Hello Brokies...
I'm sorry I haven't really been able to post since Thursday or if I did, very short post. I had school today, even though the whole rest of the week we were off for regents [they're these big test that only NY and CA have to take

]. Anyway, I've been busy but I have some new information to share with you all..
I have said in a previous post that me and my friends are getting tomorrow for what I call a 'Remembrance'..not a party or memorial service like one my friend joked about earlier today (she's not coming). I'm glad to say that 2 more people have joined the group for tomorrows get together. At drama today, me and my friend Ellen were discussing tomorrow's plans and how tragic Heath's death was, when two of my other drama friends came in and started to talk about how they adored him and were absolutely shocked when they heard about his sudden death. When I asked if they would like to come they were overjoyed, though one of them is still unsure if she is coming because she might be babysitting as well as another friend who is working. I won't know for sure of the final number of people will be there tomorrow. We have all decided to watch 3 movies - Lords of Dogstown [which many have not seen b4 including myself], 10 things I hate about you, and Brokeback, which many are excited about because all seemed to have never been able to watch the whole movie because of their perennials. Besides the movie, we will take many pictures to show all of you so you can be with us to in our 'Remembrance' get together and I have asked many to write 2morrow, a letter to Heath about what he has meant to them and if possible, with an adult at hand, next weekend me and my friend Lin, maybe another friend if possible, will place all of these letters, near his SoHo apartment. *Though I have heard that they have blocked the apartment, please if anyone knows this news, tell me*
Skipping subjects, sorry for my sudden ramble but for some reason, I have realized, that I'm disgusted by the media, not official newspapers but paparazzi news. And also, I am not just saying about all the comments they're making on Heath's death but also, because I have been watching the news a lot more, how many accusations they come with, with any celebrity and how most of them, are very false. I feel sympathetic now for many stars, who have been tauted by the media. Especially to Michelle, Matilda, and Heath's family, may all of them be safe and just be about to bring their baby back home, not to be harassed by a reporter just looking for a new story.
I have noticed some changes in how I feel about his death. I am still sad, I will admit and I wish he was back here with us but he's with god in a better place. But lately I've been able to smile and think of all of the good he has done and how many will be impacted from him and how he WILL be a legend, even after his death. I feel that he has moved into my heart, were I will still love him as miss him deeply but also, as made me able to enjoy and respect all that has happened. He influenced me so much and I'm so thankful for that. Heath Ledger, you will always be with me, in my heart and soul, you will stay..