer to assume that the voting academy voted based on an objective opinion of the films and performances evaluated as films and performances and not as the subject matter of that film and performance.

I agree with you but this one is hard to swallow. The accumulation of awards given to BBM can not be more objective enough. When the *objective" evaluation is so far from what most have said --- I am not sure if that is objective.

Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

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Re: Response from
« Reply #31 on: Mar 07, 2006, 09:39 PM »
I'm speechless.

I went through this thread for the first time.  Ethan, thanks for starting it.  Friends, thanks for your great postings, I'm really moved.  BBM is the one that will be remembered in the future.  Trash  ??? well that movie... I'm not sure.
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Re: Response from
« Reply #32 on: Mar 07, 2006, 09:53 PM »
The vote on this ONE award is such a notable aberration from the preceding Best Picture votes from nearly every other source that it quite reasonably calls itself into question.  We have every right to be suspicious of people's cowardly motives (and it need only be 50%+1 who chose to vote for Crash and/or against Brokeback). 

The Academy simply would not allow a film about men who love each other to take its place in the pantheon. The film no one would touch for six years is still the one they won't touch.  In a year when every nominated film was great, when every one of them: "Brokeback Mountain", "Capote", "Crash", "Good Night and Good Luck", "Munich", had a large group who felt it deserved the Oscar, it's simply too easy to brush it off as chance, as 'one great film among many' and 'they all stood a chance of winning or losing."

The story, as Annie Proulx has said, had one outcome, from the beginning. It was a story about the power of homophobia, and Jack, because of his openness, had a particular destiny that he was headed toward. His twenty years of happiness with Ennis had to end, but Ennis lives on, and his story lives on. That Ennis and Jack found love makes the story eternal; that their love was denied makes the story meaningful. Jack, unfortunately, got a tireiron to the face for being who he was.

Despite winning virtually every other best film award, Brokeback Mountain, the movie, was tire-ironed too, in full view of everyone, for being what it was, for speaking its truth. It had to be. The Academy members simply could not reward a film that made them so very uncomfortable, a film they could not tell others to see, a film that could make them a target.

Much of what I wrote here ^ I also sent to my local paper Sunday night.  On Monday I got a call from a writer doing a story on the controversy about Brokeback losing, and this morning (Tuesday), I was quoted (about three sentences of the above) on the front page of the Scene section. 

Ironically, Brokeback may now actually be more lasting and more remembered; people tend to remember great films that are snubbed, whereas a win might have capped a great run and then it would have faded from public awareness, anointed as it should have been.  Instead, it was overlooked, in the most obvious way possible, and has regained a measure of celebrity. 

He pressed his face into the fabric and breathed in slowly through his mouth and nose, hoping for the faintest smoke and mountain sage and salty sweet stink of Jack but there was no real scent, only the memory of it, the imagined power of Brokeback Mountain of which nothing was left but what he held in his hands. Make the pledge! Go Back to Brokeback whenever, however you can. Join the BTB Project.

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Re: Response from
« Reply #33 on: Mar 07, 2006, 09:53 PM »
I'm speechless.

I went through this thread for the first time.  Ethan, thanks for starting it.  Friends, thanks for your great postings, I'm really moved.  BBM is the one that will be remembered in the future.  Trash  ??? well that movie... I'm not sure.

Charmeau, I am literally laughing hysterically at this:  Trash  ??? well that movie...

Hahhah I don't know why, but it's really breaking me up with hysterics!

I guess because it's so obvious now that you've said it, but I had missed it completely until then.. and I'm laughing at myself. Ohh funny!
Jack in Maine
MY PHILOSOPHY DISCLAIMER: All my comments concern the MOVIE and the content and inferences obtained there. All interpretations, projections, speculations, and opinions about plot and characters are based SOLELY on the content of the movie. They can not be argued or debated by quoting the printed short story. A comparison of the two media is an interesting discussion but must be a separate discussion.

Offline chameau

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Re: Response from
« Reply #34 on: Mar 07, 2006, 10:09 PM »
I'm speechless.

I went through this thread for the first time.  Ethan, thanks for starting it.  Friends, thanks for your great postings, I'm really moved.  BBM is the one that will be remembered in the future.  Trash  ??? well that movie... I'm not sure.

Charmeau, I am literally laughing hysterically at this:  Trash  ??? well that movie...

Hahhah I don't know why, but it's really breaking me up with hysterics!

I guess because it's so obvious now that you've said it, but I had missed it completely until then.. and I'm laughing at myself. Ohh funny!
Jack in Maine

I have to be honnest, It's not my invention.  Chrissy posted something yesterday in the chit chat about some Google search...  I copied it in the BBM humor thread.

Try this:
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
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Offline Laundrymat

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Re: Response from
« Reply #35 on: Mar 08, 2006, 05:25 AM »
I'm speechless.

I went through this thread for the first time.  Ethan, thanks for starting it.  Friends, thanks for your great postings, I'm really moved.  BBM is the one that will be remembered in the future.  Trash  ??? well that movie... I'm not sure.

umm...will be remembered like…30 seconds

here you go

rich white folk: oh look there's some bad black men, i think they are going to rob us, cross the street, quick!
black men: oh look those rich white folk think we're going to rob them.. man we don't look like bangers - they're racist.

5 seconds later the black men hold guns to the rich white folk's heads and rob them.
rich white woman to (to husband): i told you so!

cut to another story...
rich black woman: white cops are racist!
rich black man: i know but there's nothing we can do about it. that's what its like to be black!

5 seconds later drunk rich black woman pulled over by racist white police, one of whom cops a feel.
rich black woman (to husband) : i told you they were racist and you did nothing about it! *whine, cry, whine, cry*

cut to---
middle eastern guy: mexicans are thieves & vandals!
middle eastern daughter: no they're not daddy!
mexican father: i'm just tryin' make a better life for my family.

5 seconds later middle eastern guy gets gun and tries to kill mexican guy, but sympathetic middle eastern daughter has loaded gun with blanks, so the cute little mexican girl lives.

cut too---
partner of white racist cop does some good deeds so we don't think all cops are racist.

cut too---
middle class black detective fucks hispanic girlfriend for the movie's token interracial couple. then he does some good deeds so we don't think that all black people with money are whiny.

cut too---
rich black lady gets into car "CRASH" and white racist cop saves her. more whining & crying ensues.

somewhere along the way one of the bad black robbers frees some asian slaves of an ambiguous nationality, thus redeeming himself for being so hard on whitey

the end >:(
Jack: Hoorayyy!!
Ennis: I am gettin' tired of you dumbass missin'

Offline Stephen

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Re: Response from
« Reply #36 on: Mar 08, 2006, 08:15 AM »

Even though I knew it was a predicted long shot, I actually started crying when Heath lost out to PSH!

(By the way, my 90 year old Mom started crying on the phone with me this morning about BBM's losses, because she knew how important the film is to me! Isn't that the sweetest thing! She did see the film too (with my sister) and when we later spoke of it, she cried at that time too, saying how sad it was!)

Yes it was an upset, a surprise and a disappointment that we did not get Best Picture.

My own theory of that is that Crash has such a huge cast that each of them naturally had a large circle of influence with their fellow voters, so numbers did it. Also I saw a reference in the New York Times to an idea that "everyone" believed that BBM was going to win, so that gave individual voters the idea that they could vote for a different picture, ie, BBM was gonna win anyway, let me vote for this other picture to balance. And so many did that, that the balance tipped and was a surprise to even those who actually voted for Crash! I like that theory 'cuz it affirms that everyone believed BBM was the better movie!

Also, I do NOT like all the negative I read here Sunday night which automatically assumed that BBM was voted AGAINST, versus another picture voted for. I am well aware that prejudice and homophobia exist and it is also reasonable to assume that SOME of the voting academy are prejudiced and homophobic against our film, but it is unlikely and counter-productive in my opinion, to assume that anyone who didn't vote for BBM was motivated by homophobic prejudice. That just can't be so, especially since we are talking about Hollywood and the film industry, a community that is PREDOMINANTLY more liberal than conservative, though that element exists there too of course.

People have a right to their opinion, and I prefer to assume that the voting academy voted based on an objective opinion of the films and performances evaluated as films and performances and not as the subject matter of that film and performance.

Just my two cents.

Again, Ethan, let me take this opportunity to thank you for creating and maintaining this wonderful community.
I hope it is here for a long long time! BBM lives! And Ennnis and Jack live while we are here!

Jack in Maine

I think your point is well taken; we can't assume BBM lost because of homophobia.....But, to my knowledge, the Academy has never not voted as best film a film such as BBM which has garnered nearly every other major award since its release, AND earned a fortune considering its meager production cost of 14 million!  Anyway, both films, Crash and BBM, are getting more attention because of the "upset" on Academy Award night.

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Offline tpe

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Re: Response from
« Reply #37 on: Mar 08, 2006, 08:27 AM »
I am sorry.  I am strongly in the opinion that the vote for the other film was truly a vote AGAINST BBM.  To go against the grain of so many institutions and organizations that gave BBM the laurel  -- this I can only interpret in a darker light.

I apologize, but I must say this.  One can call it speculation, but one can also talk about probabilities.  There is no doubt in my mind as to why BBM has been universally acclaimed, with the exception of SAG and the Oscars.  I see a connection as to why these two acted the way they did.
« Last Edit: Mar 08, 2006, 08:29 AM by tpe »

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Re: Response from
« Reply #38 on: Mar 08, 2006, 08:38 AM »
your point is well taken! I don't recall the SAG awards results; could you refresh my memory? Thanks.
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Offline tpe

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Re: Response from
« Reply #39 on: Mar 08, 2006, 08:57 AM »
your point is well taken! I don't recall the SAG awards results; could you refresh my memory? Thanks.

Stephen, the SAG gave 'Best Ensemble' (the equivalent of the Oscars 'Best Picture' award) to the other film.

It is by now standard to praise the other film's ensemble of actors as the best.  I beg to differ.  BBM's was smaller, tighter, and the acting infinitely more beautiful.

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Re: Response from
« Reply #40 on: Mar 08, 2006, 09:04 AM »
Yes, I agree; one critic said that the academy always gives the best acting awards and best film award to the film that's most "in your face" but with artistic merit....and that Brokeback Mountain is by far the most subtle, provocative, and sensitively made film of the decade, and that Heath Ledger's performance is one of a lifetime: more difficult to attain, more gut wrenching in its unspoken subtle power, more deeply felt than any other in years!
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Re: Response from
« Reply #41 on: Mar 08, 2006, 09:18 AM »
Yes, I agree; one critic said that the academy always gives the best acting awards and best film award to the film that's most "in your face" but with artistic merit....and that Brokeback Mountain is by far the most subtle, provocative, and sensitively made film of the decade, and that Heath Ledger's performance is one of a lifetime: more difficult to attain, more gut wrenching in its unspoken subtle power, more deeply felt than any other in years!

Thanks again Stephen.  I do not read any news these days -- out of sheer horror of what inanities I may find.  But I find it comforting that several critics seem to be speaking out against the Academy's 'Monument' to Bad Taste.

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Re: Response from
« Reply #42 on: Mar 10, 2006, 12:31 AM »
Oh my god...

Just SEEING that list of all the awards BBM got has washed my anger away! *teary eyes* I am so proud of BBM! I am so proud! Long live the love of Ennis and Jack!  ;D  Clearly this movie has effected a lot of people, as this website, and the tons of awards BBM got, proves. This Best Picture of our hearts didn't win THE 'official" Oscar award, but I don't care anymore - it won so many more awards than the others. It won the most.

And even if it hadn't, I love it to pieces no matter what.  :)
BBM rocks my socks!   :3

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Re: Response from
« Reply #43 on: Mar 11, 2006, 11:34 PM »
Saw this ad in the newspaper. Thank you to all the fans and the members of this forum for your support. Love has no bondary.

Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

Offline frenchcda

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Re: Response from
« Reply #44 on: Mar 12, 2006, 12:00 AM »
You have given me goosebump, this is  an amazing photo, knowing where it came from, thanks
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Re: Response from
« Reply #45 on: Mar 12, 2006, 03:56 AM »
Thanks so much for the picture ethan! What paper was it from? Who paid to place it, do you know?
Once in a generation a movie comes along which changes the way we think about film...
"Brokeback Mountain" is that film.

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Re: Response from
« Reply #46 on: Mar 12, 2006, 10:05 AM »
Wish I had the power to place that ad in every paper in the country! Thank you so much for posting it.
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Re: Response from
« Reply #47 on: Mar 12, 2006, 10:15 AM »
Saw this ad in the newspaper. Thank you to all the fans and the members of this forum for your support. Love has no bondary.

where does this come from? who organised it?
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Re: Response from
« Reply #48 on: Mar 12, 2006, 11:27 AM »
You are welecome. The ad is a BBM movie ad appearing in the newspaper movie section.
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

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Re: Response from
« Reply #49 on: Mar 12, 2006, 11:36 AM »
That is so cool. They would never put that in the paper here. Well, maybe in the Houston Press, but never the Chronicle.
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Re: Response from
« Reply #50 on: Mar 12, 2006, 11:39 AM »
So it's from Focus then?
Support bacteria, they are the only culture some people have!

If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than because he was he, and I was I.
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Offline ethan

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Re: Response from
« Reply #51 on: Mar 12, 2006, 11:46 AM »
So it's from Focus then?

Yes. I have seen it in a few newspaper.
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

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Re: Response from
« Reply #52 on: Mar 12, 2006, 12:22 PM »
Hey it's got our love and the worlds, just not Roger Eberts, a man with a bad rug...I think all is well in the world.
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Re: Response from
« Reply #53 on: Mar 12, 2006, 02:22 PM »
Great ad. It makes me happy. Thanks for posting it. :)

Offline sam

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Re: Response from
« Reply #54 on: Mar 12, 2006, 07:53 PM »
So wonderful! I'm glad that the movie is still very much alive and kicking! :)
Once in a generation a movie comes along which changes the way we think about film...
"Brokeback Mountain" is that film.

Offline ethan

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Re: Response from
« Reply #55 on: Mar 12, 2006, 07:57 PM »
So wonderful! I'm glad that the movie is still very much alive and kicking! :)

We will do everything we can and thank you to everyone for your support.
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

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Re: Response from
« Reply #56 on: Mar 13, 2006, 07:48 PM »
This is good for me to read...I am new to this Forum (thanks for offering it) and I've just been feeling melancholy since the Oscars...I know that it is just a select group of people who voted a certain way...but it felt like a personal jab. I call this my leftover pain from growing up gay in a heterosexual world. I need to seperate some people's actions from my feelings. BBM IS a movie that has won my heart. That is really what matters.
Thanks again for providing this support!

Offline tpe

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Re: Response from
« Reply #57 on: Mar 13, 2006, 07:53 PM »
This is good for me to read...I am new to this Forum (thanks for offering it) and I've just been feeling melancholy since the Oscars...I know that it is just a select group of people who voted a certain way...but it felt like a personal jab. I call this my leftover pain from growing up gay in a heterosexual world. I need to seperate some people's actions from my feelings. BBM IS a movie that has won my heart. That is really what matters.
Thanks again for providing this support!

Jim, it feels like I've known you forever.  I also took it as a personal slap.  But you are right in saying that the heart is the one that matters. 

Friend, welcome to this forum.

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Re: Response from
« Reply #58 on: Mar 13, 2006, 07:59 PM »
This is good for me to read...I am new to this Forum (thanks for offering it) and I've just been feeling melancholy since the Oscars...I know that it is just a select group of people who voted a certain way...but it felt like a personal jab. I call this my leftover pain from growing up gay in a heterosexual world. I need to seperate some people's actions from my feelings. BBM IS a movie that has won my heart. That is really what matters.
Thanks again for providing this support!

Hello Jim, welcome to this forum. I feel the same way. BBM may lose the opportunity at the Oscar as the Best Picture but it certainly is not the end. It is only the beginning. Like you said, BBM is a movie that won our hearts.

Enjoy your time here and hope to read your posts.
Remembering Pierre (chameau) 1960-2015, a "Capricorn bro and crazy Frog Uncle from the North Pole." You are missed

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Re: Response from
« Reply #59 on: Mar 14, 2006, 11:59 AM »
This is good for me to read...I am new to this Forum (thanks for offering it) and I've just been feeling melancholy since the Oscars...I know that it is just a select group of people who voted a certain way...but it felt like a personal jab. I call this my leftover pain from growing up gay in a heterosexual world. I need to seperate some people's actions from my feelings. BBM IS a movie that has won my heart. That is really what matters.
Thanks again for providing this support!

Jim, very well said and welcome. :) Please share more whenever you feel like it.