Author Topic: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger  (Read 164446 times)

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Re: Compilation of Tribute to Heath Ledger
« Reply #60 on: Feb 01, 2008, 07:55 PM »

This is one of my favourite songs "Man of the hour" a song made for the movie 'Big Fish' by Pearl Jam. I posted this some time ago for Jack, and never thought I'd make it for our Heath  :\'(  Please try to see this as something positive  ^f^

Tidal waves don't beg forgiveness
crashed and on their way
as he enjoyed collisions; others walked away
...a snowflake falls in may.
And the doors are open now
as the bells are ringing out
Cause the man of the hour is taking
his final bow...goodbye for now.

And the sky breaks at dawn;
shedding light upon this town,
they'll all come ‘round
Cause the man of the hour is taking
his final bow...G'bye for now.

And the road this young man paved
The broken seems along the way
The rusted signs, left just for us
He was guiding me, love, his own way
Now the man of the hour is taking his final bow
As the curtain comes down
I feel that this is just g'bye for now.

« Last Edit: Feb 01, 2008, 10:49 PM by chameau »
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Re: Compilation of Tribute to Heath Ledger
« Reply #61 on: Feb 01, 2008, 07:56 PM »
Hello everyone,

My name is Loretta. I am a new member and this is my first post. I am a heterosexual female, but Brokeback Mountain had a profound affect on me…for lots of reasons and on many levels. The first time I saw the movie I sobbed uncontrollably…the second time my eyes remained dry, but I was left with a clenching in my chest that I could not loosen. It was then that – hoping to purge some of the heartache – I wrote a poem called “Jack, I Swear”. It remained a poem for almost 2 years until a good friend wrote some music. I went to Nashville in early December and had it recorded as a demo (sung by my co-writer.) It was written in honor of Brokeback Mountain, Heath and Jake for playing those parts so beautifully, 2 of my very dear gay friends and for equality for everyone. I would love everyone here to hear it as my special tribute to Heath Ledger at this incredibly sad time. I am absolutely devastated by the news. We have lost an actor with integrity...a very rare thing these days. His performance as Ennis has affected me like no other in my lifetime. . I am going though my days with a lump in my throat, a pain in my heart and a whole in my spirit.

Anyway...if you’d like to listen, you can hear it uploaded on:  -- and it is set as the first song to auto play.

This isn't about promoting a song -- it never was from the start -- It's more about promoting change and touching hearts. I hope Heath can hear it and knows just how much his performance as Ennis has meant to so many people. He changed minds and hearts -- not to mention lives.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope you’ll listen.


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Re: Compilation of Tribute to Heath Ledger
« Reply #62 on: Feb 01, 2008, 07:58 PM »

Originally posted on an Australian site.  I take it as quoted from the Heath Memorial Thread on IHJ:

chica says
I snatched this from an Australian blog, made me cry, and it is the most wonderful piece of work that I have ever read:

Is it right to grieve for someone never known.
Is it right to cry for someone never touched.
Is it right to mourn for someone never kissed.
Is it ok to feel sorrow for one not spoken to.
Is it ok to feel loss for one never seen.
Is it ok to be devastated for one taken from us.
Heath has a smile that makes me smile.
Heath has a voice that makes me listen.
Heath has a heart that makes me love.
For a smile I'll never see
For a voice I'll never hear
For a heart I'll never love.
For a soul so pure
And a beauty so perfect
For a talent so rare.
I'm grieving and crying
I'm mourning, feel lost.
A special heart, a good man
A knight and a legend.
Taken from us too early
When will this pain of losing you heal.
I'll miss you Heath.
Rest in Peace Sweetheart.


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Re: Compilation of Tribute to Heath Ledger
« Reply #63 on: Feb 01, 2008, 07:59 PM »

And I will love you, baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
I'll be there till the stars don't shine
Till the heavens burst and
The words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you - Always

Bon Jovi
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #64 on: Feb 01, 2008, 10:49 PM »
My plates came in the mail today. I braved the below freezing weather and hurricane force winds to put them on my car. Here's a crappy phone pic:

Excuse my dirty car. It's been snowy.
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #65 on: Feb 01, 2008, 10:50 PM »
Our dear friend and oldtime member Jennis asks me to post these banners that she made in Heath's memory:

Thanks Jennis.

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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #66 on: Feb 01, 2008, 10:50 PM »
mikele, thank you for these beautiful words. I took the liberty to translate them with the help of Google Translate, to share them with our friends. Please forgive me if I mangled any words, and please correct me.

Alors, ce jour là, j'ai compris que même le soleil avait perdu son éclat, que plus rien ne serait comme avant; la douceur de ton visage si chère à mon coeur paraissait déjà s'estomper, tout ce qui m'entourait n'avait plus d'importance. J'aurais voulu crier mon désespoir à en perdre la voix, à tarir la source de mes larmes au vent des montagnes, mais pourtant, c'est à chaque fois qu'une image douce et furtive du passé s'emparait de ma mémoire. Un sentiment d'une infinie solitude me submerge chaque jour, à chaque instant, mais tout le meilleur de toi est ancré en moi, comme soudé à jamais en mon coeur. Je sais maintenant que tu es à mes côtés Ennis, que lorsque je tombe à genoux tu es là pour me relever, et ton souffle, l'odeur de ta peau, tes caresses, je les ressens encore; j'entends parfois ta voix comme une brise courrir des sommets jusqu'aux plaines et s'engouffrer dans mon âme avec une douce sensation d'amour enfin retrouvé...Ennis je serai toujours là, j'ai toujours besoin de cela,.... besoin de toi.
O from that day, I realized that even the sun had lost its lustre, that nothing would be like before, the softness of your face so dear to my heart seemed already fading, everything around me no longer important. I wanted to shout my despair hoarse, let out my tears like mountain wind, but yet it is each time a fresh image of the past and furtive came upon my memory. A sense of infinite loneliness overwhelms me every day, at every moment, but the best of you is entrenched in me, and welded forever in my heart. I know now that you are at my side Ennis, I find that when you are kneeling there to get up, and your breath, the smell of your skin, your caresses, I still feel, I sometimes hear your voice as a breeze that carry from peaks to the plains and leap into my soul with a fresh feeling of love finally finding Ennis ... I will always be there, I always need that ,.... Need you.
Merci, mon ami.
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #67 on: Feb 01, 2008, 10:51 PM »
Wow, carby, I like that license plate!  I created this and stuck it in the rear window of my car:

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #68 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:02 PM »

You always gave your 'ALL'...
to every movie you made.

And it showed.

Your work in BM was one of the best I've ever seen.
It touched me deeply.
I always thought it so unfair that you did not win the oscar that year...

R.I.P. my great actor...
You will certainly be missed...

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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #69 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:02 PM »
I just posted this over on the fanfic thread in response to a gorgeous story written by our own Christie....but I think maybe it's equally relevant here.

The following lyrics are to a song called One Small Star, written by a singer/songwriter called Eric Bogle who was born in Peebles, Scotland but has lived in Australia for almost 40 years now. The song was actually written just after the tragic shooting at Dunblane Primary School in which 16 primary one kids and their teacher lost their lives....but it's relevant to anyone who has lost someone special.


When I need to feel you near me
I stand in this quiet place
With the silver light of countless stars
Falling on my face
Though they all shine so brightly
Somehow it comforts me to know
That some who burn the brightest died
An eternity ago


But your light still shines
It's one small star to guide me
And to help me hold back the dark
Your light's still shining in my heart

I'm learning how to live without you
Though I never thought I could
And even how to smile again
I never thought I would
And to cherish the heart's memories
That can bring you back to life
Though some caress me gently
And some cut me like a knife


Can your soul be out there somewhere
Beyond the infinity of time
I guess you've found some answers now
I'll have to wait for mine
Till my light joins with yours some day
To shine through time and space
And one day fall, in a distant age
Upon some stranger's face

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #70 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:02 PM »
Here is a song that is very near and dear to my heart, always was, always will be, and now, in light of current events, the song seemed to have somehow made an even greater if it had more meaning to it now.

Cat Stevens, Oh Very Young

Oh very young
What will you leave us this time
You're only dancing on this earth for a short while
And though your dreams may toss and turn you now
They will vanish away like your daddy's best jeans
Denim blue fading up to the sky
And though you want them to last forever
You know they never will
You know they never will
And the patches make the goodbye harder still

Oh very young
What will you leave us this time
There'll never be a better chance to change your mind
And if you want this world to see a better day
Will you carry the words of love with you
Will you ride the great white bird into heaven
And though you want to last forever
You know you never will
You know you never will
And the goodbye makes the journey harder still

Oh very young
What will you leave us this time
You're only dancing on this earth for a short while
Oh very young
What will you leave us this time

And another one that is, in my opinion, a marvelous and tremendous song about human emotions and the way we SHOULD cope with them. A person over at IHJ said that if she were Jake, she couldn't finish filming the movie 'Brothers' because she would be in complete emotional turmoil the whole time, and then stated the following: 'I'm not a strong person'. This is what I told her:

'It has absolutely nothing to do with being strong and everything to do with being- human!

but while we're on the subject, a strong person is one that is capable of recognizing his or her emotions and willing to experience them to the end. a 'weak' person is one that tries to hide the truth from him/herself because he/she is afraid of letting emotions take over. so I think that allowing yourself to experience grief ( among other things ) to the fullest makes you ( as in people in general ) very courageous.
so you see, you ARE a strong person.

And that's the message I want to sent out to you guys! You are all SUCH STRONG people! Emotions are strengths, not weaknesses, emotions are the things that define us, tell us who we are and most importantly- tell us we are alive and that we are capable of simply being- human.

So here is the song I mentioned, it's Cat Stevens yet again, he's SUCH an inspiring singer/songwriter and human being:

Don't be shy

Don't be shy just let your feelings roll on by
Don't wear fear or nobody will know you're there
Just lift your head, and let your feelings out instead
And don't be shy, just let your feeling roll on by
On by

You know love is better than a song
Love is where all of us belong
So don't be shy just let your feelings roll on by
Don't wear fear or nobody will know you're there
You're there

Don't be shy just let your feelings roll on by
Don't wear fear or nobody will know you're there
Just lift your head, and let your feelings out instead
And don't be shy, just let your feeling roll on by
On by, on by, on by, on by, etc.

I hope this little contribution of mine will be of some help, if even a tiny bit!

I love all of you guys, you are such amazing people, capable of SUCH deep emotions that being in your presence ( even if not physically ) gives me a great sense of pride and honour 

Oh very young....

...Heath, I swear!
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #71 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:05 PM »
Good morning, All.  Like everyone else here, I've been struggling to process my feelings during the last ten days, and am still uncertain how to proceed.  Everyone deals with tragedy in individual ways, and my way has always been intensely private, and, at my age, I don't think that's going to change now.  But during my silences, I have found occasional bits of verse or prose that offer some measure of comfort, although I'm not always sure why.

At any rate, I came across this poem in one of my dilapidated, well-used books of Sara Teasdale's work, and found it gave me a bit of solace in an indirect sort of way. so I thought I'd share it here.

There Will Be Stars

by Sara Teasdale

There will be stars over the place forever;
Though the house we loved and the street we loved are lost,
Every time the earth circles her orbit
On the night the autumn equinox is crossed,
Two stars we knew, poised on the peak of midnight
Will reach their zenith; stillness will be deep;
There will be stars over the place forever;
There will be stars forever, while we sleep.

Hope it offers some comfort for all of you as well.

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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #72 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:06 PM »
Here's another poem, this time by William Butler Yeats.  I read it at the funeral service for my dearest friend a few years ago.  I know he would approve of its being read for Heath:

He Reaches for the Cloths of Heaven

Had I the heaven's embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,

I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

William Butler Yeats

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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #73 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:06 PM »
My new Heath candle, the last one burnt down yesterday. There will always be a candle at this place from now on, and when I move, it'll get a good place again.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #74 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:06 PM »
I remember this pic on display at the art gallery - by Karen Catt
and would like to post it in remembrance of Heath.

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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #75 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:07 PM »
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.

Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,

So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.

He threshes you to make you naked.

He sifts you to free you from your husks.

And ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

Some of you say, "Joy is greater than sorrow," and others say, "Nay, sorrow is the greater."

But I say unto you, they are inseparable.

from: the Prophet
Kahlil Gibran

Idea of Beauty

Shy, he stepped off into the cornfield. I could see
his back muscles under the damp shirt quiver and go slack.
Turning again to face the shade, he smiled at me, not
squinted, smiled, and finished tugging shut his fly.
Now, when the cornstalks in the night wind slide
like fire, I see him. He steps closer in my dream.
I don't know, where he sleeps, if sleep refreshes him,
but here it works me like hot metal over a flame.

MELEAGROS, 3rd century B.C.E.
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #76 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:07 PM »


A beautiful song written by Jean-Jaques Goldman in 1985 for a close friend who had died ten years earlier. It is in French and sung "at dirge slowness". A beautiful video done with it two years ago by Cybella as Ennis remembers Jack. It can now be easily seen as us remembering Heath.

The French:

Je voulais simplement te dire
Que ton visage et ton sourire
Resteront près de moi, sur mon chemin

Te dire que c'était pour de vrai
Tout c'qu'on s'est dit, tout c'qu'on a fait
Qu'c'était pas pour de faux, que c'était bien

Faut surtout jamais regretter
Même si ça fait mal, c'est gagné
Tous ces moments, tous ces mêmes matins

J'vais pas te dire qu'faut pas pleurer
Y'a vraiment pas d'quoi s'en priver
Et tout c'qu'on n'a pas loupé, le valait bien

Peut-être on se retrouvera
Peut-être que peut-être pas
Mais sache qu'ici bas, je suis là

ça restera comme une lumière
Qui m'tiendra chaud dans mes hivers
Un petit feu de toi qui s'éteint pas

A (possibly poor) translation for those of us who are linguistically challenged, corrections welcomed:

I wanted simply to say to you,
that your face and your smile,
will remain by me, on my way.

To tell you that it was truth,
All that was said, all that was done,
that it was not false, that it was good.

Above all, never regret,
Even if it hurt, it was gain,
For all the moments, of all the same mornings.

I don't want to tell you not to cry,
truly, we don't want to turn our backs on anything,
everything we didn't miss out on was  well worth it.

Perhaps we'll see each other again,
maybe, maybe not,
but know that I am here.

There will remain like a light,
that will keep me warm in my winters,
a little fire of you which will not go out.

Watch the very moving video at:

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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #77 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:08 PM »
It's Another You Day ... Written by Julia Fordham & Gary Clark

It's another you day
It's another you day
There you are
At the bus stop by the car
You're the music on my radio
And I can't turn you down

You're the driver on the ghost train
That's pulling me around
You are the traffic
You are everywhere
It's another you day
It's another you day
There you are

By the bandstand in the park
You're the star in every picture
And I'm so unrehearsed
I see you in the mirror
I see myself reversed
You are a vision
You are everywhere

It's another you day
It's another you day

There you are
In my bedroom in the dark
I still think about you
All the time
You're always on my mind
That's okay
It's just another you day

It's another you day
It's another you day

There you are
At the bus stop by the car
It's another you day
It's another you day

There you are
By the bandstand in the park
There you are
In my bedroom in the dark
It's another you day

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #78 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:08 PM »


For a glance: the world;
For a smile: the heavens;
For a kiss...I don't know
What I'd give for a kiss!

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #79 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:08 PM »

Few words I have written last year, and dedicaced to Heath and Lancecowboy2007

Chaque nuit mes yeux te cherchent dans le noir.
Ils ne te trouvent pas puisque tu n'es plus là. Le reflet de la lune donne à ce qui m'entoure une atmosphère irréelle. Ils me semblent si lointains ces jours où tu dormais à mes côtés, si lumineux, et pourtant leur éclat s'est estompé avec ton absence.
Doucement mes yeux se ferment sur ces jours anciens, et comme par magie mon esprit glisse vers toi.
Et puis, quelque part, ailleurs dans le souvenir, je sens à nouveau ton amour transfigurer mon âme, je sais qu'à mon réveil je serais comblé puisque cette nuit, il m'aura encore semblé que tu étais là, juste pour moi.

Each night my eyes look for you in the dark.
They don't found your face, cause you're not there. The glint of the moon shows all around me an unreal moment. They seems so far those days when you sleep next to me, so radian, and yet their brightness have stop to fade in your absence.
Slowly my eyes closeto this ancient days, and as if by magic my spirit moves to you.
And then, somewhere, elsewhere into memories, I feel again your love transforme my soul by happyness, and I know when I wake up I'll be fill with joy because this night seemed to me you was there, juste for me.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault

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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #80 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:09 PM »
You guys are all amazing. I've been reading through as much as I can (been having computer problems the last couple days) and all the tributes, song lyrics, poems -- everything is so beautiful that I can't stop the tears.

ksxks, rosie and no reins -- thank you all SO MUCH for listening to "Jack, I Swear" and for your wonderful comments. Those words from my heart have only one wish...and that is to touch others. I never thought I would be posting them anywhere under such circumstances.

I promised myself that after I had the demo recorded I was going to send a copy to Heath, as a thank you for bringing the part of Ennis to life so beautifully and sensitively -- and as a result, changing minds, hearts and lives. I kept procrastinating about looking into an address to send it to...and now I'll never have the chance again. But I have reached you guys and for that I will always be grateful.

No Reins -- I've never had any of my lyrics quoted before! You have no idea how much that warmed my heart.

ksxks -- you asked if I would post the lyrics here, so here you go...

"Jack, I Swear"

The subtle trace of breeze upon my face,
The sound of crackling embers as they fade,
The biting cold that rips my weakened heart,
The words catch in my throat, too long delayed.

I feel the breath of whispered words so near,
They comfort through the thin cold mountain the air.
That time of fear and longing intertwined…
Just for one sweet moment more - I swear.


When day is done I lie upon my bed,
Each lonely night, the same repeated prayer
To meet you once again in twilight sleep.
For just one single dream of you – I swear

To say I’d give my life is not enough,
This weathered weary heart’s not worth a dime.
The tragic truth will haunt me all my days,
I’ll bear the cross of blame that’s surely mine.

And as I slowly wake to morning rain,
I taste the tears still wet upon my face.
So desperate to reclaim my restless sleep,
Unwilling to release your sweet embrace.


But yes, the cold gray morning always finds me,
It knows not of my dreams and doesn’t care,
And so I rise to face the life I’ve chosen.
But oh, things would be different, Jack…I swear.
The world would be so different, I swear.

If any of you have a myspace, I would love to add you as a friend on mine.

Thanks for being here.

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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #81 on: Feb 01, 2008, 11:30 PM »
A Special Edition of the Newsletter was posted on January 27

Click on the banner below to read it.

« Last Edit: Feb 02, 2008, 12:41 AM by chameau »
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #82 on: Feb 02, 2008, 08:48 PM »
My pain is beginning to calm down a bit. I mean I don't burst into tears every time I see a picture of Heath or read an article about him. I can't watch his 'serious' movies; instead I have been able to watch Casanova smiling through tears.
What you  - each one of you - have written in this forum has been a great comfort to me! Because English is not my own language, I don't find the words I would like to say to express myself properly, and the other hand I'm a person with few words. So reading your posts have been very important to me, a channel through which I have found just the words and expressions I have needed.

I love you Brokies! We must take care of each others and ourselves to get through this. I think it will never be totally through, it remains to be a part of us eternally. Heath will live inside us forever.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #83 on: Feb 03, 2008, 07:26 PM »
Believe it or not, I quoted Heath's words 'cause I knew that it would be special for you, and, of course, it was so special for me. I saved more Heath's words long time ago, 'cause I wanted to quote them in some threads like "Was Ennis gay?". Now, I don't know...

I want to share with you and all brokies friends some Heath's words that remind me of some words you said about labels. He was so sweet and wiser saying this:

"A gay relationship is not a virus, it's not a disease, it's that a soul within a vessel falls in love with a soul within another vessel, in this case the form of a man. I don't think you can say it's not a gay relationship because that's exactly what it is, but it's more than that and I think you have to look past the label and realise love is love. It's universal."

"You cannot rationalise love. It's the force of nature that you cannot control, however much you might want to."

"But you only get wiser and stronger. You age on the road and you age in little chapters. Each chapter you’re aging with different people and you gather different things from them."

"I have to grow up fast to sit here and talk to you guys. But inside, I'm still six years old. And I hope I always will be."

Take care, friend. Love you. Think about you a lot.  :ghug:
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #84 on: Feb 04, 2008, 06:11 PM »
He Was a Friend Of Mine . . .

Many have recently written about the pain of now watching BBM. My pain isn’t now during the film, Heath does such a great job, to me it’s still ENNIS up there on the screen. The tough time comes later . . . during the credits.

When Wille begins singing He Was Friend of Mine . .  and then, right in sync with his words
“Everytime I think of him, I just can’t keep from crying” . .

H E A T H    L E D G E R

appears alone on the black screen. It’s just too much.

The remaining lyrics of the song seem so incredibly poignant now, I will never, ever, hear that song without thinking now not of Jack, but Heath.

He was a friend of mine
He was a friend of mine
Every time I think of him
I just can't keep from cryin'

'Cause he was a friend of mine

He died on the road
He died on the road
Just keeped on movin’
Never reaped what he could sow
And he was a friend of mine

I stole away and cried
I stole away and cried
Never had too much money
Never been quite satisfied
And he was a friend of mine

He never done no wrong
He never done no wrong

A thousand miles from home
And he never harmed no one
And he was a friend of mine

He was a friend of mine
He was a friend of mine
Every time I hear his name Lord
I just can't keep from cryin'
'Cause he was a friend of mine.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #85 on: Feb 06, 2008, 08:24 PM »

Thank God. The report is in, you made a simple human mistake.

Your body (which magically served you so well) is at rest, at home, in your beloved Australia.

Your spirit is now truly free to fly forever in your work and in the minds of men everywhere.

(Thanks again Cham for this very beautiful photo)

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #86 on: Feb 06, 2008, 08:26 PM »
I see there's a lot of new stuff here...I've glanced quickly, but I'm unable to read, honest, I don't wanna know too much.

However, I've been reading the tribute compilation thread, thanks Chameau for gathering all that beauty, and everyone for your inputs. I much rather tributes than information right now. My grain of sand...excuse my mistakes.

Little boy lost
twinkling trembling star,
trying to skip black holes,
you have orbited too far...
Some say: did he just get blind?
I've been following your trail,
of your gloomy gleaming smile,
it has led me to the shore
now I wonder where you are...
Some say you have just drowned
Lovelorn early bird
flapped his wounded wings,
flew too soon, too high,
couldn't get into the swing
Some say you just nose dived
No matter how high they scream
that you've hurled yourself to void,
that you've vanished into nothingness,
that you're under cold damp soil...
You are breeze that passes brushing,
crashing waves that softly rock,
a sun ray when sky is smiling…
You’re the thorn that grazed my heart.

*Thanks for the pic Chameau, it's haunting, couldn't help borrow it

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #87 on: Mar 14, 2008, 06:07 PM »
I don't know about other people but I certainly believe death is just crossing on another "side". Like a two way mirror.
We can't see them, but they can see us. I am not surprised Ang Lee talks about Heath in the present tense.

When I saw his latest music clips I understood, he was fascinated by dimensions.
White/black, light/dark, liquid/solid... I really want to see Drake's clip... it must be fascinating, as much as I could make off of what they showed, he not only covered the line between life and death but he captured Drake’s struggle between living and dying.

The prim plan of his somber face on a Merry-go-round (could see the person’s mind already gone) vs. the spinning (twister) background (life still goes on weather you’re here or not). Heath and Drake’s minds were too fast for the pace the world was going for them.   

As the newscaster said the clip was “disturbing”… which at this point I really don’t care for their opinion. The clip must be a work of art.

These are the clips Heath directed… (thanks to Caroline for posting them on LJ)

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #88 on: Apr 13, 2008, 07:56 PM »

I have something to share with you,
Today I looked up my calendar for some appointment  and I saw the day 22 of January was marked in red, it's the holiday of : Tu Bishvat. I was to devastated to notice it before ...
Tu Bishvat is a Jewish holiday, that marks the "New Year of the Trees"  Customs include planting trees and eating dried fruits and nuts. In Israel, the flowering of the almond tree, which grows wild around the country, coincides with Tu Bishvat.
 I find it very significant as we usually plant trees on this day(over a million Israelis now take part in the  tree-planting activities organized every year on Tu Bishvat., mostly children from schools do it this days)
 I was thinking, new planted tree....many of them on that particular day, it made me feel a little better...
I for one like to think that one of those was for our boy, Heath.

La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
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Re: Compilation of Tributes to Heath Ledger
« Reply #89 on: Apr 13, 2008, 07:56 PM »

Finally had the dream that I knew would be coming for 2 1/2 weeks now. The Heath dream. It started off sad. I was in a random hallway crying, about him I am sure when he walks out of a door like nothing ever happened. He noticed I was crying, came over and asked what was wrong. I didn't say anything at first, but eventually I pointed at him and said "You." He looked a little different, shorter/lighter hair kind of how he looked in early 2006.

Then I asked him if I could touch his hair. I always loved his hair so I'm sure that's why that came up in the dream. He let me, he smiled and then I asked him "Will you please give me strength?" he nodded, said yes, and then I answered back with something like "I'm trying really hard but I might need help sometimes." After that he said he had to go so he got up and started to leave, gave me a wave and I said "Goodbye, Heath." Then he was gone.

I woke up immediately and wasn't sure if I wanted to cry or smile so I just stared at the ceiling for little bit replaying it in my head.
La dictature c'est ''ferme ta geule'', la démocratie c'est ''cause toujours''
 Jean-Louis Barrault