It sounds like the reviewer actually had the DVD, because they describe it in detail.
Ang Lee said in an interview that there will be no Deleted Scenes, because he deleted them for a reason, they don't add to the film. That's also why this isn't titled the "Director's Cut" because Ang said the movie is the Director's Cut, it is how he wanted it to be. So I think the lack of deleted scenes are because Ang Lee didn't want them on it.
I will buy the movie for two reasons...
1.) I want those postcards
2.) To support the movie, and perhaps, hopeflly one day a version with the deleted scenes.
Carby, I would whip out the petition now, then wait until the 23rd, and if there are in fact no deleted scenes (Which I believe there won't be) send it to them.
I also think if we really want to get the deleted scenes, a petition is a nice visable way to show online that the fans want the deleted scenes, but most of the time online campaigns don't work all that well. If the fans really want to grab their attention they need to start an offline campaign as well. They can do this by sending in loads of letters. Send in something related to the film, like Postcards, because online campains can be ignored. Most e-mails are filtered out by S.P.A.M. programs, but snail mail is not. And you need to think big, like Miracle on 34th St big. If they get enough of a demand they will respond.