Well it's 9 pm here, so the Australian anniversary date is finally drawing to a close.
Been a long, sad day - from the moment I rose and saw Heath's father on our Today Show (I posted about that a few pages back this morning), up until now, it's just been a very difficult day, and the flashbacks to a year ago would not quit. It just felt like I was reliving that unthinkable day, all over again. I found I could barely eat a thing all day.
On this day last year, around this time, I was lighting some candles around my room for him, having locked myself away from everyone I know after a long, hard day of disbelief, shock, realization, then crushing, crushing grief. The awful news was what I woke up to on my radio that morning, and I remember just feeling completely sick. But I somehow forced myself to go to work, regardless, and over the course of the day I kept fully expecting to hear it was just some very sick rumour...I'm pretty sure I convinced myself that it was a callous hoax. It was only on the drive home from work that I suddenly had to pull over and bawl my eyes out, the truth sinking in, and I just sat there and cried, fighting the urge to throw up. The delayed reaction was just overwhelming.
But while today was awfully sad, there were also moments of joyful reflection sprinkled throughout, too. I think that's thanks to all of you guys here, and your outpouring of love in this thread.

However, at the moment, I'm feeling extra down, because this evening my Nana had a heart attack and stroke, and I've just come back from visiting her. Thankfully, they were on the mild side, but it was just heartbreaking to see that she's lost a lot of usage of her whole left side and is slurring her words. Hopefully, she'll improve - happily, the doctors are hopeful - but this just couldn't have come on a worse day. :\'(
I'll be glad when tomorrow morning comes.
Thank you all, for being here. Hugs to all of you.