I was fighting with myself, whether or not to just not come here again. It's like our world shifted, things are not the same, I tried to watch the BBM, and it wasn't the same, when Heath came on the my screen, I couldn't take it, and turn it off. I was looking forward to seeing him in the new "Batman" flick, wanting to see his take on the Joker, and now I don't think I can watch it without feeling anger, at the lost of such a talented actor.
I was angry yesterday, but now not so much. We, all of us understood what we had and appreciated, we understand what we have and honor it, and now we won't forget him. Heath will never be a footnote, a trivia question, he will alway be to us and to world when they look back one of the greats.
I can understand why he lived in New York, a lot of people think of the crowds, the traffic, the fast pace, but if you wanted to be left alone to live a quiet life, and just be who you are. There no place better than here.
Like everything in life we just have to take this day to day. We'll have bad days and good ones. I know for me, I have this place to come no matter what kind of day I'm having.
Sorry for rambling on this way.