I’m feeling quite sad today.
In my office men are totally homophobic, and they always laugh at BBM. I’m mad most of times….Other times I just try to ignore them.
Tomorrow we’ll be able to see TDK here in Spain. FINALLY!!! And everyone is just talking about it. My boss is totally excited, and the rest of my co workers too.
They thought that Heath was so bad acting at BBM and they have not even seen the film…..But now they are saying that they have seen TDK trailers and a lot of stuff, and read reviews and things, and they think that Heath is gonna be awesome, that he’s gonna be the best Joker ever, that he deserves the Oscar….And this things they were saying gave me wings, and I started to talk an awful lot about Heath these last days, about his acting and about how great he was.
But today we were talking about him, and my boss said that it was such stupid thing that he died so young because of his crazy things…..I got sooooo mad just in a second, and I went ballistic because I was not going to admit again that shit about him being a junkie. I started to say that it was all a terrible accident, but they started to laugh and said “accident my ass, he was a junkie, he took like 20 pills and…”, and I just didn’t let them to end!! I was like what? 20 pills? What the f***? And I started to explain what it was what truly happened. They listened to me all quiet (I couldn’t believe it) and then when I finished my boss said: “anyway, Tammy, it doesn’t mind if it was 4 or 20 pills, or if he was a junkie or not. He was totally crazy”. It was like a punch in my guts. I was breathless and before I remembered how to speak again, all my co workers started to agree with my boss, saying that he was so right, Heath was totally crazy and it was very obvious….
I tried to calm myself….tried to not sound hard, to be patient and I said I didn’t agree, I said he was a genius, and I asked why they all were so sure that Heath was crazy…and then, breath and sit down please friends, they said Heath was crazy because he was Australian, and all Australian people are crazy, especially the actors….
They went on and on, and I was so stunned that I left without saying anything else. I never thought that my boss and co workers were so ignorant, close minded, and again ignorant and ignorant and and and…
Crazy because you born in Australia? That’s totally stupid!!

So now in my office all those people I spend 11 hours with everyday are gonna say to me several days a week (like always) that Heath was not only a junkie but he was crazy too.
Great. I’m feeling so down now. I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to stay in the same room with all those blind people. They are crazy, not Heath.
This hurts so bad. I can't even start to tell you how I was feeling all evening at work. I bet they think I’m crazy too.